Chapter 54
Facts have proved that Zhang Yang's worries are somewhat redundant.

Although Cangtian Yaozhao is really looking forward to the competition with Zhang Yang, he is still a martial artist who has been working hard for many years. He can still understand what is light and what is heavy.

Except for the first set of moves, he deliberately wanted to show off, which caused Zhang Yang to fight back and made a mistake. In the follow-up practice and real shooting, although flaws and mistakes are still inevitable, they are obviously unintentional. Pass.

It took nearly five full hours, including reshoots and close-up shots, before the fight scene was finally completed.

Wu Yusen behind the monitor looked up at the sky.

At this time, the sky had just darkened, and it was obviously not suitable for filming the scene where Huo Ting'en taught boxing skills, so he simply asked the venue management to prepare dinner and let everyone take a rest to prepare for the filming later in the evening.

After Li Saifeng got the lunch box, she originally wanted to go and have dinner with Zhang Yang, and discuss the night scene scene later.

But looking back, there was no shadow of Zhang Yang on the set, but only Qian Jiale, a half-grown child, was left in the seat where he was sitting, holding three lunch boxes, at a loss.

Li Saifeng curiously approached Qian Jiale and asked, "Where is Zhang Yang?"

"Brother Yang told me to look at his and Uncle Cangtian's box lunch, and then the two of them went over there."

Qian Jiale raised his hand and pointed to a wood not far from the set.

Why are two grown men running into the woods in the middle of filming?
Li Saifeng couldn't hold back his curiosity, so he simply handed over the boxed lunch in his hand to Qian Jiale, and asked him to look at it for him for a while, then walked towards the forest in the direction of Qian Jiale's finger.

Coming to the edge of the woods, following the gap between the trees, Li Saifeng saw Zhang Yang and Cangtian Baozhao standing opposite each other, each sitting and warming up. This familiar scene reminded her of the scene before the two played. Foreshadowing, it seems, is the same.

But isn't the filming of this scene over?
What are they two doing?

Li Saifeng hid behind the tree, held her breath and concentrated, all kinds of strange plots were involuntarily staged in her head.

Of course, what Li Saifeng thinks, the two people who are confronting each other at the moment don't know about it, and they don't care about it.

Zhang Yang just yelled at Cang Tian Yasuaki after warming up in a regular manner.

"Let's talk about it in advance. Don't slap me in the face. We have a scene to shoot tonight."

Although he was confident that he could block Yasaki Cangtian's attack, Zhang Yang still reminded him cautiously.

Yasuaki Cangtian also knew that he couldn't delay the business, so he simply nodded.


Zhang Yang took a deep breath and set up his arms.


As soon as Shizi finished speaking, Zhang Yang quickly rushed forward and stabbed Cangda Yasuaki's chest with his front hand.

Yasaki Cangtian couldn't help but be taken aback by such a swift and fierce start-up speed.

When he used the moves earlier, he thought that Zhang Yang's speed was already exaggerated enough, but he didn't expect that in the real fight at this moment, without the advance prediction of the moves, the sense of oppression in the attack has gone up to another level.

Not daring to be careless, Yasaki Cangtian held his breath and slapped down with his front hand, trying to block Zhang Yang's jab.

But just as he raised his hand halfway, before he touched the back of Zhang Yang's hand, he withdrew his feigned jab, followed by a straight punch from his back hand, and with a ferocious aura, he directly punched Cang Tian Baozhao's shoulder. raised arms!

The heavy punch was thrown out brazenly, Cang Tian Yasuaki's whole forearm was hit, and he couldn't help but feel slightly numb.

If this hits the face, you don't need to think about it, it will definitely not feel good!
Although the speed is not as exaggerated as Mr. Li, is the use of strength and feints better?

Cangtian Yaozhao was making judgments in his mind, but he didn't dare to pause for a moment in the movements of his hands.

The numb forehand dropped slightly to protect the liver area, Yasaki Cangtian raised his leg and kicked forward, sweeping towards Zhang Yang.

This kind of forward kick is a unique kicking method of karate. If you raise the angle, you will go towards the opponent's head. If the angle is lowered, the target of the attack can become the opponent's chest and abdomen, because you must always keep your knees before kicking. curled up, so the concealment is excellent!
But this concealment also depends on who it is targeted at.

If you are someone who doesn't understand karate, you will most likely get hit by it when you first encounter it. But for a veteran like Zhang Yang, he is already familiar with how to break the front kick.

Press down with the front hand to block the kicking route in advance, and at the same time kick out with the right leg, running towards the knee of Yasuaki Cangtian's supporting leg.

One cut, one blow, attack at the same time, this is Li Xiaolong's most signature style of play, Jeet Kune Do!
In the woods, the confrontation between Zhang Yang and Yasuaki Cangtian was in full swing.

Behind the tree, Li Saifeng's eyes widened, and he was mesmerized watching the fist and foot clash between the two.

Although Li Saifeng had heard rumors about Zhang Yang when he came to film "Jing Wu Heroes" before, but the rumors are rumors after all, they are far more powerful than seeing them with their own eyes.

Especially Zhang Yang, his offense and movements are not much different from what he showed in the fight scenes. Although the actual combat is not as detailed as the deliberately choreographed fight scenes, both the strength and speed are obvious. Much stronger.

It's amazing...

It would be great if I could be as powerful as Zhang Yang.

However, Zhang Yang had already agreed to teach him how to practice boxing. If he practiced more with him, he would definitely be fine!
Just as Li Saifeng was cheering himself up in his heart, a curious voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

"Hey, what are you looking at? You don't even eat."

She turned around, only to realize that Wu Yusen and Chen Jiashang had arrived at Qiejin at some point.

Unable to bear Zhang Yang's fight with Cangtian Baozhao being interrupted, Li Saifeng hastily raised a finger and put it to his lips.


After signaling the two to be quiet, Li Saifeng pointed to the woods.

Chen Jiashang and Wu Yusen came forward curiously and looked in the direction of Li Saifeng's finger. Only then did they notice the fierce confrontation between Lin Zhongzhong Zhangyang and Cangtian Baozhao, and heard the "bang, bang" sound from the fist collision. Wu Yusen frowned.

"What are they doing? Isn't this nonsense! There are still scenes to be filmed later, what if you get hurt?"

While talking, Wu Yusen wanted to stand up and call the two of them to stop, but before he could make a move, Chen Jiashang beside him unexpectedly pulled him up abnormally, and then said in a low voice, "Director Wu, wait a minute. "

"What do you want to do again?"

Seeing that even his assistant director was messing around with him, Wu Yusen asked angrily.

"Director Wu, don't you think their real fighting is also very interesting?"

Chen Jiashang raised his head, only then did Wu Yusen realize that Chen Jiashang's eyes were shining brightly.

Resisting his patience, Wu Yusen frowned and said, "How good is this fight?"

Chen Jiashang was not in a hurry to speak, but just gestured his hands into a camera, aimed at Zhang Yang and Yasuaki Cangtian in the field, kept changing the angles, and muttered to himself at the same time.

"When I was filming before, I always felt that something was wrong. Now... I seem to understand!"

(End of this chapter)

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