Chapter 1 I am not a group, I just want to lie flat!
Huashan faction, the sword energy soars to the sky hall.

A middle-aged man with a handsome appearance, five willow beards under his cheeks, a face like a crown jade, and an extraordinary bearing held a volume of books in his left hand. He was sitting on the main seat, reading the book with great interest.

This middle-aged man is the head of the Huashan School, Yue Buqun.

Yue Buqun was originally just a social worker in the 21st century who worked every day but couldn't afford a house or get married.

When he woke up, he found that he had become Yue Buqun, the leader of the Huashan Sect.

As the head of a well-known and upright faction, holding great power, and having a gentle, considerate, and unparalleled beauty wife, how satisfying is this?

This is simply the pinnacle of life that was unimaginable in previous lives.

If it weren't for the Huashan faction's internal and external troubles, Yue Buqun really just wanted to lie flat.

"Disciple Linghu Chong, please see Master."

A young man with sword brows and star eyes and a square face walked outside the Sword Qi Hall and shouted with a little confidence.

Linghu Chong was raised by Yue Buqun since he was a child. He had great respect for Yue Buqun, who was also his teacher and father, but he was also extremely afraid of him.

"come in."

Yue Buqun had a flat face, and Gujing said calmly.


After hearing Yue Buqun's words, Linghu Chong took a deep breath before carefully walking in.

After entering the Sword Qi Chongxiao Hall, Linghu Chong saw that Yue Buqun was still concentrating on the books in his hands without even looking at himself. He lowered his head and became even more flustered.

After half a sound.

Only then did Yue Buqun put down the book in his hand.

I saw on the cover of this book that there were four large characters written with iron and silver hooks on the sword manual of exorcising evil.

Those who are familiar with it can tell at a glance that these four characters were written by Yue Buqun and were written by him himself.

"Do you know what's wrong?"

Yue Buqun looked at Linghu Chong coldly.

Because the world he traveled through was not a simple world of laughing and proud rivers and lakes.

It is a world of comprehensive martial arts in the Ming Dynasty. There are Shaolin Wudang, Mingjiao, Money Gang, Yihua Palace, and Tianxiahui on the rivers and lakes; in the court hall, there are two factories, Jinyiwei, Hulong Villa, Six Gates, and Shenhou Mansion. And many other forces.

In addition, Zuo Lengchan, the head of the Songshan School, is ambitious and wants to annex the Wuyue Sword School wholeheartedly, form a Wuyue School, and become the head of the Wuyue School.

In the Huashan School, there is also the second elder of the Huashan School who has been relying on the old to sell the old, and is dictating to him.

Ling Deyuan was a little more lax about Linghu Chong's discipline. At least he did not prohibit Linghu Chong from leaving Huashan occasionally and going out to drink.

As a result, before the plot of The Swordsman started, Linghu Chong actually met the flower picker Wanli Duxing Tian Boguang in advance, and became a close friend.

This news has already been spread in Jianghu, and the reputation of Huashan School has been greatly affected.

The second elder of the Huashan Sect, Xianyu Tong, also took the opportunity to slander Yue Buqun privately within the Huashan Sect, saying that Yue Buqun taught a disciple like Linghu Chong because his superiors were not upright and his subordinates were crooked.

It made Yue Buqun's head hurt all the time after he traveled through time.

It was not easy for him to lie flat.

At least until these villains who always want to cause trouble are dealt with, Yue Buqun will not be able to sleep peacefully.

"The disciple knows his mistake, please punish the master!"

After hearing Yue Buqun's words, Linghu Chong's knees softened and he knelt down directly, saying with a guilty look on his face.

"As a teacher, I give you two choices. The first is to abolish all your internal strength and expel you from the Huashan School. From now on, as a teacher, without you as a disciple..."

Yue Buqun's cold voice sounded in the room.

"The disciple chooses the second one, master, the disciple chooses the second one..."

Hearing this, Linghu Chong's expression changed drastically. He kowtowed in horror and shouted: "Please master, please don't expel me from Huashan Sect. As long as I don't expel you from Huashan Sect, no matter what master asks me to do, I will be willing to do it..."

In just a moment, Linghu Chong's kowtow was broken, and bright red blood flowed down from his forehead, dyeing his entire face a bloody color.

"Okay, then you practice this cheat book, and from now on, it will become a sharp sword of my Huashan sect!"

When Yue Buqun saw this, he directly picked up the evil-fighting sword manual on the table and threw it in front of Linghu Chong.

"Evil Resisting Sword Manual?"

Linghu Chong picked up the secret book on the ground and muttered to himself.

"If you want to practice magic, swing your sword from the palace!"

But when he saw the first sentence on the first page of the Evil-Repelling Sword Manual, Linghu Chong's heart suddenly shook, and he had a look of horror on his face.

"Master, this..."

Linghu Chong felt his throat was a little dry and looked up at his master in disbelief.

Just because I made friends with Tian Boguang, the master actually, actually asked him to practice this kind of evil martial arts that cost so much? ? ?

At this moment, Linghu Chong didn't know that in the near future, there would be people who would rob him of the evil martial arts he was talking about, causing a lot of bloody storms.

"What? Is this scary?"

Yue Buqun sneered.

"You befriended the prostitute Tian Boguang and ruined the reputation of our Huashan sect, which has been famous for hundreds of years. If it had been anyone else, I would have killed him at my hands. Now you are just going to the palace, can't you do it?"

Throughout the Swordsman, before crossing, Yue Buqun looked down on Linghu Chong the most.

As a major disciple of the Huashan Sect, Linghu Chong didn't want to repay the sect that raised him when the sect was facing internal and external troubles. Instead, he brought all kinds of troubles to the sect. Boguang called him a brother.

He doesn't look like an upright disciple of a well-known family, but looks like a living brat of the devil's sect.

That being the case, he might as well use his sword talent to make some contributions to the Huashan faction, just as he also needs to change his fate to prove some things.

"Since you have made your choice, if you can't do it, I will help you as a teacher..."

While speaking, accompanied by the crisp sound of the long sword being unsheathed, Yue Buqun held a long sword with a cold light in his hand.

"Master, no, Master, I was wrong, I dare not do it again..."

Linghu Chong was terrified, weeping bitterly, and kept retreating. He even thought of resisting, but the current him is far from Yue Buqun, so he could only beg.


Yue Buqun kicked Linghu Chong, who was kneeling and backing away, to the ground.


In an instant, a cold sword light suddenly appeared, and a lump of flesh and blood flew up from Linghu Chong's crotch. The blood spattered everywhere, directly dyeing his clothes red.


Linghu Chong's eyes widened and he let out a miserable scream.

Then a dark yellow aura floated out from Linghu Chong's body and landed on Yue Buqun's body.

Yue Buqun suddenly felt a little happy. He could feel this breath falling into the ancient bronze pagoda in his sea of ​​consciousness, and the ancient bronze pagoda shook slightly.

This ancient bronze pagoda was bought by Yue Buqun in an antique market. It is only one inch in size, and he usually hangs it around his neck.

After traveling to the world of comprehensive martial arts in the Ming Dynasty, Yue Buqun discovered that this ancient bronze pagoda existed in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Obviously, the reason why he traveled to this world of comprehensive martial arts in the Ming Dynasty was related to this ancient bronze pagoda.

Before that, Yue Buqun had received the information transmitted from the ancient bronze pagoda. This ancient bronze pagoda was called Qiyun Pagoda.

Changing the plot of the character, or changing the life of the character, can steal the luck of the world.

And these lucks can allow Yue Buqun to receive blessings of understanding and increase his own understanding.

The more luck, the stronger the increase, even if it is a ten-fold or a hundred-fold increase in understanding, it is a breeze.

It happened that Linghu Chong hit his hand, and after testing it today, it really worked, and he got a ray of heaven and earth luck.

(End of this chapter)

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