Do you know: I am Yuan Wenshao

Chapter 28 Opportunity

Chapter 28 Opportunity
Yuan Wenshao took a look, and it said that many cities were attacked by Xixia, and the losses were not small. Many cities were asking for help from Dingzhou City.

Dingzhou city has sent some reinforcements to support, please hurry back to sit in town.

"Speaking of which, the surprise attack on Minshan Fort is not an exception. Xixia dispatched so many troops this time, it seems that the plot is not small." Yuan Wenshao said.

Sun Qi sneered: "The plot is certainly not small. What they want is Dingzhou City."

In previous years, when Western Xia came to raid the Zhou Dynasty, the maximum number of troops was only a thousand people. Once discovered, they would immediately retreat.

Not to mention the thousands of men dispatched this time, Xie Luo, the city guard general, led the troops.

Although it was clear that Minshan Fort could be breached, it was always shown mercy, as if it was not for the purpose of plundering at all.

"No way, Dingzhou City is an important city in the northwest. Xixia is currently internally unstable. They have the courage to plot Dingzhou City. They are not afraid of dying." Yuan Wenshao said in surprise.

Since Xixia broke away from the Great Zhou and became self-reliant, although the battle between the Great Zhou and Xixia has been losing more than winning and losing many cities, Dingzhou City has always been as stable as Mount Tai and has never changed hands.

Xixia also made up his mind about the state city, and it ended in failure every time.

"Why Xixia is so courageous, I can't figure it out for a while, but you may know something about the person you didn't arrest. Bring him here to test it out, and you will know." Sun Qi shook his head and said.

He could analyze that Xixia's goal this time was Dingzhou City because the cities Xixia attacked this time were all remote cities.

Combined with Xie Luo's abnormal behavior, it was determined that Xixia's goal was Dingzhou City.

As for why Xixia did this, he couldn't figure it out for a while.

Yuan Wenshao thought about it and asked someone to bring Nuershan over.

"My lord, Nuershan has concerns and is not particularly cooperative. He will let his subordinates deceive him." Yuan Wenshao said.

"Well, in addition to the general Xie Luo, the Xixia army that came this time also had three captains. One of them died in the rebel army when you robbed the camp, and the other named Zate would rather die than surrender. It has already been shot and killed by Cheng Deyuan's order, maybe it can be used one or two." Sun Qi said.

Yuan Wenshao said with a smile: "With this news, my subordinates are more confident."

Soon, Nuershan was brought over.

"Your Majesty!"

The two soldiers who escorted Nu'er Mountain to the front scolded.

Nuershan said coldly: "Kill me if you can, don't even think about humiliating me."

Yuan Wenshao waved his hand and told the two soldiers to retreat, and came to Nu'er Mountain. He smiled lightly and said, "You mean the city of Dingzhou, right?"

"How do you know?" Nuershan exclaimed, quickly reacted and said: "I don't know what you are talking about."

From Nuershan's exclamation, Yuan Wenshao was sure that Sun Qi's guess was correct, but the top priority was to figure out what Xixia's overall plan was.

"Don't hide it. If you don't tell it, someone will say it. I came to you just to confirm the authenticity of the news. If you don't cooperate, it will be of no use. If a person is useless, the end will be miserable. .” Yuan Wenshao said with a smile.

Nuershan looked at the smile on Yuan Wenshao's face, and thought of what Yuan Wenshao said when he threatened him before, and shuddered.

After hesitating for a while, Nuershan said, "If I cooperate with you, can you guarantee the safety of my family?"

"It all depends on whether the information you tell us is worth it. Although Xixia and Dazhou are in a state of hostility and are very guarded, it is still okay to bring a few people back." Yuan Wenshao said.

Nuershan gritted his teeth and said, "I said..."

Through Nuershan's narration, Sun Qi and Yuan Wenshao learned the whole story.

The Emperor of Xixia succeeded to the throne at the age of eight, and the Queen Mother and her family were in charge of the power of Xixia.

Last year the Emperor of Xixia died, and logically he should be in power. Officials in the DPRK who had been excluded and suppressed by the Queen Mother's party saw hope and wrote a letter requesting the Queen Mother to return power to the Emperor.

The Queen Mother of Xixia had enjoyed the power, and she did not want to hand it over even to her biological son.

Coupled with her brother's constant instigation, the Queen Mother refused to return to power for various reasons.

The Queen Mother's party has controlled the government for many years and is extremely powerful. Half of Xixia's military power is in the hands of the Queen Mother's party. An Guogong and others who support the emperor only have a quarter of Xixia's troops and are no match for them.

Xixia still has a quarter of its troops, which are in the hands of a few neutral generals.

In order to gain the support of a neutral faction, the emperor must demonstrate ability and merit.

Under An Guogong's suggestion and persuasion, the Xixia Emperor set his sights on Dingzhou City.

Xixia has attacked Dingzhou City many times but failed to take it. If Dingzhou City can be taken down, it will not only gain the support of those neutral factions, but also greatly win the hearts of the people.

However, Dingzhou City was originally a fortified city, and tens of thousands of soldiers were stationed there, so it was difficult to capture it in a short time.

Once the reinforcements sent by Zhou Dynasty arrive, unless Xixia mobilizes in full force, there will be no chance.

For this reason, An Guogong thought of a strategy to disperse Dingzhou City.

Send soldiers and horses to sneak attack on cities far away from Dingzhou City. Once Dingzhou City sends reinforcements, plus the sneak attack, there is still a lot of hope.

"It turns out that Feng Rushan was paying attention to this, but that old guy is not afraid to knock his teeth out." Sun Qi sneered after hearing this.

"My lord, no matter what happens, there must be no loss in Dingzhou City. My lord should go back and take charge as soon as possible." Yuan Wenshao said.

The urgent report came that Dingzhou City had sent many soldiers and horses to support the city asking for help. Once Xixia made a sneak attack, the consequences would be disastrous.

"Don't worry, Jingyong Hou is mature and prudent. With him in charge, Dingzhou City will not be lost. Danger is always accompanied by opportunity. I was worried that even if I could sneak attack and take Lingzhou City, it would be difficult to hold it. Now I see Feng In order to take down Dingzhou City, that old Rushan must have mobilized a lot of troops from the border cities."

"When the soldiers and horses mobilized by the old man arrive, you will lead the troops to attack Lingzhou City. The old man will order the soldiers and horses from other cities to support them. With these soldiers and horses here, Lingzhou City can be defended." Sun Qi laughed.

"Are you cheating on me?"

Nu'ershan is not stupid. Hearing the conversation between the two, he still doesn't know that he has been fooled.

"Anyway, you can't go back to Xixia anymore, why don't you help me win Lingzhou City, this way the credit is not small, even if you can't be awarded the title, you can still be a rich man in Dazhou." Yuan Wenshao laughed.

Nuershan was a little hesitant. The secrets he knew had been deceived. His only use was to help Da Zhou deceive the gate of Lingzhou City. If he didn't agree, he would be of no use to Da Zhou and his end would definitely not be much better. go.

And as long as Dazhou spreads the news that he has defected to Dazhou, Xixia will not let his family go.

Thinking of this, Nuershan's eyes became firm and he said: "Okay, I can cooperate with you, but I hope you can keep your promise, otherwise I will not let you go even if I am a ghost."

"Don't worry, there is an idiom in our Great Zhou that a thousand pieces of gold buys a horse bone. If you go against your promise, who will dare to surrender in the future?"

Yuan Wenshao sneered in his heart, you can't do anything to me even if you are alive, so what if you become a ghost?
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(End of this chapter)

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