Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 284 Li Xiaolong in the New Era

Chapter 284 Li Xiaolong in the New Era

"In the film just now, we saw a lot of extremely novel fighting scenes. The innovations in these action scenes are enough to make people all over the world feel refreshed. Just now I heard Mr. Bowen's introduction that Mr. Zhang seems to be running a business in Hong Kong Island. A large-scale fighting league, I wonder if these novel moves in the film have anything to do with your fighting company and events?"

In the end, it was all due to previous professional preparation and communication.

After Samantha took the stage, she just said a few simple words and brought the topic to the main point.

The answer to Zhang Yang's pair is naturally extremely obvious.

"Yes, I can think of these actions in the film, and they are indeed closely related to the fighting league I run. Everyone who loves action movies should have heard of Mr. Li Xiaolong's name and his Kung Fu philosophy, and the league I created , it is the event established based on Mr. Li Xiaolong’s philosophy that I named Mixed Martial Arts.”

“Mixed martial arts, as the name suggests, is an event that combines all fighting styles in the world. We adhere to the principle of using only the fewest rules and restrictions, and the most inclusive and diverse concepts to welcome all the masters from around the world. In our league Climb to the top and create a fighting competition event that truly belongs to the limits of the human body."

“About mixed martial arts and its related leagues, I have a lot of things that you have never seen before, and I want to show them to you, but I am limited by time and words and cannot express them comprehensively. Therefore, I came to the United States this time, in addition to bringing you In addition to "John Wick" designed with the help of mixed martial arts action, it also brings you a real mixed martial arts event!"

"I believe you may have seen a lot of publicity about this event recently. Yes, this event is the upcoming King of Fighters competition. We are holding four competitions across the United States in San Francisco, Denver, Chicago, and New York. Districts, separate audition events were held, and twelve top players from all over the United States were carefully selected.”

"In the main event in a few days, these twelve masters, plus the four top fighters I brought from the local mixed martial arts league in Hong Kong, will compete in the world's largest arena in the Los Angeles Arena. The top collision will compete to determine the true King of Fighters of this era, and I will also be there to personally offer a bonus of two million US dollars to this King of Fighters champion!"

"If you are interested in this, you can buy tickets at any time, and I will welcome everyone on site."

After Zhang Yang's speech, the audience immediately responded with warm applause.

Although not everyone here is interested in fighting events, at least the fighting league described by Zhang Yang can indeed arouse everyone's curiosity. They are not professional fighters. In their opinion, if the event is really like As diverse and inclusive as Zhang Yang described, the person who can stand out from this competition is indeed worthy of the title of King of Fighting.

And after determining the value of this title, no one will not be curious about how far the world's top strong man, a human being, can achieve by relying only on his own physical fighting ability. Even if it is just for this reason, It’s enough to make many people buy tickets to watch the game live with good intentions in mind.

Next, after Zhang Yang answered questions from several people at the scene, the interview session at the screening ceremony ended.

At the end of the show, Zhang Yang was inevitably blocked by some fans and asked for autographs. Zhang Yang was already used to this. After signing his name on the clothes, notebooks and other strange things they handed over, Just as Bowen exited.

Arriving at the lounge on the second floor of the theater, not long after the two sat down, Samantha, who wanted to leave separately from the two of them, also came to the lounge. As soon as she entered the door, she showed a big smile and faced the two of them. He spoke slightly excitedly.

"As expected, no one can resist Wick's charm. Mr. Bowen and Mr. Zhang, it seems that we can open the champagne in advance this time to celebrate. I will truthfully report the grand occasion today to my boss. This league will Become a feast.”

In response to Samantha's excitement and excitement, Bowen looked normal.

After all, how the competition was held had little to do with him. Compared with the King of Fighters competition, he cared more about another sentence Zhang Yang said in the interview just now. What I said about co-production in the United States in the future.

While Samantha was still immersed in her own excitement, Bowen coughed slightly, turned his head, and asked Zhang Yang in a low voice: "This time "John Wick" seems to be very successful. , I believe this is enough to prove your potential, Mr. Zhang. I wonder what your next plan is? Maybe you can come to Hollywood, which will definitely have a place for you."

Zhang Yang is not a fool. He couldn't hear Bowen's voiceover.

He smiled and said: "I am indeed very interested in Hollywood, but if you have read my information, it should be clear that I have created many films in Hong Kong and South Asia and formed my own shooting style, so I don't He must be able to withstand most Hollywood hiring requirements, and if it were a more open-ended offer of collaboration, then I don’t think I would say no.”

"An outstanding person like Mr. Zhang really deserves a contract that suits your performance. I believe there will be this opportunity."

Bowen also smiled at the hint of a Yang response.

Naturally, he was not qualified. He made a leapfrog promise and directly promised to give Zhang Yang a more tolerant cooperation contract, but this did not delay his ability to make a judgment and report what happened in the lounge at this moment to Warner's senior management.

Judging from the excellent test screening and screening feedback of "John Wick", it will definitely be an extremely popular film. Since Zhang Yang has the ability to create a film of this level, Warner even transfers part of the production Even though he has the leading rights to the film, he will never give up such an opportunity to make big money.

Pick up the cup and touch it lightly.

The three people in the room had their own thoughts, but the smiles on their faces never retreated.


CBS moved faster than Zhang Yang imagined.

Just the day after the screening ceremony, CBS used their radio, television and other channels to show everything that happened at yesterday's screening ceremony, and also conducted a wave of word-of-mouth promotion for "John Wick" .

Warner immediately reciprocated this. In interviews with newspapers and TV stations, it announced in a high profile that it would become a sponsor of this King of Fighters competition, and expressed a strong interest in the King of Fighters competition to its own executives.

The two-pronged efforts of a media giant and a film industry giant suddenly made the name Zhang Yang a hot topic in Los Angeles in the blink of an eye. All those who claim to be at the forefront of the times, seem to have completely forgotten this name. Out of date.

And everyone's evaluation of Zhang Yang is surprisingly consistent, that is, the new era... Li Xiaolong!

(End of this chapter)

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