Hong Kong Entertainment: Kung Fu Superstar 1981

Chapter 85 is about to be released, a brief summary

Chapter 85 is about to be released, a brief summary
A brief summary of the readers' opinions and data.

There may be too many scenes related to the boxing match, too heavy.

The follow-up focus will still be on Hong Kong entertainment content as much as possible.

The plot arrangement of the main character ending the boxing match in person will be greatly reduced, and of course it will not be completely absent.

If you look at the entertainment category, there should still be requirements for driving skills. I have to study hard in this area, and I have to explore.

Then, after the release of the film, the description of the original film should also be simplified. After the release of "Jing Wu Heroes", there are more original content written. It is the first time to write entertainment genres, and this experience is lacking.

That's all I can think of for now.

A simple key point is to refine, that is, more entertainment content, car skills training, this aspect.

Then about the update issue after it is put on the shelves.

The two changes are guaranteed, and nothing can be changed. Adding changes depends on my state. If I am in good condition, I will add more changes.

(End of this chapter)

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