Do you know: I am Yuan Wenshao

Chapter 40 The troubles of happiness

Chapter 40 The troubles of happiness

After the official's words fell, the hall instantly became quiet.

"Huh!" When the officials saw this scene, they said with some dissatisfaction: "Why, the ministers can't even make up their mind about the reward?"

Seeing that the official was angry and lowered his head, Han Zhang winked at the people behind him.

The man understood, and came out and said: "Your Majesty, Dingguo is a mature and prudent man. Under his command, he regained Lingzhou City and made great achievements. I think that the crown prince Taibao and Youzhu Kingdom should be added, and Yuan Wenshao, the captain of Zhaowu, led the army to conquer Lingzhou In the city of Zhou, he was granted the title of Lieutenant of Qingche, and the crown prince washes the horse."

"My minister agrees!"

As the man finished speaking, half of the ministers in the hall came out to second the proposal.

These rewards are very generous in terms of grade, but they sound nice.

The prince Taibao is responsible for teaching the prince from Yipin, the prince Taishi, and the prince Taifu. They are collectively referred to as the three divisions and belong to the East Palace.

However, this kind of position is actually the same as the imperial court's Grand Master and Lieutenant. It is basically for the dead.

Of course, the Prince's Third Division is affiliated with the East Palace, and the emperor sometimes chooses some highly respected people to serve in order to increase the Prince's prestige.

However, the Da Zhou official family has no heirs, let alone the crown prince. Although Concubine De is pregnant, who knows if it is a man or a woman?

Moreover, all the previous heirs of the official family died in infancy. Who can guarantee that this one will grow up?
As for Youzhu Kingdom, it is a first-class honor, only in name and without any rights.

That is to say, the reward given to Sun Qi looks high, but it is actually two salaries for nothing, which has no practical significance.

Of course, Sun Qi is already the Duke of the state, and there is nothing else to reward, so it is normal to reward him.

This is also the reason why he put all the credit on Sun Qi. Anyway, Sun Qi has nothing to reward, nothing more than conferring some false titles on Changchang Shiyi.

And it would be different if Yuan Wenshao's head skills were assigned to Yuan Wenshao. Yuan Wenshao didn't have a title, but he was only at the sixth rank, and there was plenty of room for rewards.

Yuan Wenshao's reward is even more intriguing.

The captain of Qingche is a Xun from the third rank, and the prince Xima is not only the fifth rank but also a close minister of the prince.

Many people see the word "horse washing" and think it means washing the prince's horse.

Actually that's not the case at all.

Washing should read (xian). In the early days, horse washing was for the prince to lead the horse when he was traveling. Because he walked in front of the prince, it was called horse washing.

With the change of dynasties, the duties and responsibilities of the horse-washing officer have also changed.

But in general, it is mainly to deal with books to assist the prince in learning.It is equivalent to the "private secretary" and "personal teacher" of the prince.

Although this official position is only a fifth rank, it is very important.

However, just like the crown prince and Taibao, the position of the East Palace has not yet been decided, and there is no place to work at all, and it has been reduced to idle work.

Moreover, the crown prince Xima is a civil servant, and Yuan Wenshao, a military officer, obviously did not want Yuan Wenshao to stay in the army.

"Your Majesty, I object to this!"

The British Duke came out and said: "Since the loss of Lingzhou City, my Great Zhou Mayuan has been completely blocked. I have been at a disadvantage in the face of Beiliao and Xixia, and this is not unrelated. It is very important and should be rewarded heavily."

"The minister waits for the second opinion!"

When the generals saw the British leader taking the lead, they all voiced their support.

The generals are weak, and they don't have much power to speak in the court, which is why everyone spoke before.

Now that the British public has taken the lead in speaking, they will naturally support him.

What they supported was not Yuan Wenshao, but wanted to use this to elevate the status of generals.

The official nodded and said: "Such a reward is indeed inappropriate. According to my decree, the Duke of the country will be loyal to the monarch and the country will be granted the title of Youzhu Kingdom. The settlement will be increased by 500 households and the actual seal will be [-]. I will reward you with three imperial villages and silver. One thousand taels. Yuan Wenshao, the captain of the Zhaowu School, was brave and good at fighting. I was very pleased. I granted him the titles of Captain of Qingqi and General Zhongwu, and gave him the title of Uncle Zhongyong for three generations. He was given the command of the heroic camp. I was given a mansion, two imperial villages, and [-] taels of silver. "

"Your Majesty, although Yuan Wenshao has meritorious service and is granted a title, the reward for attacking the third generation is too heavy."

"My minister seconded the proposal, please take it back, Your Majesty."

As soon as the officials finished talking about the rewards, the civil servants went crazy. Only Han Zhang looked thoughtful and said nothing.

"You all said that nobility is necessary. Why didn't you mention the matter of nobility when I asked you to draw up the rewards? I have already decided on this matter, so there is no need to discuss it anymore!" The official said displeased.

The civil servant saw that the official's tone was firm, but Mr. Han Daxiang didn't say a word, and no one took the lead for a while, so the matter of awarding the reward was settled like this.

After the morning court ended, the civil and military officials waited for the officials to leave before straightening up and leaving the hall one after another.

Just as Han Zhang was about to leave, the person he instigated before stepped forward and said in displeasure, "Master, why didn't you speak out against it just now?"

The person who spoke was Hu Ruitang, who was a member of the Privy Council who signed the letter. Although he could not be called a gentleman, he was also a second-rank official. Because he was in the Privy Council, he was the first to speak after Han Zhang signaled.

Han Zhang shook his head with a wry smile and said: "We haven't received any news about the northwest victory before. It should have been brought back by Eunuch Li yesterday. This news came at a perfect time, so His Majesty was determined to knight him. , it can’t be stopped at all.”

Han Zhang also tasted the taste later. The official family has no children, and he is already middle-aged, so it is very difficult to want an heir.

As soon as the news of Yuan Wenshao's victory came to Beijing, Concubine De diagnosed a happy pulse. The officials must have regarded Yuan Wenshao as a lucky star, and the conferment of the title could not be stopped at all.

In fact, Han Zhang's guess was not wrong. It was from such a mentality that the officials granted Yuan Wenshao a title and inherited it for three generations.

Otherwise, even if he is granted a title, it will be a floating title at most.

"Even so, the Grand Prime Minister can't remain silent, right?" Hu Ruitang snorted coldly and walked away.

He was very dissatisfied with Han Zhang in his heart, so he signaled me to stand up, but he found that he couldn't stop him, so he chose to protect himself wisely and let me offend the officials, isn't that a scam?
As for whether Han Zhang would hold a grudge against him, he was not afraid at all.

When he was in this position, Han Zhang couldn't touch him even if he was the Prime Minister.

Han Zhang looked at Hu Ruitang who left angrily, with a chill in his eyes. With a warm smile on his face, he nodded to the officials looking at him, as if nothing happened.


After the dispersal of the dynasty, the news of Yuan Wenshao, the second son of the Yuan family, was conferred a title in Bianjing like a gust of wind.

Yuan Weichang is a loyal and diligent uncle of the fourth rank. Although he cannot be reused, he still has a vacant position of the third rank on his head. With the title of title, he still has the qualifications to go to court.

After the court was over, many people came to him to congratulate him.

The Yuan family has two masters, and Yuan Wenshao is winning now, so there are naturally people who want to make friends.

Yuan Weichang managed to deal with it with difficulty, and promised to wait for Yuan Wenshao to come back to entertain the guests. After the congratulatory congratulators dispersed, almost an hour had passed.

When he got on the carriage, his head was still a little dizzy.

Captain Qingche is a third-rank military officer, and General Zhongwu is a fourth-rank military officer, not to mention having a title inherited from three generations.

When he thought of this, he would have laughed out loud if he hadn't been concerned about his image.

His father originally named him Chang because he wanted him to revive the Yuan family.

However, although the Yuan family regained its title in his hands, it was in vain.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Wenshao, the second son who was not valued by him, could bring the Yuan family back to the top.

No, it should be said that it is far more than that.

Even when Uncle Zhongqin, the first generation ancestor of the Yuan family, was still alive, the Yuan family was probably not as glorious as it is now.

Just by hearing his name, Uncle Zhongqin knew that being knighted was not based on merit, but to put it bluntly, it was loyalty and diligence.

When the carriage stopped at the gate of Earl Zhongqin's Mansion, Yuan Weichang got out of the carriage and was startled when he saw the scene at the gate of Yuan's house.

I saw that the entrance of Yuan's house was full of carriages, so crowded that there was no way to get through.

Yuan Weichang knew that these people came to congratulate him, and it was expected to last for several days.

Thinking of this, he was not only happy, but also a little troubled.


  Thank you to all the brothers who voted for recommendation, let the recommendation votes come more intensely.

  Originally it was said that the protagonist returned to Bianjing in this chapter, but after seeing many people urging it to change, it was published first after writing more than 2000 words. The return of the protagonist can only be in the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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