Chapter 78

In [-], June [-]th.

As summer approaches, the weather in Hong Kong Island has become increasingly muggy.

Zhang Yang hid in the manager's office, resisting the heat wave and looking through the contract in his hand.

The content of the contract is naturally about the cast of "Mr. Zombie".

Qian Xiaohao, Li Saifeng, Chen Jiashang.

These three members of Yingyang Company's own team were easily dealt with. Among them, Qian Xiaohao was paid 15 yuan, Li Saifeng was paid 12 yuan, and Chen Jiashan, as half of the director of the film, was paid [-] yuan.

In addition to the three of them, the quotations of Lin Zhengying and Liu Guanwei, who were not yet famous at this time, were not high.

Especially Liu Guanwei, when he heard that Zhang Yang would let him take charge of the film's photography work, he would also give him the opportunity to be the director of the film. He even only offered the same 12 as Chen Jiashang.

This price tag is to invite Liu Guanwei alone to take charge of the photography work, which is probably the same amount.

Of course, cheap actors naturally have expensive actors.

And this noble person is naturally Xu Guanying among the Xu brothers.

The reason why his quotation is very expensive is not that he is deliberately playing big names to make things difficult.

It was because of his elder brother Xu Guanwen, who had already made him one of the leading actors with a box office of tens of millions.

Although he cannot compete with Xu Guanjie and Xu Guanwen in terms of fame and status, the trio, who are both Hui brothers and actors who have repeatedly set Hong Kong box office records, expect him to ask for a lower price. , it’s just a bit of a fool’s dream.

Fortunately, everyone was in the same boat as Golden Harvest, and Xu Guanwen had no plans to make a movie this year. Zhang Yang finally got him to sign the contract with the offer of 50 yuan in salary.

At this point, the core team of the film has been completely formed. As for other actors, such as Lou Nanguang, who plays the police chief, because he is filming another "Night Terror" at this time, he really can't hire them, so Zhang Yang can only leave it to Ying Yang The personnel department of the film industry asked them to communicate with Jiahe and ask them to find actors over there.

And just when Zhang Yang was putting all the signed contracts away into the safe, the phone on the table suddenly rang.

After closing the safe, he reached out to pick up the phone, and He Guanchang's voice rang out from the other end of the phone.

"Young boy, the list for the Jingwu Cup has come out. The prize money for the championship this time is very high. There are experts from all over the country. Don't take it lightly. Otherwise, it will not only be our Jiahe's face that we lose."

Perhaps because he was more concerned about the overseas release of "Fist of Heroes", He Guanshang did not express his dissatisfaction with the script of "Mr. Zombie" to Zhang Yang. Of course, even if he expressed it, Zhang Yang would not care too much. At this time, He was more interested in the master that He Guanshang mentioned.

"Oh? Are there any masters, Mr. He?"

"In this invitational tournament, apart from you and your subordinate Zhou Billi, a total of six overseas masters have been invited. There are only two people who are worth worrying about. One is the Kyokushin Karate master from Dongying, Kazuko Hasegawa, one is a master in the Muay Thai world, Sharma nicknamed 'Heart-piercing Leg'."

Kazuko Hasegawa and Sharma?

These are two out-and-out ruthless people.

As someone who loves fighting and is also engaged in the fighting industry, Zhang Yang is not familiar with these two names, but at least he has known them both. Hasegawa Kazuki, if he remembers correctly, later changed his name to Hasegawa Juqi and became He became the general representative of Kyokushin Ryu of the International Karate Federation.

He studied under the legendary master of karate, Oyama Beida. In the 70s, he won the championship of all Japan's wrestling championships. Together with Yamazaki and others, he was collectively known as the "Fourth King of Kyokushin" in the Japanese fighting world.

And if it is said that in 82, Kazuko Hasegawa, who was already 34 years old, had reached the end of his peak, then Sharma from the Muay Thai world was undoubtedly in full swing.

In just two years from 80 to 81, Sharma won four gold belts across four levels at Lumpini Boxing Stadium, including 105 pounds, 108 pounds, 115 pounds, and 126 pounds. With the appearance of a four-time champion, he became a Now a well-deserved Muay Thai king.

If it is said that the golden age of Muay Thai from the 80s to the beginning of the [-]th century, then Sharma, a boxer, is undoubtedly a bright Muay Thai superstar in this golden age!

OK, that's great.

Even though the game hasn't started yet, even if he hasn't seen these people standing in front of him with his own eyes, just hearing the names of these masters and recalling the illustrious reputation they have established makes Zhang Yang tremble with excitement!

When He Guanchong heard that Zhang Yang didn't reply for a long time, he thought that Zhang Yang was a little stage frightened, so he couldn't help but frowned, and subconsciously asked, "How about it, young boy, do you need me to help you? Move a little bit when drawing lots." Hands and feet..."

"Did you tamper with the lottery ceremony?"

Zhang Yang raised his eyebrows, but then smiled.

He licked his dry lips, his eyes flickered with excitement.

"Okay, if we really want to do something, I hope 8 will advance to 4 and we will beat Hasegawa, and 4 will advance to 2 and we will beat Shama!"

Zhang Yang's answer made He Guanchong startled.

With the momentum of this tiger descending from the mountain, I seemed to have underestimated this young boy before.

It's good not to be scared out of your wits, what I want is his aura!
"Understood, I will arrange it."


On the evening of June [-]th, a headline was written in huge characters on the home page of the Ming Pao Evening Edition.

"Masters from all over Asia are gathered together, and the first Jingwu Cup Invitational Tournament is about to begin!" 》

As soon as this news was announced in Ming Pao, it immediately became popular throughout Hong Kong!

Looking at the honors listed under Kazuyuki Hasegawa and Sharma on the newspaper page, the citizens of Hong Kong couldn't help but suck their teeth, especially Sharma, who was wearing four championship belts. It makes people tremble.

At the same time, Radio Channel TV City.

Zhou Xingxing, who had just gotten off work, was pushing his bicycle out of the company door. He looked up and saw several colleagues who had gone out before him, gathered around the newsstand, holding newspapers in their hands and having a heated discussion.

Curiously, they leaned over, and one of the colleagues recognized Xingzai and pulled him directly in front of him.

"Hey, Xing Zai has practiced boxing. If I can't explain it to you, ask Xing Zai to come and talk to you!"

"What's the matter, boss?"

Zhou Xingxing asked curiously, and his colleague immediately stuffed the newspaper into his hand.

"Look, Jiahe held the Jingwu Cup Invitational Tournament. They all said that this time it was to deliberately praise Zhang Yang. I'm sorry, they even invited Shama. If you ask me, it's more like deliberately destroying Zhang Yang's venue. Well, with a master like him, how could Zhang Yang win him!"

"But didn't Zhang Yang defeat Jiang Fude and Su Long? He also pioneered mixed martial arts. There is no reason why he can't win..."

"Bullshit mixed martial arts is nothing more than less rules and restrictions. Sharma is so powerful that he can take four belts across levels if there are rules and restrictions. Without restrictions, he is even stronger and has no opponent. Hey, Xingzi, you are the same They talk about who will win this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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