I, Yue Buqun, my understanding is against the sky, I just want to cultivate immortality

Chapter 17 Who agrees and who opposes the merger of the five Yuejian sects? (Seek to follow up)

Chapter 17 Who agrees and who opposes the unity of the Five Sacred Sword Schools? (Seek to follow up)
"it is good!"

Cao Shaoqin said with an indifferent expression.

With a movement of his body, he dodged towards Yue Buqun like a bolt of lightning. He had already unsheathed his sword with his right hand and struck it with one strike.

His swordsmanship is more like a knife technique, wide open and wide, full of power.

And, not only that, Zuo Lengchan's Ice Qi is from the most yin to the cold, but Cao Shaoqin's innate true energy is from the yang to the strong, which is not at all like the exercises practiced by eunuchs.

However, many of the eunuchs in the Ming Dynasty practiced Boy Kung Fu, and the Kung Fu practiced by Cao Shaoqin was the method practiced by Cao Zhengchun, Tiangang Boy Kung Fu, a peerless martial arts that is extremely yang, strong, and unparalleled in power.

Seeing Cao Shaoqin slashing towards Yue Buqun with his sword, Zuo Lengchan also took action with the long sword in his hand, heading towards the Xiyi Sword. Apparently he wanted to tie up the Xiyi Sword and prevent Yue Buqun from using it. Chance.

He didn't believe that the unarmed Yue Buqun escaped Cao Shaoqin's sword.

You must know that after practicing peerless martial arts such as Tiangang Boy Kung Fu, his sword skills are also extremely fierce. Even Zuo Lengchan thought he was inferior when facing Cao Shaoqin.

Even if their cultivation levels are the same, they are all at the peak of the master level.

But Zuo Lengchan was willing to accept the defeat.

Yue Buqun remained calm, but the speed of Xiyi Sword increased dramatically. Like thunder, it avoided the long sword in Zuo Lengchan's hand, and the sword passed through his chest.

A sword through the heart!
After the sword penetrated the heart, the Xiyi Sword flew back and struck towards Cao Shaoqin.

Zuo Lengchan lowered his head, looked at the bloody hole in his chest, opened his mouth, but couldn't make a sound. He didn't expect that there was such a big gap between his own strength and Yue Buqun's.


The long sword in his hand fell to the ground, and then his body began to fall to the ground, motionless.


Mu Renqing and others looked at this scene with shocked expressions. They knew that Yue Buqun was stronger than Zuo Lengchan.

After all, Yue Buqun's Xiyi Sword just now has been suppressing Zuo Lengchan, playing tricks on Zuo Lengchan.

What they didn't expect was that it would be so easy for Yue Buqun to kill Zuo Lengchan.

Thinking of Cao Shaoqin's appearance again, they suddenly realized that it was not that Yue Buqun had been unable to kill Zuo Lengchan, but that he had been waiting for Cao Shaoqin to come out.

Lu Bai of the Immortal Crane, Fei Bin of the Great Songyang, Le Hou of the Great Yin and Yang, and Jiuqu Jianzhong, the four masters of the Songshan School looked at Zuo Lengchan lying motionless on the ground with dull eyes.

I thought that Yue Buqun would surely die when Cao Shaoqin, who was in charge of hundreds of households in Dongchang, came out.

Who knew that Zuo Lengchan couldn't even block Yue Buqun's sword!


"You are dead, but our family has suffered terribly!"

Feeling the Xiyi sword approaching, Cao Shaoqin's face changed slightly. With a slight movement, he avoided the sword and fell to the side of the high platform. Looking at Zuo Lengchan who had fallen to the ground, he cursed secretly in his heart. stand up.

If he had known that Zuo Lengchan was such a loser, he would never have done anything.

However, if you make a move, you make a move. Cao Shaoqin is in charge of punishing hundreds of households in Dongchang, so he may not be afraid of Yue Buqun.

Thinking of this, Cao Shaoqin raised his long sword, looked at Yue Buqun and said, "Master Yue, it's all a misunderstanding, we Dongchang didn't mean to be an enemy of your Huashan faction.

It's because Zuo Lengchan doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, so how about we just let it go? "

"give up?"

"Do you think that's possible?"

Yue Buqun smiled and said, with a thought in his mind, the Xiyi Sword had already attacked Cao Shaoqin.

"Yue Buqun, our family is the Dongchang who punishes hundreds of households, don't you dare to kill officials?"

"If our family loses a single hair, I, Dongchang, will never let your Huashan faction go. At that time, the entire Huashan faction will be buried with you!"

Hearing Yue Buqun's words, Cao Shaoqin said with a look of anger.

Only Yue Buqun's Xiyi sword responded to Cao Shaoqin, and this sword had already come to him.

Cao Shaoqin could only strike with one sword, trying to block Yue Buqun's sword.

This sword is faster than Cao Shaoqin imagined.

He didn't block it at all, and he had already met the fate of Zuo Lengchan, who was killed by a sword through his heart!

"How dare he..."

Cao Shaoqin only had these four words in his mind, and he fell down.

The only difference between him and Zuo Lengchan is that even if he dies, the sword in his hand is still tightly held in his hand.

"How dare he..."

Not only did these four words appear in Cao Shaoqin's mind, but also Linghu Chong, and even the leader of the Hengshan Sect, Mo Da, the leader of the Taishan Sect, Tianmen Taoist, the leader of the Hengshan Sect, Dingxian Shitai, and others. .

They couldn't believe that Yue Buqun dared to kill Cao Shaoqin even though he knew his identity.

At this moment, everyone was shocked by Yue Buqun's decisive killing.

After Linghu Chong was shocked, his awe for Yue Buqun became even greater. This master who had a vendetta against him was more domineering and murderous than he imagined.

This is Cao Shaoqin who punished hundreds of households in Dongchang!
You must know that Cao Shaoqin, the person in charge of punishing hundreds of households in Dongchang, represents the entire Dongchang!
Even if he doesn't represent the entire Dongchang, Cao Zhengchun behind him is already an extremely terrifying figure!
At this moment, Linghu Chong suddenly felt that a feud between chickens was not a big deal, and it was good to be alive.

And he really did something wrong at the beginning, and he should be punished for the wrong things he did, right?
Lu Bai, the Crane Hand, Fei Bin, the Great Songyang Hand, Le Hou, the Great Yin Yang Hand, and the four Songshan Sect masters from Jiuqujianzhong Town have only come to their senses now. They saw that even Cao Shaoqin, who was in charge of the execution of hundreds of households in the Dongchang, died. His scalp exploded under Yue Buqun's sword.

They didn't know whether the Huashan sect would be wiped out because of Dongchang's anger, but they, the Songshan sect, would definitely not be able to escape the tragedy of being wiped out.

Cao Shaoqin, who was in charge of hundreds of households in Dongchang, died because of Zuo Lengchan. Now that Zuo Lengchan is dead, it doesn't mean that Dongchang will not blame them for the Songshan School.

Songshan School is gone...

After Xiyi Sword killed Cao Shaoqin with one strike, it flew back and fell into the scabbard hanging on Yue Buqun's waist.

"Who is in favor of the unification of the Five Sacred Sword Sects, and who is against it?"

Yue Buqun stood up slowly and looked at the leader of the Hengshan Sect, Mo Da, the leader of the Taishan Sect, Tianmen Taoist, the leader of the Hengshan Sect, Master Dingxian, and the Crane Hand Lu Bai.

Zuo Lengchan, the head of the Songshan Sect, died, and Ding Mian, the great pagoda hand who was the head of the Thirteen Taibao of the Songshan Sect, died. The most powerful one became Zuo Lengchan, the third junior brother of the Songshan Sect, Crane Hand Lu Bai.

He had no intention of killing people like Crane Hand Lu Bai, killing them would not be of great benefit to Yue Buqun.

On the contrary, keeping these Songshan sect innate realm masters, they can still be used by him.

 The fever is gone, and I feel better. I will work hard on coding from today. I hope that my brothers can support me a lot. Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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