Chapter 46 Two Directors
The next day, early in the morning.

Yesterday's sudden challenge did not have much impact on Tiger Boxing Gym.

If he had to say it, it might just be that Dalong had an extra thing to brag about with his companions.

On the other hand, Bo Zai, because he was afraid of the boxing gym, which would prevent Zhang Yang from making a lot of money from making movies, he privately suggested that he should send people to guard the boxing gym, or simply follow the traces of those people yesterday. Their bottoms, give them a little pounding.

However, his proposal was quickly rejected by Zhang Yang.

Although there are at least eight of the ten martial arts gyms in Hong Kong Island that are related to the club, even Zhang Yang is hardly an exception because of Chen Huimin's relationship, but he still only hopes that a tiger skin as an umbrella is enough , rather than getting involved too deeply.

Seeing this, Bo Zai couldn't persuade him any more, he just continued to follow Chen Huimin's instructions, kept on time every day, and continued to look for Zhang Yang in the boxing gym in the early morning, helping him continue to work on planning the film.

But this morning, just as Bo Zai entered the boxing gym, he found that the boxing gym was more lively than before.

In addition to the unbeatable trio, Dalong and others, there are actually three new faces in the boxing gym.

Among the three people, two of them were known to Bo Zai, namely brother Qian Jia, who was still young, and beside these two people stood a slightly cautious young man, similar in age to Zhang Yang, both in their early twenties. .

"Yang Zi, who is he?"

Hearing Bozai's curious inquiry, Zhang Yang introduced with a smile: "His name is Chen Jiashang. He was previously a special effects and post editor at Shaw Brothers. As for this time, he will serve as half of the director of our film."


Bozai scratched his head, couldn't help but looked Chen Jiashang up and down again, then reached out and gently grabbed Zhang Yang's sleeve.

"Hey, is this guy reliable or not? Boss, you said he was doing special effects and post-production. You asked him to be the director?"

"I know he is inexperienced now, so I just said it's half."

"What about the other half?"

Bozai hugged his shoulders and examined Zhang Yang in front of him.

"Don't say that the other half is you. I know that "Jing Wu Heroes" is very important to you, but Brother Min paid a lot of money for this film. If you are a bad boy and insist on it, the two of you have never been in it. The director is here to direct, I will definitely advise Brother Min not to continue to vote for this film, don't blame me, I'm doing this for your own good, otherwise you will definitely follow suit when the film is made to hit the street!"

"Hey, you're treating me like a crazy person. You don't need to tell me, I already know that I'm not suitable to be a director now."

Perhaps because of his many years of fighting experience, Zhang Yang knows exactly how big the gap is between laymen and experts.

Therefore, it is deep in his heart that he specializes in the art industry. Therefore, even if he also has the dream of directing his own movie, he will never have the slightest evil intention to touch the director's chair before he has studied it in depth.

Even Chen Jiashang, the original director of "Fist of Heroes", Zhang Yang only dared to let him serve as half of the director due to his experience, and the main work was still focused on on-site special effects and post-editing.

Seeing that Zhang Yang still had some AC in his heart, Bo Zai breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, he couldn't bear to ask curiously: "Then who is the other half of the director you mentioned?"

"You'll know when you see Brother Min, let's go, take me to the company first."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he asked Zhou Billy to help him receive a few people, then turned around, grabbed Bo Zai, and went straight to Eagle Film Company.


After waiting in the company's manager's office for a while, Chen Huimin arrived late at noon.

After all, their main business is the Jianghu society.

Naturally, it is difficult for him to focus all his energy on the film company like a full-time filmmaker.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang didn't care about this. Instead, after Chen Huimin sat down, he took the initiative to hand over the script he had written.

As mentioned before, the script of Jingwu Heroes does not need to be modified. The only adjustment is that because Qian Xiaohao is young, Huo Tingen is changed from the original senior brother of Jingwu Sect to Jingwu Sect. The protagonist Chen Zhen became a senior brother who went overseas after studying for a few years.

After reading the script, Chen Huimin nodded in satisfaction.

Although Zhang Yang also told the outline of the story during the early preparations, this did not affect the brilliance of the complete script in the slightest.

Putting the script down on the table, Chen Huimin asked: "How is the situation between the actors and the director going?"

"The actor for Huo Ting'en was found. He was Qian Xiaohao, who used to be the leading actor in Shaw Brothers. I also recruited half of the director, his name is Chen Jiashang. He used to do special effects and post-production in Shaw Brothers. I found out that he wanted to be a director. Let him have the opportunity to put his name as director on this film and provide opinions, so that with him here, the quality of the film's post-editing can be guaranteed."

What Zhang Yang said was not revealing. After listening to it, Chen Huimin not only didn't think there was anything wrong, but even gave Zhang Yang a thumbs up.

"You're smart enough to spend a penny and ask someone to work twice, but what do you mean by half a director?"

"Chen Jiashang has never been a director after all, and I have a suitable candidate in my mind, but I don't know how familiar Jiahe Na, Brother Min, can I take him over."

Hearing this, Chen Huimin couldn't help but laugh.

"Just talk, I can still talk to Jiahe, as long as it's not Jackie Chan and Hong Jinbao, it should be fine."

"There is no need for these two big guys. The person I want to borrow is named Wu Yusen."

"Wu Yusen? I seem to have heard of this name. Please wait until I ask."

Chen Huimin memorized her name and was about to pick up the phone, but Zhang Yang stopped her again.

"What the hell are you doing again?"

Zhang Yang smiled a little embarrassedly: "There is another person, I'm not sure if he is still in Golden Harvest, his name is Yasaki Soda, he is from Dongying, if he is still in Golden Harvest, it should be just right for him to play Fumio Funakoshi in the film."

"Okay, I understand."

After Chen Huimin finished speaking, she picked up the phone and dialed his number in Jiahe.


At the same time, on the set of "Modern Master".

Wu Yusen was looking at the ceiling of the studio, dazed.

Ever since the box office failed in 81, Golden Harvest's top management has issued a notice to Wu Yusen, only allowing him to make comedy movies in the future.

That's why "Modern Master" was directed by him and starred by Xu Guanying.

Of course, when it comes to directing, Xu Guanying's status in Golden Harvest is so high. He is in comedy films, and he has his own unique views. Director Wu Yusen is not so much directing movies as he is only in charge of the scene alone. Executive Director of Scheduling.

So at this moment, even if he is completely finished, he doesn't feel any expectation or excitement in his heart.

Maybe it's time to leave?

Recalling that a few years ago, he enthusiastically helped New Art City to film his entrepreneurial film "Funny Times" and was affectionately persuaded by everyone in New Art City to stay, but because he was reluctant to part with Golden Harvest and recommended Tsui Hark, he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

I don’t know if those people will accept me if I propose that I want to go to New Art City again.

Just when Wu Yusen was a little confused, the staff on the set suddenly ran over and yelled.

"Brother Sen, the boss has something to ask you for, and it seems that he has a new job for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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