Do you know: I am Yuan Wenshao

Chapter 72 Brother Chapter 72 Aunt Kang comes again

Chapter 72 Brother Chapter 72 Aunt Kang comes again
Yuan Weichang was silent for a while and said: "The official is beating you, telling you not to make up your own mind in the future, and ask for instructions beforehand."

"But the officials told me to do things easily." Yuan Wenshao said doubtfully.

If there were no words from the official, he would definitely ask for instructions first.

"Yes, the official is letting you do things easily, but this is different from being able to do what you want. You have to remember, just because the officials are letting you do things easily, it doesn't mean you can do whatever you want."

Yuan Weichang shook his head. Yuan Wenshao was still too immature, and he didn't understand the affairs of the officialdom at all.

"So the officials are angry?" Yuan Wenshao asked.

"It's not enough to be angry, and dissatisfaction is certain, otherwise the officials will not call you over. In the future, you remember to play it every three days, and write down the progress of the training and some ideas."

Yuan Weichang reminded: "What the officials are dissatisfied with is not your assertion, but what you have done, but he doesn't know."

Yuan Wenshao nodded thoughtfully, as if he understood what Yuan Weichang meant.

To put it bluntly, what the official wants is that everything is under his control.

As for what Yuan Wenshao did, he did not submit a letter. Although it was not a big deal, it was a bad sign.

What if Yuan Wenshao develops a habit in the future?
So the officials called him over to beat him.

Yuan Weichang saw that Yuan Wenshao had figured it out, and taught him a lot of official experience, which benefited Yuan Wenshao a lot.

After the carriage stopped at Uncle Zhongyong's residence, Yuan Weichang said: "Before doing anything in the future, remember to think twice before you act."

"Thank you father for your teachings. My child will remember it." Yuan Wenshao said respectfully.

"Okay, let's go down." Yuan Weichang said.

Yuan Wenshao got off the carriage, bowed, and waited for the carriage to leave before entering the mansion.

After Yuan Wenshao went to court, Hua Lan slept for a while, and when she got up, she asked the kitchen to prepare breakfast and waited for Yuan Wenshao to come back.

Seeing Yuan Wenshao enter the house, Hua Lan called the servants to help him change his clothes, and then told Cui Chan to have the kitchen deliver the food.

The couple sat down at the table. Hua Lan saw that Yuan Wenshao was a little distracted and asked with concern: "The official got up too early in the morning and is not in good spirits? Why don't you have a meal and then sleep for a while."

"It's okay, I'm just thinking about the morning affairs." Yuan Wenshao shook his head and said.

He was thinking about whether he was impeached in the early court, whether it was unintentional or someone was instigated behind his back, so he was a little lost.

"What happened in the early morning?" Hua Lan wondered.

Yuan Wenshao hesitated for a moment, and then told Hua Lan, but he concealed the fact that he was called over alone by the officials later.

The matter of his impeachment cannot be concealed at all. When Hualan heard the news from other sources, he became even more worried.

After Hua Lan finished listening, she worried: "Is the officer all right?"

"Haha, don't worry, this is approved by the government, what can happen?" Yuan Wenshao pretended to be relaxed.

Hua Lan breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Even so, officials should be more careful in the future."

"I know, don't worry. By the way, you can prepare gifts during this period. After a few days, I will take leave like an official and accompany you back to Yangzhou." Yuan Wenshao said.

"Officer, why don't you just forget about it, now that the official has just taken office, and things are busy, official duties are more important." Hua Lan said.

She naturally wanted to go back, but she was worried about affecting Yuan Wenshao's business.

"Haha, don't worry, the training will be on the right track by then, and you only need to follow the routine every day." Yuan Wenshao said.

"Really?" Hua Lan asked doubtfully.

"Don't think too much, if I delay, the officials will not allow me to leave." Yuan Wenshao said.

After breakfast, Yuan Wenshao put on his armor and headed to the military camp.

Hua Lan was thinking about taking those gifts back to her natal family.

Things like this are usually prepared by the mother-in-law.

After all, a new daughter-in-law usually doesn't manage the family after she gets married, and she prepares it herself. If the preparations are more generous, it is inevitable that someone will gossip.

But Hua Lan was directly in charge of the house, and he was a little uncertain about paying attention for a while.

Hua Lan thought for a while and prepared to go to Uncle Zhongqin's Mansion to ask Mrs. Yuan for instructions.

However, just as she was about to order someone to prepare the carriage, someone came to report that Aunt Kang came to visit.

Hua Lan frowned slightly when he heard this, but still asked Aunt Kang to be invited to the main hall.

Then he changed his clothes and went to the front hall.

Aunt Kang originally thought that she would be warmly welcomed by Hua Lan when she came to Uncle Zhongyong's mansion, but unexpectedly she was just a servant who brought her to the front hall, so her face was very ugly.

When the maid brought tea and snacks, Aunt Kang asked, "Why doesn't my niece come over?"

"Madam of the Kang family, please take a rest. My eldest lady will be here soon," the maid said.

"Okay, you go down."

Aunt Kang wanted to have a fit, but she finally suppressed her temper when she thought she was asking for help from others.

After waiting for a long time, Hua Lan came to the main hall with the support of several maids.

"Aunt Ann."

Hua Lan said a blessing, and said with a smile: "Auntie, before I got married, my mother told me to visit my aunt. I have a lot of things to do in the house just now. I thought I would visit in two days, but my aunt came first. I went to see Hualan."

Aunt Kang smiled and said, "Your mother and I are biological sisters. When you got married, it was not good for you as your mother's family to come. I thought you had been married for a long time, and I was really worried, so I came to have a look."

As the saying goes, the water poured out by a married daughter, the average woman is married, and the woman will not come.

Sheng Wei and others were able to attend because they were here to get married.

No matter how thick-skinned Aunt Kang was, she was too embarrassed to come over on Hualan's wedding day.

After being rejected by Yuan Wenshao at Yuan's house last time, Aunt Kang wrote a letter to Mrs. Wang after she returned home.

Although they were very unhappy because of what happened back then and hadn't contacted each other for several years, Aunt Kang knew her sister very well.

In her letter, she first sincerely admitted her mistake, and then talked about the difficulties of being in the Kang family these past years.

What should Mrs. Wang say? She is soft-tempered and has no heart.

She also heard about Aunt Kang's situation in the Kang family. She thought that if Aunt Kang hadn't been rushing to marry into the Kang family, she would have been the one to marry into the Kang family.

Coupled with the fact that she was her biological sister, when she thought of Aunt Kang's life these years, her anger subsided, and instead she felt a little sorry for Aunt Kang.

He wrote back a letter to Aunt Kang to comfort Aunt Kang, and said that he would ask Hualan to visit her after she married in Bianjing.

After receiving the letter, Aunt Kang was overjoyed. She thought that when Hualan married in Bianjing and came to visit Kang's family, she would say something nice and let Hualan blow the pillow wind in Yuan Wenshao's ear, and Yuan Wenshao would be happy. Help her son find a good job.

I didn't expect to wait and wait. It's been six or seven days since we got married, and Hualan didn't come to the door. Finally, Aunt Kang couldn't sit still and went directly to the door.

"Hehe, thank you aunt for caring."

After exchanging a few words, Hua Lan sat down on the main seat.

Aunt Kang waited for Hualan to sit down, and said with a smile: "Hualan, you have been married for a few days, how does Uncle Yuan treat you?"

"Of course the officials treat me well. They even said that they would accompany me to Yangzhou to stay for a few days." Hua Lan said with a smile.

Aunt Kang felt very complicated when she saw Hua Lan's happy face.

As a woman with an unhappy marriage, Aunt Kang naturally thought that all women in the world should be as unfortunate as her.

But the more Hua Lan is liked by Yuan Wenshao, the more her goal can be achieved.

"Auntie is relieved to see that your husband and wife are in harmony."

At this point, Aunt Kang's eyes turned red, she turned her head, took out a handkerchief, and wiped her tears.

Although Hua Lan didn't like Aunt Kang, after all, she didn't have much contact with Aunt Kang, and she didn't know much about Aunt Kang. Seeing her wipe her tears, she asked concerned: "Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

"'s fine."

Aunt Kang wiped away her tears, squeezed out a smile and said, "I just heard that your husband and wife are in harmony, and I am happy for you. I thought of myself for a while, and felt a little uncomfortable."

"When I married your uncle, he started taking concubines not long after we got married. Before the first sons and daughters were born, a bunch of concubines and daughters were born. At first, my father-in-law was still there. Some face."

"Your uncle was also a Jinshi and had an official status, so he could live a good life. Later, after my father-in-law passed away, he had to stay at home with Ding You. Who would have thought that he had misbehaved during Ding You and had several children. If an official is impeached, the official will immediately dismiss him from office."

"After I quit my official career, my family had no income, and all of my ancestral property was sold off. Now my family relies on the dowry I received when I got married."

Aunt Kang originally wanted to play the emotional card, but she burst into tears as she spoke.

It is said that poor people must be hateful, and hateful people must suffer sadly.

The reason why Aunt Kang is so vicious is that apart from being spoiled since she was a child, Uncle Kang also has a large part of the reason.

Seeing Aunt Kang's suffering so sad, Hua Lan didn't know how to comfort her for a while.

Aunt Kang was not an ordinary person after all. She quickly got out of her misery, remembered the purpose of coming, and said, "I originally wanted to make peace with him, but I was afraid of damaging the Wang family's face, and I couldn't worry about your cousins."

Although Aunt Kang has a vicious mind, she still loves her children very much.

Once reconciled, she could live a free and easy life, but with several of her children in the Kang family, life would be difficult.

In addition to this, she is also very unwilling.

Over the years, she had supplemented the dowry to support the Kang family, and she was unwilling to just make peace and give up.

Moreover, this kind of marriage does not mean that you can leave if you leave, it has to take into account the face of the two families.

Without the support of the Wang family, she couldn't leave her at all.

Aunt Kang wiped her tears and said, "I've been here for so many years, but I'm actually used to it. It's just that your cousins ​​have suffered. Your uncle has ruined the reputation of the Kang family, and they will say that they will never get married. It’s easy to say. Your eldest cousin, brother Jin, is 15 years old this year. He is not yet an official in a family like this. He has not yet settled for a marriage. Hua Lan, Auntie would like you to talk to Uncle Yuan, see Let's see if I can find an errand for Brother Jin."

 Thanks to half-crazy, half-drunk, half-hypocrisy, Lei Lei, Di Xiaoyao 520, Shuyou 2021...3856, Zhigao Zhiyu and others for their monthly support.

  Thank you brothers who voted for recommendation.

(End of this chapter)

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