Chapter 331 A Strong City

Seeing Zhang Yang's resolute attitude, Steven hesitated and finally nodded with difficulty.

"No problem, I will tell the higher-ups your opinion, but whether it will be passed in the end depends on what the higher-ups want."

"it is good."

Without any unnecessary nonsense, Zhang Yang nodded directly in agreement.

Steven was not confident about this matter, but Zhang Yang could conclude that Warner's executives would never reject his request.

The reason is naturally very simple, that is, Warner simply cannot reject him.

The "John Wick" series has been filmed twice, and each one was a box office hit. Zhao Weike's character has now become a household name in the United States, and everyone has high hopes for the third installment in the series. expectations.

Not to mention that the copyright of this movie series is still firmly held by Zhang Yang. Even if Warner wants to copy a movie in this style, it will be difficult for them to find a suitable replacement character, and even if they find that person, At this stage, that person must be a movie star from Hong Kong Island like Zhang Yang.

Very helpless and very realistic.

At this stage, the dragon and tiger martial arts masters and martial arts stars in Hong Kong films are the best in the entire film industry.

As long as it's something related to action movies, without them, these people in Hollywood wouldn't be able to do anything at all.

By the time Hollywood action scenes began to increase in batches, it was already time for Cheng Long to break into Hollywood and Yuan Heping to lead his Yuan family to the United States to work hard.

At the moment, tying all the action stars in Hollywood together may not be enough for Lu Huiguang, who is currently popular for "The Fighter", and Zou Zhaolong, who is popular for "The Ultimate Fighter", let alone Cheng Long, Jet Li and Zhang Yang. The people on the top of the tower.

With such a good first-mover advantage, Zhang Yang will not let the martial arts masters from Hong Kong gradually become a resource controlled and exploited by Hollywood after joining Hollywood, as in the past, without any dominance.

In "John Wick 3", the reason why Zhang Yang deliberately mentioned that he must invite movie stars from Hong Kong Island to join him was naturally not only to save money, but more importantly, to use himself as a springboard to attract more movie stars. Hong Kong action stars can form a tight-knit group in Hollywood.

You can't poke someone with one finger, but if you make it into a fist, even if you can't beat it to death, you can still make people dizzy for a while.

To say that Hollywood studios are fully informed is a bit of a fantasy, but if it is to form a Chinese group to build a bridge between Hong Kong movies and Hollywood movies, Zhang Yang not only has this ambition, but it is also very big.


In the next few days, Zhang Yang was watching the follow-up response from FPL while waiting for a reply from Warner.

Sure enough, not long after, Steven sent back the news that Warner had agreed to Zhang Yang's request.

Zhang Yang, who got Warner's nod, saw that FPL was gaining momentum, so he did not continue to stay in the United States. Instead, he took a plane and returned directly to Hong Kong Island.

However, after two days of rest after returning to Hong Kong Island, Zhang Yang did not rush to Yingyang Entertainment to form a crew as soon as possible. Instead, he turned around and went straight to Jiahe Company.

And when He Guanchang, who was sitting in Jiahe at this time, received the news of Zhang Yang's sudden visit, he was almost shocked from ear to ear.

What is this kid doing here?

At this time, He Guanchang's little head was filled with doubts.

Although he didn't know it in his heart, people were already here. Even if He Guanzhang didn't expect it, there was no reason to ignore them at this time.

Can't hide. He Guanshang sighed helplessly, and called the front desk on the phone: "Ask him to come up."

After hanging up the phone, ten minutes later, there was a knock on the office door.

After shouting "come in", the door of the office was pushed open and Zhang Yang walked in swaggeringly.

After taking a look at the surrounding environment, Zhang Yang sat down on the sofa without waiting for He Guanzhang to ask.

"It's been about three years since I left Jiahe, and this office still hasn't changed much."

Seeing Zhang Yang calm and composed, looking like he was using Jiahe's office as a public living room, He Guanchang felt very angry in his heart. He was so angry that he was so angry now. He was no longer what he used to be. It was no exaggeration to say that the former That Jiahe Mazai has now become Jiahe's number one life and death enemy.

He couldn't figure out why Zhang Yang came here, couldn't tell what his intentions were, and He Guanchang didn't dare to start a fight rashly.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, He Guanchang took a deep breath and said: "Zhang Yang, you all know that you have left Jiahe for three years. What do you want to do when you suddenly come here today? I can tell you clearly that the door of Jiahe is now , you are not welcome."

"Wow, how can you be so heartless?"

Zhang Yang sneered, and seeing He Guanchang's expression getting even uglier, he simply stopped talking in circles.

He sat up straight, smiled and said to He Guanzhang: "Chenglong's red zone is selling well in North America, right?"

Just one sentence immediately set off alarm bells in He Guanchang's heart.

He narrowed his eyes and said softly: "Why, do you have a sense of crisis? Ha, that's not it. Yes, the performance of the Red Zone in the North American market is indeed very good, but your John Wick series is not a sales Is it better that you still care about our Jiahe?"

Seeing He Guanchang's unabashed hostility, Zhang Yang smiled.

"Look at you, you don't understand it at all."

"What do you know?" He Guanchang raised his eyebrows.

"If everyone were in this three-acre land on Hong Kong Island, you would fight for it. In order to eat more, I would be happy to engage in some healthy competition. But now the situation is completely different. In the North American market, you Jiahe family , can’t eat it, and I can’t eat it at all, and our opponents are much stronger than our two families.”

Hearing what Zhang Yang said, He Guanzhang immediately felt something different.

He narrowed his eyes and asked curiously: "Zhang Yang, what do you want?"

"What I want to do is very simple. The North American ticket warehouse is a blue ocean for us, but this ocean has its owner. Whether it is you Jiahe or our Yingyang Entertainment, if you want to get in and get a piece of the pie, you will inevitably have to be controlled by others. "

"To put it bluntly, in the United States, Cheng Long's movies can sell well, and my movies can also sell well, but in the end, it is the foreign ghosts who play the leading roles in large numbers, who want to get a share of the pie there in the long run. If we work alone, we have no chance. Only if we work together and seize what they don't have can we build our strong city in the film industry on the other side of the ocean."

When He Guanchang heard this, he couldn't understand what Zhang Yang meant.

He hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Zhang Yang, we haven't seen you for so long, how about I host tonight and I'll ask Wen Huai to come over with us, so we can all sit together and have a good meal?"

"Okay." Zhang Yang smiled and said, "Someone invites you to dinner, why don't you eat?"

(End of this chapter)

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