Chapter 13
Sun Qi faintly heard the sound of drums, woke up, glanced at the sky outside the window, and frowned slightly.

"Sun Lin!"

The door was pushed open, and a big man walked in, bowed and said, "Why is there a drum sound?"

"My lord Huiguo, my subordinates have sent people to inquire." Sun Lin said respectfully.

Sun Lin was the commander of Sun Qi's personal troops. As soon as he heard the sound of drums, he immediately alerted people and sent people to inquire about the news.

"Is there anything abnormal in the castle?" Sun Qi asked.

"Nothing unusual."

Sun Qi felt relieved when he heard that, since there was no abnormality, it should not be the enemy who came over.

I asked about the time, and learned that it was already a quarter of a hour, and I didn't feel sleepy anymore, so I got up directly.


Sun Lin picked up a cloak and put it on Sun Qi, and was about to go out when he heard the sound, but was stopped by Sun Qi.

"Let people just come in."

At this moment, the drumming stopped, and the shouts of training came from outside. Sun Qi had already roughly guessed it.


Sun Lin responded and said loudly: "Come in."

Soon a soldier came in, bowed and saluted, "I've seen the Duke!"

Sun Qi waved his hand and asked, "Tell me."

"Returning to the Duke, my little one went to inquire about it. Min Shanbao will beat drums for training every day. After the drums sound, you must gather at the school grounds within a cup of tea. Anyone who is late will be punished ten times with a stick," the soldier reported. reports.

"Gathering over a cup of tea?"

Sun Qi was a little surprised when he heard the words, and soon he thought of something, his expression changed, and he asked, "You mean daily?"

"Returning to the country, that's right." The soldier affirmed.

"Okay, you go down."

Sun Qi sent the soldiers away, his face was a little ugly, and he said: "Sun Lin, do you think Captain Yuan saw me here and did it on purpose?"

After an inspection yesterday and the new military training methods Yuan Wenshao mentioned, Sun Qi admired Yuan Wenshao very much.

But what happened now, he felt that Yuan Wenshao was putting on a show, so his senses were much lowered.

"Duke, the army trains every three days, and the subordinates also feel that Captain Yuan is deliberately expressing himself." Sun Lin thought for a while and said.

Generally, during non-wartime in the military, there is one training every three days.

The reason for this is that daily training consumes too much physical strength of the soldiers and requires a lot of food and grass.

The military system of many dynasties was to fight during wartime and farm during leisure time to reduce court expenses.

Because the dangerous passes in the north and northwest were lost, the Zhou Dynasty had to support a large number of troops in order to guard against the Liao Kingdom and Xixia.

The annual expenditures of these armies accounted for [-] to [-]% of the imperial court's income, and the imperial court was under great pressure.

Even the Forbidden Army in the western suburbs camp outside Bianjing City conducts training every three days.

The food and grass in Minshan Fort are rationed, and the soldiers can't hold on even if they train every day.

Sun Qi didn't care much about accepting generals and wanting to show himself, which is also human nature, but Yuan Wenshao's approach, in his opinion, is a very stupid approach.

"Hmph." Sun Qi snorted coldly, and said, "The tables are all set up, we can't help but take a look."

Sun Qi asked Sun Lin to inform Cheng Deyuan, and after washing up, he and Cheng Deyuan came to the school grounds.

Yuan Wenshao was on the stage watching the training of the soldiers below, and when he learned that Sun Qi was coming, he rushed over to meet him.

"My subordinates refer to Ding Guogong and Cheng Shoubei. I hope you will forgive me for disturbing the rest of the two."

Yuan Wenshao saw that Sun Qi's expression was not very good, and he thought it was because of the training that disturbed him to sleep, so he quickly apologized after the salute.

Sun Qi glanced at Yuan Wenshao lightly and said, "I heard that Captain Yuan asked his soldiers to train every day?"

"Duke Hui Ding, my subordinates feel that only by sweating more in normal times can we bleed less in wartime, and only by rigorous training can we become a strong army!" Yuan Wenshao said.

"Hmph!" Sun Qi snorted coldly, and said, "You are so eloquent, I was almost deceived by you. I ask you, how can the soldiers bear the physical training every day?"

When the ancients were physically exhausted, they could eat a few catties of grain a day. When they didn't consume much grain, they would naturally consume less grain.

Minshan Fort's food is allocated based on training once every three days. If training is done every day, the soldiers will not be exhausted without having enough to eat.

Yuan Wenshao was startled, and then he understood why Sun Qi looked like he was raising an army to accuse him, and quickly explained: "Dong Guo Ding misunderstood, the allocated food and grass alone is naturally not enough, but there are many mountains and forests outside Minshan Fort, and there are many prey. My subordinates send people into the mountains to hunt every day, and with the addition of food and grass, it is barely enough."

Yuan Wenshao was not stupid, so he naturally knew that the soldiers would not be able to bear the high-intensity training without eating enough.

And even if there is enough food and grass, without meat, the effect will not be great.

However, there are mountains and forests outside Minshan Fort, and wild animals were flooded in ancient times. Now in autumn and winter, the prey is fattening, and there is no shortage of meat.

Sun Qi was stunned and asked: "Is this really true?"

"How dare my subordinates to expire the Duke's term? The Duke doesn't believe it. Just check it and you will know." Yuan Wenshao said.

If thousands of people rely on hunting, it will definitely not work. He only has 200 people, and 50 of them are working as scouts outside.

A random wild boar weighs several hundred catties, and everyone can share a few catties.

"Cough cough cough~"

Sun Qi coughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment and praised: "Yes, it does not increase the burden on the court and allows the soldiers to train every day. I will give you a credit for this."

"Thank you, Duke Dingguo." Yuan Wenshao thanked him.

"Yesterday was a rehearsal, but today I want to see how you usually train." Sun Qi laughed.

Although the previous incident was a bit embarrassing, the city government still had the ability to achieve the position of commander-in-chief of an army, and Sun Qi quickly adjusted.

The training was very boring, but Sun Qi watched it with great interest and asked Yuan Wenshao from time to time.

The training didn't end until it was bright, and the soldiers began to eat.

When watching the training before, Sun Qi smelled the aroma of meat and basically believed Yuan Wenshao's words. However, when the soldiers were eating, he still went to see the food of the soldiers.

In the morning, each person got two flatbreads, a bowl of broth, and a lot of meat.

"Haha, none of the Yong'an Army under me has such food." Sun Qi said with a smile.

The Yong'an Army is the most elite soldiers in the Northwest, and the treatment is also the best.

They lost everything in the battle with Xixia more than 20 years ago, and their treatment now is not as good as before.

Even when the Yong'an Army was at its peak, it was impossible to have meat every day.

"The Liao Kingdom is a nomadic people, while the Xixia people are half-cultivating and half-grazing. Because they have been eating meat for a long time, the soldiers are stronger than the soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty. Unfortunately, I, the Zhou Dynasty, cannot supply a lot of meat. The reason why my subordinates can survive is because there are not many people. If There are tens of thousands of them, but they can’t hold on anymore,” Yuan Wenshao said.

Sun Qi sighed and said, "That's right, ever since the nomads occupied the city of the Han family and learned the skills of the Han family, they have become more and more difficult to deal with."

 I have already received news of the signing, and I plan to sign again tomorrow to give everyone time to invest.

  If you haven’t invested yet, hurry up. If you do, you can get rewards by signing up every day.

(End of this chapter)

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