Chapter 270 Missing
"Where's Mr. Zhang? Mr. Zhang! Mr. Zhang!"

The next day, ten o'clock in the morning.

Zhang Yang was sitting in the office of Yingyang Entertainment, checking the theater chain's accounts, when the door to the office was pushed open.

Wu Yusen raised his head with a look of panic on his face. He didn't even bother to wipe the sweat from his head and stumbled in.

"What happened, Old Wu?"

Seeing his panic, Zhang Yang was startled and quickly stood up and asked.

After Wu Yusen saw Zhang Yang, he subconsciously let out a sigh of relief and finally felt relieved.

"Fortunately you are here, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do..."

"Don't be impatient, speak slowly."

Zhang Yang pushed the tea cup forward on the table, but Wu Yusen didn't care about drinking tea, and just said quickly: "Since leaving work yesterday, Afa has been nowhere to be found, and no one answered his phone. He didn’t come to take pictures this morning, he… disappeared.”


Upon hearing these two words, Zhang Yang suddenly raised his eyebrows and became alert.

Then he hurriedly asked: "Are you sure? His family members can't be contacted either?"

"I know that no one who knows him can get in touch. I made a lot of calls on the set in the morning. I also called our company to ask, but you were not there at the time."

"Okay, I know what happened. In this case, you go to the police and go through the procedures normally, and I will figure out the rest."

"Oh yes, call the police, I'll go right away..."

After Wu Yusen finished speaking, he turned around and ran out of the office. Obviously, he was extremely concerned about Fa Ge's disappearance.

This is normal. Now Fa Ge is filming with his crew, and now the silent person suddenly disappears. What's going on?Not to mention that because of "A Better Tomorrow", he and Fa Ge have become friends for a long time. Even if they don't care about personal gains and losses, it is reasonable to worry about their good brothers.

After Wu Yusen left the office, Zhang Yang picked up the phone on the table.

When Zhang Yang was provoked by Chen Fei last time, he couldn't help but ask Chen Huimin and his people to help him, but this time it was different.

The person was missing, so Zhang Yang went to find Chen Huimin not to shake him into a fight, but to get some information from him.

No matter what, ensuring personnel safety is the most important thing.

Soon, the call was connected, and Zhang Yang told Chen Huimin about the matter without covering up.

Chen Huimin was also unambiguous. After agreeing, she told Zhang Yang not to worry and to wait for his news with peace of mind.


The whole morning, Zhang Yang stayed by the phone, not daring to move a step. He also called the employees in the company to eat, and went to the tea restaurant downstairs to order some food, for fear of missing the call and delaying the search for someone. .

During this period, Wu Yusen also called back from the police station, but what he basically meant was that the police had too few clues and could only do the same as him, starting with people who knew Fa Ge and calling them one by one. The progress was complete. Not fast.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang did not pin all his hopes on the police. Huangtian paid off and it was not until five o'clock in the afternoon that Chen Huimin finally called back.

"Yang Zai, I have found out the whereabouts of Ah Fa."

"How are you? Nothing happened?"

"There's nothing wrong with me. You can rest assured, but..."

"But no matter what, Brother Min, just say it."

Chen Huimin breathed out a heavy breath and said in a deep voice: "The person who picked up Ah Fa is a small character. Seeing that the film industry is easy to make money, they got evil ideas and sent people directly to intimidate Ah Fa to make a movie. Now listen to them I mean, Ah Fa has already signed a schedule contract, and he can only film for them this month. I can't help but I can't help it. The contract is written in black and white, but it's not impossible." "What can I do?"

"They did this just to make money, and I understood what they meant, so I asked them about their quotation. They wanted to pay 300 million, and the contract they forced Ah Fa to sign was completely one and two pieces. "

This money is not much for Zhang Yang, and he can accept it in order to save people.

But Zhang Yang felt it was inappropriate to pay the money honestly like this.

After all, if something like this happens the first time, there is no guarantee that it will happen again. This time he obediently paid the money, but what about next time?
Will the same group of people have some evil intentions next time and ask him for 300 million, 400 million or even tens of millions again?
You need to let Zhang Yang come back safely, but you can't just give him this money so cheaply.

Do you want to ask Chen Huimin for help?

Zhang Yang pondered for a moment, but ultimately did not move on this idea.

It could be said that he was too suspicious and guarded, or that he was prepared for a rainy day.

This kind of thing is a common practice of social groups. If he can't handle it properly this time, what if Chen Huimin joins forces with outsiders to do something with him in the future?

You must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others...

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Yang spoke softly: "Brother Min, please ask A Jian to pick me up. By the way, tell A Jian the place. I will ask someone to accompany me and A Jian there. As for those people, you ask them to wait. Collect money.”

Chen Huimin was startled at first, and then suddenly laughed.

"Okay, I know what you mean, I'll call Ajian over right now."


Two hours later, Ajian drove to the building of Yingyang Entertainment Company.

The doorman used the internal phone to notify Zhang Yang, who carried a large box downstairs and threw his car keys to A Jian.

As Ajian stepped on the accelerator, the red Porsche engine roared and he rode away.

"Ajian, don't go straight over there. Go to the boxing gym first. When you get there, honk the horn for me twice."


Although Ajian still didn't understand Zhang Yang's intention, he obeyed Zhang Yang's instructions honestly. He first drove the car to the door of the boxing gym, honked the car's horn, and then turned out of the street, preparing to leave Tsim Sha Tsui.

And just as the Porsche drove out of the alley where the boxing gym was located, two vans fell far behind the flamboyant Porsche.

A Jian glanced through the rearview mirror, and Zhang Yang whispered: "Ignore them, just pretend you didn't see them."


Ajian nodded, withdrew his gaze, and started driving the car with concentration.

Following the highway, the car drove all the way to Tuen Mun and finally stopped in front of a three-story teahouse.

Here is the transaction location given by the other party in advance.

The van that followed him had stopped at the last intersection and had no intention of approaching.

A Jian got out of the car and took the initiative to open the door for Zhang Yang. Zhang Yang carried the box and walked into the teahouse without hesitation.

Pushing open the door of the teahouse, Fa Ge sat on the chair in the center. Next to him, there was a middle-aged man with a toothpick in his mouth and his hair shaved into a buzz cut.

Apart from the two of them, there were nearly a dozen other bad guys who were looking at Zhang Yang up and down with unkind eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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