Chapter 44 Chief Instructor

Kick the hall?

This unfamiliar yet somewhat familiar word made Zhang Yang couldn't help but laugh.

When he was interviewed by Ming Pao and talked about the advantages and disadvantages after the boxing match, Zhang Yang had already realized that people in the fighting circle would definitely not give up so easily, but even he did not expect that revenge would come So fast, so urgent.

"Do you want to kick the club? It's easy to talk, let's come in and chat."

Zhang Yang led Bo Zai and boldly passed through the hall among the boxers blocking the door.

After re-entering the boxing gym, Zhang Yang looked around first.

Fortunately, these people seem to have just arrived, and the boxing gym has not been damaged, and Chen Yijie, Zhou Bili, Dalong and others are all in good condition. It seems that they were just arguing fiercely, and did not really start fighting Come.

Feeling a little relieved, Zhang Yang turned his head and looked at the kickers who were still blocking the door.

"What are you waiting for? It's not about kicking the gym, come in first."

Under Zhang Yang's active invitation, the fighters looked at each other and walked into the boxing gym one after another.

Two groups of people stood opposite each other.

Zhang Yang looked around at these tall and burly men, and spoke slowly.

"Let's talk first. If you come to my gym, you have to follow my rules and the rules of mixed martial arts. Who among you will go first?"

The boxers who came to the gym looked at each other, and soon, someone in the crowd stepped forward.

Zhang Yang took a look at the strong man sent by the opponent, but did not leave the field in person. Instead, he pointed at Dalong.

"Give you a chance to try your hand."

"Got it!"

Although Dalong and others arrived late, they have now been training under Zhang Yang for more than four months.

In addition, they were originally bad guys with rich experience in actual combat, but they lacked systematic guidance and forced regular physical fitness and endurance training. Now that they have been reinforced for the past four months, the only thing that is still lacking may be real hands-on training. It's time to fight.

So when facing the challenger, not only did Dalong not panic at all, on the contrary, he was gearing up and was extremely excited.

As Dalong stood in the middle of the field, he raised his fist, and the person opposite also raised his arms high.

There is no need to explain in detail, but looking at this traditional high position, Zhang Yang recognized that the opponent was a Muay Thai practitioner.

"3, 2, 1...start!"

Following the order from Chen Yijie, who acted as the temporary referee, Dalong, who was eager to verify his strength, took the lead in rushing towards the Muay Thai fighter. Being sent out to kick the gym, the level of this Muay Thai fighter was naturally not bad.

At the same time when he realized that Dalong was attacking, he swung his elbows sideways forward, obviously intending to use an elbow knife to meet him.

How terrifying the force of the elbow is, Zhang Yang had already demonstrated it to Dalong and the others many times in the previous class, especially when he recognized the opponent as a Muay Thai fighter, how could Dalong not be on guard.

When the elbow knife came towards him, Dalong pushed forward with one palm with his left hand, suppressing the opponent's elbow knife. His right hand clenched into a fist, and suddenly hit the Muay Thai boxer's chest first and then back. !
Jeet Kune Do, block hand counterattack!

With a hit in the chest, the muay thai fighter took two steps back. Just as he stood firm, Dalong had already pushed forward again, spreading his arms, trying to wrap his arms around the opponent's front legs.

But what Dalong didn't expect was that when faced with the sudden dive and throw, the Muay Thai fighter didn't panic at all. When his front leg was violently lifted, he had already used one leg to jump and quickly moved to Dalong's Turning sideways, he pushed the dragon's head hard with both arms at the same time, and quickly broke away from the dragon's embrace.

This kid must have practiced wrestling!

Dalong was still a little confused, but Zhang Yang immediately noticed the clues.

Perhaps because he was afraid of his own wrestling, this group of muay thai fighters really came prepared, and even chose a muay thai fighter with wrestling experience to fight on stage. You know, as Zhang Yang mentioned earlier, wrestling is in muay thai. That doesn't add any points at all, it can only be used as a means of assisting offense.

Like the current one, countermeasures can be thought of in a hurry. Those with such a deep wrestling foundation are probably mostly because they can't find a way out in their own industry, so they simply change careers halfway.

Wrestling competition depends first on strength and second on experience.

Although Dalong has been in actual combat many times, his experience in wrestling is only Zhang Yang's four months of training. Even if he is slightly stronger than his opponent, he may not be able to take any advantage, so Zhang Yang shouted directly.

"You don't need to wrestle with him, just use long strokes and strike farther than you fight!"

With the reminder from coach Zhang Yang, Dalong suppressed the astonishment in his heart, and immediately raised his posture slightly, and his steps began to have a light and dynamic feeling. Although this feeling is not as strong as that brought by Zhang Yang, it can be Enough to bluff.

Whip the leg, sweep the leg, jab and test, low sweep and heavy blow.

Relying on flexible steps, Dalong followed Zhang Yang's instructions and began to frequently test and harass him, and this strategy of using long-term strikes and long-distance strikes immediately made the other party feel uncomfortable.

A wrestler who became a monk halfway and switched to Muay Thai. In terms of close combat, if he follows the rules of mixed martial arts, he is definitely the top match of this era. But the problem is that just being top-notch in one aspect is not enough in the field of mixed martial arts.

Under Dalong's successive kicks, the Muay Thai fighter has been unable to take advantage. His thighs have begun to swell due to Dalong's whip kicks, causing his movement to become slower. The slower he moves, the harder it is to deal with The way Dalong Youdou plays, the less chance he has.

It's already a dead end.

Chen Zhiming, who deliberately concealed his whereabouts in the hands of a group of Muay Thai fighters, frowned.

In order to save the reputation of Muay Thai, his master presided over the meeting, made a plan, and handed it over to him for execution.

The master had studied the video content of the match between Zhang Yang and Jiang Fude in detail, and specifically told Chen Zhiming to ask this junior who had specialized in wrestling to go on stage first. However, he did not expect that, let alone facing Zhang Yang, he would even beat Zhang Yang's disciple. but……

What kind of bullshit mixed martial arts is this, is it so invulnerable?

Chen Zhiming couldn't swallow this breath, let alone believe in this evil!

After watching his junior brother who was the first to appear exhausted and knocked down by his opponent, Chen Zhiming raised two fingers behind his back.

This was the secret code he and the fake leader had agreed upon in advance.

If the game does not go well, then according to the second set of plans, Chen Zhiming will be ready to go to the battle to experience it himself.

Chen Zhiming...

If this name is simply mentioned, it may not have much impact, after all, he can only be regarded as a younger brother at this time.

But if he waits for another five years, Chen Zhiming's nickname will be enough to shock the entire world!

That's right, this student who is currently studying under Su Long will be the "Hong Kong Island Knee King" who will become famous in Hong Kong and Kowloon in the future.

As for Su Long himself, besides being the president of the Yamato Fighting Club, he also has a small part-time job...

Xin Yi'an, the head coach of martial arts!
(End of this chapter)

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