Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 37 The Competition Begins

Chapter 37 The Competition Begins

"A practical kung fu superstar is making waves again. Can mixed martial arts be the ultimate answer in the ring?"

"Wow, you are indeed a Ming Pao reporter. You are really capable. This headline is really powerful."

Two days later, Tiger Boxing Gym.

Chen Yijie held up the Mingpao newspaper that was just released this morning and was speechless as he read the reports on it.

"Oh? The interview is released? Let me see."

Zhang Yang curiously approached the counter, took the newspaper from Chen Yijie's hand, and glanced at the contents.

Ming Pao's reporters are really good.

Although due to layout constraints, the female reporter had to delete a lot of the interview content when compiling the report, in fact, all the core content that Zhang Yang wanted to express was retained, especially those controversial words about the fighting circle. , and even wrote everything Zhang Yang said on the page intact.

Obviously, this reporter also knew what kind of controversy Zhang Yang's words would cause.

Only by publishing all of Zhang Yang's words in the newspaper can Zhang Yang be able to withstand this kind of controversy.

Although this approach seems to be Ming Pao's tricks, it is the effect that Zhang Yang wants to achieve.

There is no other reason.

The reason why Zhang Yang wants to be controversial is to focus everyone's attention on him.

And when people who are good, bad, or questioning focus on him, they will naturally see the battle that Zhang Yang and Jiang Fude agreed to at the end of the interview.

Curious why Zhang Yang pointed out the rules of other fighting circles?

Curious if Zhang Yang has any real skills?

Curious what his proposed mixed martial arts would look like?

All the answers were given by Zhang Yang in the Hong Kong Island Stadium in Tuen Mun on the weekend.

Controversy, hype gimmicks, this is his forte.

But it took a lot of effort, if it was just hyping up a boxing match, it would be a bit of a big deal.

Taking advantage of the heat caused by this incident, Zhang Yang didn't expect a boxing match between him and Jiang Fude, that's all.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yang returned the newspaper to Chen Yijie, walked to the phone at the counter, and dialed the number.


On the other end of the phone, Chen Huimin's steady voice sounded.

Zhang Yang smiled and said: "Brother Min, have you read today's Mingpao? I haven't had time to read it yet. So, Brother Min, if you haven't made up your mind yet whether to increase your investment, why not buy a copy first?" Read it in Mingpao, we should have a chat when the time comes."

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yang stretched his waist, turned around and returned to the sandbag, and continued training.

He has prepared a lot for Sunday's boxing match, so just winning this match is not enough for Zhang Yang. He not only wants to win, but also wants to win beautifully and cleanly!


In the next few days, Zhang Yang's interview in Ming Pao caused a stir in Hong Kong Island.

Thanks to the good performance of "Black Fist" during the Spring Festival, as well as the news of violent fights against corporate members reported in the past two days.

Nowadays, among the citizens of Hong Kong Island, especially among those who like kung fu fighting, the name Zhang Yang is already somewhat well-known. Now that this interview has been published in Ming Pao, the controversy over other martial arts and the related mixed martial arts The brand-new concept immediately set off an uproar among these citizens.

In just three days, the phone number of the Hong Kong Island Gymnasium was ringing. A large number of kung fu fans, fans of fighting and fighting circles and practitioners all came to book tickets for the weekend boxing match, let alone these ordinary citizens. Just like Wu Ma, Hong Jinbao and other celebrities in the film and television circle who know how to make publicity, if they have time, they have booked tickets for the boxing match one after another.

According to Jiang Fude's statistics afterwards, more than 6000 offline tickets were sold for this first mixed martial arts showdown between him and Zhang Yang, and the indoor boxing gym's attendance rate reached an astonishing 63.7%.

It can be said that this match has become the hottest fighting match since the last martial arts showdown!
The time has finally come to the weekend.

Bo Zai, who had been discharged from the hospital, drove Zhang Yang and others to the gymnasium himself.

At this time, outside the boxing gym, a large number of spectators waiting for the ticket check had already formed a long queue.

Looking at this fiery scene, not to mention Chen Yijie, even Zhou Billy, who always had a straight face, felt nervous.

But as soon as the nervous thoughts arose, Chen Huimin couldn't help but raise her head and look at Zhang Yang who was walking at the front.

As a person in charge of the accompanying escort, after seeing such a big battle, my heart couldn't help beating wildly. I really don't know what Zhang Yang will be thinking about when he is about to play...

Following the staff guarding the side door, Zhang Yang entered the venue. After Zhang Yang changed his clothes, he sat on the bench in the locker room and waited quietly, while Zhou Billy and Chen Yijie were helping him rub his shoulders and thighs. , help him adjust his condition as much as possible.

Perhaps because he was about to play, Zhang Yang spoke very little and seemed calmer than before.

He lowered his head, looked at the split-finger glove he had just made, clenched his fists and then loosened them, and spoke softly at the same time.

"Are the banners ready?"

Bo Zai, who was standing at the door of the locker room looking out, hurriedly replied: "According to your arrangement, it was hung up last night."

"Well, that's fine."

Zhang Yang remained silent again, but this time, Bo Zai couldn't help but ask a question.

"Yangzi, aren't you nervous? Your opponent today is not easy to deal with..."

"Nervous, with so many people staring at him, how could he not be nervous?"

Zhang Yang muttered the word nervous, but his expression was extremely calm.

Even at the end, when Zhang Yang raised his head, there was still a smile on his face.

"But Bo Zai, I'm more excited now than nervous."


Bo Tsai clicked his tongue and was about to speak again when the host's voice came in through the loudspeaker.

"Next, tonight's boxing match officially begins. Let's invite today's protagonist, the star of the "Black Boxing" movie, and the person who proposed the concept of mixed martial arts, Zhang Yang, Mr. Zhang!!"

"It's time to go on stage."

While the others were still stunned, Zhang Yang suddenly stood up, took long strides, and walked towards the ring.

It wasn't until Zhang Yang was almost at the door that Bo Zai and the others came to their senses and hurriedly followed.


The lights in the entire venue were turned off, and only a spotlight fell on Zhang Yang.

There were more than 6000 pairs of eyes at the scene, looking at them from all directions.

Bo Zai deliberately hid in a place where the spotlight could not shine, and fell far away. Chen Yijie took deep breaths, trying to calm his pounding heart. Only Zhou Billy, who had experienced many boxing matches, could still manage it. Remaining attentive, he raised his eyes to look at Zhang Yang at the front, wanting to pay attention to Zhang Yang's situation.

But when Zhang Yang slowly raised his arms in the face of the spotlight, and let out a deafening roar, and the scene cheered and screamed along with his roar, Zhou Bili finally saw it clearly.

In Zhang Yang's eyes, he couldn't feel any nervousness at all, only excitement!
(End of this chapter)

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