Do you know: I am Yuan Wenshao

Chapter 341 Wu Chizhong

Chapter 341 Wu Chizhong

"Don't get me wrong, King of Tubo. You want to negotiate with Mavis, but Mavis is waiting for Zhou to retreat. After all, Zhou cannot always station troops in the capital of Tubo. What's more, I only have three thousand troops now. Once Mavis lost his patience and surrounded the Tubo King's city. What's the use of these soldiers and horses? With the current strength of the Tubo King, how long can he resist Mavis? " Yuan Wenshao said calmly.

Kelsang Norbu was at a loss for words when he heard this. He wanted to ask Yuan Wenshao to mobilize more troops, but if Yuan Wenshao really agreed, how could he resist if he wanted to turn his back on the guests?
"What does this have to do with Da Zhou's desire to Yulong Pass? I think Da Zhou is extremely ambitious and wants to plot against Hehuang. Your Majesty, I cannot agree to this!"

"Yes, once the Yulong Pass is lost, Dazhou can send troops into Hehuang at any time, and there is no danger to defend it. Rather than being annexed by Dazhou, it is better to fight Mavis. Even if we fail, Hehuang and Tubo will not perish. "

For a time, the Tubo ministers who were sitting with him became angry and objected one after another.

When Yuan Wenshao saw that Kelsang Norbu was silent, he smiled and said: "King of Tubo, if we fight Mavis, Tubo in Hehuang will not perish. After all, you are both Tubo. It's just a different person to be the King of Tubo. But Mavis Will Weiss let you go?"

"Even if I die, I can't let Hehuang and Tubo be annexed by the Zhou Dynasty and become the king of subjugation." Kelsang Norbu said coldly.

"The King of Tubo pinned his hopes on Xixia, right?"

Yuan Wenshao said calmly: "The land of Hehuang is barren, and I, the Great Zhou Dynasty, don't like it, but Xixia is different. I want Yulong Pass because in this way, I can make Mavis believe that the King of Tubo has completely become a great nation. The Zhou Dynasty belongs to the country, rather than using the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Mavis was not stupid. The King of Tubo only allowed Zhou Dynasty's thousand soldiers and horses to enter Hehuang, obviously to guard against Zhou Dynasty. He would only think that the King of Tubo was taking advantage of Zhou.

Mavis did not dare to send troops because he was afraid of killing the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty. The Great Zhou Dynasty would march into Hehuang in anger.

But if he keeps delaying, I will have no choice but to retreat.

Only by handing Yulong Pass to Da Zhou can Mavis truly believe it.

As for the King of Tubo's worry that Zhou Dynasty would mobilize troops in Hehuang, it was completely unnecessary.

The Great Zhou Dynasty has never launched troops against the Hehuang land in these years, not because of the Yulong Pass, but because of Xixia.

It is impossible for Xixia to let the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty enter Hehuang, so even if Yulong Pass is in the hands of the Great Zhou Dynasty, it is impossible for the Great Zhou Dynasty to attack Hehuang.

Having said this, let the King of Tubo think about it for himself. It has been more than half a month since I led the troops to the Tubo King's City, and I still have responsibilities. I will lead the troops back in three days. "

He originally thought that he would lead troops into Hehuang and force Xixia to send troops.

As a result, Tubo must mobilize troops to defend the Zhou Dynasty.

At that time, he can use these three thousand soldiers and horses to capture Yulong Pass.

I didn't expect Xixia to be so patient.

However, Yuan Wenshao was not worried. Even if the Tubo King refused, with these three thousand people, he would still be very confident of taking Yulong Pass under the coordination of internal and external forces.

However, if this happens, the Tubo and Qiang people will be afraid of the Zhou Dynasty and will inevitably fall to Xixia.

If we can take Yulong Pass without any bloodshed, we can save a lot of trouble.

Kelsang Norbu was surprised: "Why is Marquis Zhongyong so anxious?"

"King Tubo, I am a general of the Zhou Dynasty, but I have led my troops deep into Hehuang and have not returned. You are also the leader of a country. What do you think of this situation, His Majesty the Zhou Dynasty? In order not to be suspected by His Majesty, I only I can lead the troops back."

After Yuan Wenshao finished speaking, he stood up and cupped his hands and said: "King Tubo, think about it carefully and say goodbye!"

Then he walked out of the hall.

"Your Majesty, Yulong Pass must not be given. Now that the war has been suspended for so long, the troops, horses and equipment from the rear have been mobilized, and they are fully capable of fighting Mavis."

"Yes, Da Zhou wants to conquer Dragon Pass. He obviously has no good intentions and cannot agree to them."

As soon as Yuan Wenshao left, the Tubo ministers objected one after another.

Kelsang Norbu waved his hand to interrupt everyone and said, "I know this, and I will consider this matter carefully."

Although he didn't believe what Yuan Wenshao said, Yuan Wenshao was right about one thing.

Once defeated, these people can surrender and their status will not be affected.

But he can't.

Indeed, because of Yuan Wenshao's arrival, he had a breathing space and was able to mobilize troops from the rear.

But if too many troops are deployed, the troops and horses in the rear to defend the Zhou Dynasty will inevitably be insufficient. If Yuan Wenshao takes Yulong Pass by force, how can he defend it?

Kelsang Norbu was in a dilemma for a while.


"Grand Governor, do you think the Tubo King will agree to hand over Yulong Pass?" Sheng Changwu asked.

"What impact does it matter whether we surrender or not?" Yuan Wenshao smiled faintly and said, "The soldiers have been told to be careful these days."

"Is the Governor worried that the King of Tibet will take action against us?" Sheng Changwu asked in surprise.


Yuan Wenshao shook his head slightly and said: "Now that Mavis has not taken action, there is no movement from the Qiang and Xixia people. I always have an uneasy feeling. I wonder if Mavis has secretly contacted Gesang Rob's subordinates, after all, he is now at a disadvantage.

If someone is really bribed, they might send troops to attack us in order to sow discord between us and Kelsang Norbu. "

"Yes, I will understand!" Sheng Changwu said solemnly.

Yuan Wenshao waited for two days but did not receive a reply from Kelsang Norbu. However, he did wait for Wu Chizhong, the supervisor sent by the imperial court.

As mentioned earlier, although the Zhou army was led by military generals, it had two supervisory armies, civil servants and eunuchs.

Eunuchs are more about supervision, while civil servants are about moderation.

Eunuchs do not have any real power. They supervise the behavior of generals in the army. If they feel anything is wrong, they can write to the officials.

But the civilian supervisory army is different, it is used to control military commanders.

If you really think about it, the positions of civil servants, supervisors and military officers are not as high as those of military leaders and generals.

But under special circumstances, he can directly seize the military power of the general and take charge of it himself.

After Wu Chizhong arrived at the Tubo King's City, Yuan Wenshao prepared a welcoming banquet for him. Wu Chizhong was also very polite to Yuan Wenshao at the banquet.

This actually made Yuan Wenshao breathe a sigh of relief.

Zhao Zongquan sent a civil servant to supervise the army, which was both reasonable and unexpected.

Yuan Wenshao was really worried that someone he couldn't get along with would disrupt his plan.

Early the next morning, after Yuan Wenshao got up and washed up, he was practicing martial arts outside the camp when he suddenly heard the sound of drums.

Hearing the sound of the drum, Yuan Wenshao frowned slightly and said, "Qin Li, go find out who ordered the drum beating."

This drumbeat was used to summon the lieutenant generals to discuss matters. He did not give this order, which was very strange.

"Yes!" Qin Li responded and hurried away.

After a while, Qin Li and Sheng Changwu came back together.

"Grand Governor!"

After saluting, before Qin Li could speak, Sheng Changwu said: "It was Supervisor Wu who ordered people to beat the drum. Supervisor Wu left the military camp last night and did not return until midnight. Listen to the captain guarding the camp. He said he was drunk when he came back."

Yuan Wenshao sneered: "I would like to see what he wants to do."

He originally thought that he would be easy to get along with, but now it seems that his thinking was too simple.

Yuan Wenshao took Sheng Changwu directly into the tent and waited.

After a while, military lieutenants and generals rushed over. After saluting, Yuan Wenshao said nothing but waved his hand for them to sit down.

After everyone arrived, Wu Chizhong walked in with a smile.

"I've met Marquis Zhongyong!" Wu Chizhong smiled and saluted.

Yuan Wenshao said calmly: "Supervisor Wu ordered people to beat drums to summon the army lieutenants and generals to come. I don't know what they want to do?"

"When Xiaguan came, the officials summoned him and told him about the incident of Marquis Zhongyong leading his troops to Qinfeng Road.

Today, I saw many soldiers packing their things and preparing to withdraw their troops back to Dazhou tomorrow. The subordinate thought it was very inappropriate, so he had drums beaten to convene the army's lieutenants and generals to discuss the matter. "Wu Chizhong said with a smile.

Yuan Wenshao sneered: "I wonder what's wrong?"

Wu Chizhong said calmly: "Although I am a civil servant, I know a little bit about the art of war. Marquis Zhongyong came here to prevent Xixia from annexing Hehuang. Now that the civil strife in Tubo has not subsided, how can we retreat?"

He was polite to Yuan Wenshao yesterday because he thought that Yuan Wenshao must have gained a lot of benefits from coming to the Tubo City for so long.

I originally wanted to be polite to Yuan Wenshao, and Yuan Wenshao would be able to understand and share his interest.

However, Yuan Wenshao did not give him any benefits except a reception banquet.

Depressed, I left the military camp last night and went out to have fun and taste the exotic customs.

However, the King of Tubo came to him and gave him heavy gifts, asking him to persuade Yuan Wenshao not to retreat.

Wu Chizhong was not stupid. He asked the Tubo King why Yuan Wenshao wanted to withdraw his troops.

The King of Tubo did not elaborate, but only told him what Yuan Wenshao wanted. He needed to discuss with the minister and ask him to help keep Yuan Wenshao for a while.

However, Wu Chizhong understood that Yuan Wenshao was threatening to withdraw his troops and demanded a lot of benefits, which the Tubo King could not give at all.

Wu Chizhong became even more angry now. In his opinion, Yuan Wenshao must have received benefits before, but he did not give them to him at all.

In order to gain more benefits from the King of Tubo, he naturally would not refuse the King of Tubo's request.

Wu Chizhong knew very well that the soldiers and horses under Yuan Wenshao were not only the soldiers and horses he trained in the rear army, but also the cousin of Yuan Wenshao's wife who led the troops.

With this relationship, he couldn't defeat Yuan Wenshao.

So I just beat the drum and summoned the lieutenant generals.

As an inspector, he has the right to control Yuan Wenshao. If Yuan Wenshao dares to break up with him in front of so many people, he will be able to write a letter to impeach Yuan Wenshao.

Yuan Wenshao sneered: "Do you really know the purpose of the officials sending me here? Stopping Xixia is only superficial, in fact it is to capture Hehuang."

Wu Chizhong was stunned, then quickly reacted and said: "In this case, we can't retreat. If Hehuang is in chaos, wouldn't it be easier to capture Hehuang?"

He did not doubt the authenticity of Yuan Wenshao's words. After all, if Yuan Wenshao deceived him, he would be guilty of falsely conveying the official's intentions.

"Inspector Wu really knows his troops. When chaos breaks out in Hehuang, how can Xixia sit back and watch without sending troops? I only have three thousand troops. Am I going to die here?" Yuan Wenshao mocked.

"Then continue to mobilize troops." Wu Chizhong said without thinking.

Yuan Wenshao secretly cursed a fool and said: "If we mobilize troops, the Tubo and Qiang people in Hehuang will definitely rise up to resist. When both sides suffer, how can Xixia resist sending troops? There is only one Wuxiong army available in Qinfeng Road. Do you want to use all Wuxiong troops? Buried?"

Wu Chizhong said with an ugly face: "If Marquis Zhongyong disagrees, there is no need to hurt others with words. We are all serving the country. If we have different opinions, please ask the officials to make a decision."

"Then please ask for instructions." Yuan Wenshao said calmly.

He suddenly felt really tired. No wonder Zhou Dynasty had always been on the defensive in the face of Xixia and Liao.

Even if he could occasionally gain an advantage, he would soon lose it.

An army has one general, but a eunuch is assigned to supervise the army and a civil servant is responsible for controlling it.

The generals have no autonomy at all.

If you offend the eunuch, the eunuch will cause trouble behind your back.

If you are at odds with civil servants, they can directly control you and seize military power.

What can the Lord accomplish if his hands are tied?
Now Wu Chizhong did not dare to take away his military power, but he asked the officials for instructions.

No matter how fast we go to Bianjing, it will take nearly a month to go back and forth.

When the official decree came, the day lilies were already cold.

What's more, the officials don't understand the situation here.

However, Yuan Wenshao had nothing to do about it. He was happy to directly reject Wu Chizhong, but he had endless troubles.

"Then I will take my leave."

Wu Chizhong didn't know what Yuan Wenshao was thinking, but he was very proud of being able to control Yuan Wenshao.

After Wu Chizhong left, Yuan Wenshao waved all the generals to retreat.

When he and Sheng Changwu were the only ones left in the tent, Yuan Wenshao angrily swept everything off the table and said with an ashen face: "A bunch of moths!"

He had already understood at this time that Wu Chizhong probably did this because he did not get any benefits from him.

Otherwise, Wu Chizhong had just arrived and his footing was unstable, so there was no reason to confront him directly.

"This person doesn't pay attention to the Governor at all, and he still delays the military flight. Otherwise, we..." A stern look flashed in Sheng Changwu's eyes.

"Don't be stupid. He is an inspector sent by the imperial court. If something happens, the imperial court will investigate him strictly." Yuan Wenshao said quickly.

Although he wanted to kill Wu Chizhong, he still had reason.

Dazhou has been like this for so many years. If it were that simple, someone would have done it long ago.

"Grand Governor, if we are in the Tubo King's City now, as long as we do things cleanly, we can put the blame on Mavis. It is said that Mavis did this in order to sow discord between Great Zhou and the King of Tubo." Sheng Changwu said.

Yuan Wenshao was indeed a little moved when he heard this. Although the Tubo City is now in the hands of Kelsang Norbu, there must be people from Mavis in the city.

After Wu Chizhong died, some of them were found and killed. If there was no proof, the court would have no choice.

After all, this is Hehuang and not within the territory of Da Zhou, so it is not so easy to check.

Seeing Yuan Wenshao's move, Sheng Changwu whispered: "This matter will be done eventually. I promise to do it beautifully and leave no trace behind."


Yuan Wenshao finally suppressed this impulse.

He killed Wu Chizhong out of anger, but the trouble was too great.

So what if it is done cleanly?
This matter is not at all a question of whether there is evidence.

Wu Chizhong represents the official family, as long as the official family is suspicious.

Zhao Zongquan didn't trust him very much. Once Wu Chizhong died, he would definitely be more suspicious of him.

As a result, Yuan Wenshao's life will be even more difficult in the future.

"You sent people to monitor his every move. I suspect that he did this because he received benefits from the King of Tubo. As long as evidence can be found, there are many ways to deal with him." Yuan Wenshao said.

(End of this chapter)

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