Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 231 Angel’s Shura Field

Chapter 231 Angel’s Shura Field
Although the box office expectations for "Angel" were not high, in fact, due to the large number of gunfights and explosion scenes in the film, the investment expectations for the film were all the way up. Together, the cost even reached about 1000 to two million.

And this is because the film was produced by Ying Yang and many actors were not hired at high prices.

Looking at the bill of investment costs, Zhang Yang sighed. Obviously, with the local box office in Hong Kong Island, there is no possibility for this film to recover its original cost. Even if the film unexpectedly doubles the original box office, it will be useless. I really want to To make a profit, we can only hope that the overseas box office and video sales will help the company make a good return in the future.

After intensive crew formation and filming negotiations, the film was finally selected to officially start production on January 86, 1.

Although there was less than half a month left before the Spring Festival, the crew members all seemed very motivated. Affected by this atmosphere, Wu Yusen, who was originally very relaxed, also felt unknowingly. Suddenly he became a little more serious.

Inside the newly renovated Deyang Cinema Studio.

After the crew completed the start-up ceremony, the props team began to cooperate with Wu Yusen to set up the first scene. After Zhang Yang exchanged his photography experience with Liu Weiqiang, he also walked into the dressing room and started. Put on makeup and get ready for the next shoot.

As soon as he stepped into the dressing room, Zhang Yang noticed that the atmosphere in the dressing room seemed a bit strange.

It wasn't until he was led to the chair by the makeup artist that Zhang Yang realized what was wrong.

Glancing at both sides.

Zhang Manyu and Li Saifeng, who were being pinned down on the chair by the makeup artist, seemed to be fighting in the distance with their eyes. Zhang Yang was sitting right in the center where their eyes met. The sparks between their eyes were... Zhang Yang couldn't help but sweat slightly.

I was just thinking about the movie, but ended up forgetting about it!

Zhang Yang is not a fool, and he is naturally aware of Li Saifeng's show of kindness to him.

However, at the beginning, he had an ambiguous relationship with Miao Kexiu, and later Zhang Manyu appeared. In order to prevent the meeting from being awkward, Zhang Yang never accepted Li Saifeng's overtures and only regarded her as an employee. treat.

But looking at the current posture, it was obvious that Li Saifeng regarded Zhang Manyu as his opponent and was holding back his encouragement. Zhang Manyu, on the other hand, naturally regarded Li Saifeng as a threat and responded without any sign of weakness.

Shura field.

An absolute Shura field...

Zhang Yang coughed and was hesitating on how to speak to break the deadlock. Suddenly, the dressing room door curtain opened and Rovero stepped in.

However, after entering the dressing room, she did not return to her seat directly. Instead, she stood behind Zhang Yang's chair and said to Zhang Yang with a smile on her face through the dressing mirror: "Hey, I really didn't expect that you would actually It’s Zhang Yang!”

He could no longer stand the publicity in the atmosphere of the Shura field, and immediately regarded the appearance of Rovero as a savior. While secretly breathing a sigh of relief in his heart, he quickly replied: "At least you should understand now why I was so disrespectful to you at that time. You must be surprised to know me. This time, in order to repay your bet, you have to show a professional attitude. I paid the salary."

"Of course, don't worry. Before I came, Mr. Hong Jinbao told me that you are not only the best action movie actor in Hong Kong, but also the most powerful fighting master in Hong Kong. He told me that I must work hard with you if I have the opportunity. You learn two moves.”

"As long as you want to learn, of course it's no problem."

Zhang Yang chatted with Luo Fuluo in English, which Man Yu, who grew up in the UK, understood, but Li Saifeng became a little anxious.

In particular, Zhang Manyu frowned slightly when he saw Zhang Yang and Luo Fuluo chatting happily. Zhang Manyu, who understood the conversation, frowned slightly, while Li Saifeng, who did not understand the conversation, became even more anxious.In the end, Li Saifeng took the lead and couldn't help but raise his leg and lightly step on Zhang Yang's feet.

Zhang Yang was startled, but before he could recover, he opened his mouth to ask Li Saifeng, and Zhang Manyu added another step without showing any signs of weakness.


No matter how good Zhang Yang is, he can't compete with a stunt like stepping on his toes.

Although the injury is not serious, this thing really hurts!
Looking at Zhang Yang's suffering expression and taking a peek at Zhang Yang's dilemma, Rovero, as if he was deliberately trying to muddy the water, gently leaned into Zhang Yang's ear and whispered.

"Women's jealousy is very strong. This must not be a good feeling, Mr. Scumbag."

After saying that, she left with a slight smile, while the flames in the eyes of Zhang Manyu and Li Saifeng burned even more fiercely, and the stamping of their feet became harder and harder, making Zhang Yang grin...


After this ordeal, Zhang Yang breathed a long sigh of relief after the makeup was finished and Zhang Yang walked out of the dressing room.

Looking at Wu Yusen who had completed the set and was waiting for everyone to audition, Zhang Yang felt like he had seen a savior.

And Wu Yusen seemed to know what happened to Zhang Yang through Zhang Yang's frowning expression. He covered his mouth and smiled, and then took the initiative to rescue Zhang Yang and called Zhang Manyu and Li Saifeng to start the audition.

Fortunately, although the two of them secretly competed with each other in private, they both knew that Zhang Yang was a person who was very serious about his work. In order not to leave a bad impression on Zhang Yang, they did not hold back when working. On the contrary, they As if secretly competing to see who can act better, he kept showing off his acting skills.

Since the overall tone of "Angel Act" is more action-oriented, Li Saifeng's role naturally focuses more on Zhang Manyu, which also made Li Saifeng, who kept showing off his skills on the set, even more proud.

However, Zhang Manyu is a strong person. Li Saifeng's proud performance not only failed to make her feel wronged, but also aroused her fighting spirit and desire to act. Even when the first day of filming was over, she did not bother her Zhang Yang, on the other hand, studied the script carefully.

Her involution also gave Li Saifeng a fighting spirit. Zhang Manyu studied the lines of the script, and she studied the action and fighting scenes. They complemented each other, and there was a bit of healthy competition.

As for Zhang Yang, seeing the two of them working so hard, he didn't dare to favor either of them for a moment.

He could only look at the two of them with a wry smile, secretly praying that the two of them would get involved until the end and not vent their anger on him.


As Zhang Yang endured the Shura field every day on the crew of "Angel Act", time also came to February 86, 2. With only the last few days left before the Spring Festival, the filming was completed early. "The Raid 5" has finally been put on the big screen of Deyang Cinema.

The cinema hall of Deyang Cinema was once again overcrowded.

(End of this chapter)

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