I, Yue Buqun, my understanding is against the sky, I just want to cultivate immortality

Chapter 29 Lu Bai is willing to die for the head of the sect, and die for the Huashan faction!

Chapter 29 Lu Bai is willing to die for the head of the sect, and die for the Huashan faction!
An hour later.

Linghu Chong first cut into pieces the chicken of Tian Boguang, who was walking alone for thousands of miles, and made him feel the pain. Then he killed Tian Boguang with one sword, and publicly declared that he was incompatible with all the flower pickers in the world.

As long as he has enough strength, he will definitely kill one when he sees it, and it will spread to the Huashan faction.

All of a sudden, the entire Huashan faction was shaken.

In the past, many disciples of the Huashan School thought that Linghu Chong, as the head disciple of the Huashan School, was making friends with flower pickers like Wanli Duxing Tian Boguang and ruining the reputation of the Huashan School. People are not worthy to be the head disciple of the Huashan School at all.

Thinking about what a glorious person Yue Buqun is, the head of the Huashan School, he actually accepted Linghu Chong as a disciple of the head, and he felt unworthy for Yue Buqun.

Now that this news has come, the Huashan Sect disciples and even the Huashan Sect elders feel like they have gotten to know Linghu Chong again.

It turned out that all of them misunderstood Linghu Chong, no wonder Yue Buqun didn't blame Linghu Chong.

Because Linghu Chong was originally brought up by Yue Buqun, Yue Buqun knew what he was like.

Linghu Chong has always been friends with Tian Boguang, but it was just hypocrisy. Now that he has the strength, he directly kills Tian Boguang.

When the Huashan sect disciples and elders praised Linghu Chong, they all respected Yue Buqun even more.

If it weren't for Yue Buqun's sincere teachings, would it be possible to cultivate a good disciple like Linghu Chong who hates evil as much as he hates it?
on the edge of the cliff.

Yue Buqun held a note in his hand, and his expression became strange.

He just asked Linghu Chong to kill Tian Boguang, but he didn't let Linghu Chong cut Tian Boguang first, and then kill Tian Boguang.

Linghu Chong transferred all his hatred to Tian Boguang.

Moreover, not only Tian Boguang, but also hated the flower pickers all over the world, and vowed to cut and kill all the flower pickers in the world first!
Yue Buqun smiled, shook his right hand, and the piece of paper in his hand turned into powder and fell to the ground. He said lightly: "That's fine. As long as you don't cause trouble, it's okay to kill a few flower pickers." not good.

Anyway, I can steal the luck of heaven and earth. "

That's right, the moment Tian Boguang was killed, Yue Buqun felt that the heaven and earth luck in the Qi Luck Pagoda had actually increased.

It's not much, but something is better than nothing.

Every drop of water will penetrate the stone, and there will always be more and more.

After finishing speaking, Yue Buqun got up slowly, stepped out, and headed towards the Huashan School's Sword Qi Chongxiao Hall.

After using the Soaring Cloud and Mist Technique for a period of time, he found that for daily use, the Huashan School Qinggong was more suitable.

The art of Soaring into the Clouds and Riding on the Mist is more suitable for long journeys, or for occasional show-offs.

He is in urgent need of a short-distance movement method. It seems that he must go to Wuliang Mountain Langhuan Paradise in advance.

In less than a while.

Yue Buqun walked into the hall of sword energy.

"Meet the master."

Seeing Yue Buqun come in, Huashan School's First Elder, Feng Qingyang, Huashan School's Second Elder, Mu Renqing, and Huashan School's Sixth Elder, Crane Hand Lu Bai, who were waiting in the Sword Qi Chongxiao Hall, all saluted respectfully.

"Uncle Feng, Senior Brother Mu, Junior Brother Lu, there is no need to be polite."

Yue Buqun waved his hand and said to Feng Qingyang and the others.

"Sect Leader, etiquette cannot be discarded!"

After hearing Yue Buqun's words, Feng Qingyang said with a serious face.

Mu Renqing and Crane Hand Lu Bai both showed approval.

Yue Buqun shook his head, went to sit on the main seat, and said, "Master Feng, Brother Mu, Brother Lu, please sit down."

Hearing these words, Feng Qingyang went to the first seat on the left and sat down, while Mu Renqing and Crane Hand Lu Bai went to the first two seats on the right and sat down.

"Uncle Feng, Senior Brother Mu, and Junior Brother Lu, I called you here this time because I have some things that I want you to do."

Yue Buqun said calmly.

Feng Qingyang and Mu Renqing are both his direct descendants in the Huashan School, and they are also the two major masters of the Huashan School besides him. If there is anything, it is natural to find them.

And the reason why he called Lu Bai, the Immortal Crane Hand, instead of Mo Da, Taoist Tianmen, and Master Dingxian.

That's because Mo Da, like Liu Zhengfeng, is obsessed with music, and handling affairs is not what he is good at.

Although Taoist Tianmen's words are upright and awe-inspiring, he has a bad temper and lacks the ability to adapt.

Although Master Dingxian is good, she belongs to the female class and is not as useful as Crane Hand Lu Bai to a certain extent.

Crane Hand Lu Bai was Zuo Lengchan's third younger brother when he was in the Songshan School, he was very capable and often handled affairs for Zuo Lengchan.

After hearing Yue Buqun's words, Feng Qingyang said with a solemn expression: "Since I have come out of the mountain, I should send my strength to our Huashan. Just give me the order."

"Willing to work for the master!"

Mu Renqing and Crane Hand Lu Bai stood up, bowed their hands to Yue Buqun, and spoke loudly and forcefully.

Lu Bai, the Crane Hand, completely let go of a big stone in his heart. He was afraid that because of Zuo Lengchan's actions, Yue Buqun would make Yue Buqun accept their original Songshan sect members on the surface, but in fact he would Treat them differently, or even suppress them.

But now he really felt relieved. After all, Yue Buqun had important things to ask them to do. He called Feng Qingyang and Mu Renqing over, but he did not call Mo Da, Tianmen Taoist and others. It was him, the Sixth Elder, who was called.

"Senior Brother Mu, Junior Brother Lu, sit down and talk."

Yue Buqun burst into laughter and said to Mu Renqing and Crane Hand Lu Bai.


Hearing this, Mu Renqing and Crane Hand Lu Bai responded and sat down.

Yue Buqun looked at Crane Hand Lu Bai and said, "Junior Brother Lu, are you willing to temporarily take charge of our entire Huashan Sect's entire intelligence network?"

This entire information network is not only from the original Huashan sect, but also from the entire Wuyue Sword sect.

Every noble and upright person has his or her own industry, and these industries are actually their spies, agencies that provide them with information and understand the latest intelligence in the world.

If the entire Wuyue Sword Sect's intelligence network could be integrated together, the role it could play would definitely be enhanced several times!
"Lu Bai is willing to die for the head of the sect, and for the Huashan faction!"

Hearing Yue Buqun's words, Crane Hand Lu Bai was stunned for a moment, as if he couldn't believe his ears, then he came to his senses and knelt down with a plop, his cheeks were touched, his eyes were extremely firm, Said loudly.

Feng Qingyang and Mu Renqing looked at each other, with a smile on their cheeks. They knew that Crane Hand Lu Bai had really integrated into their Huashan Sect and was completely conquered by Yue Buqun.

But if you think about it carefully, you can understand why Lu Bai, the Crane Hand, is like this.

The intelligence network can be said to be very important to a sect.

Yue Buqun did not hand over this intelligence network to Feng Qingyang or Mu Renqing, but handed it over to Crane Hand Lu Bai, a former Songshan sect master. If it were them, they would also be responsible for Yue Buqun. Take heart and lungs out.

This is the death of a scholar for his confidant!

Although Yue Buqun said that it was only temporarily handed over to Lu Bai, the Crane Hand, he did not say that Lu Bai, the Crane Hand, would be in charge in the future.

They can all understand this point. The intelligence network is too important, and it must be assessed for a period of time.

And now let Lu Bai the Crane Hand be in charge temporarily, even if Lu Bai the Crane Hand cannot really be in charge of the entire intelligence network in the future, he will become one of the leaders of the Huashan faction's intelligence network.

(End of this chapter)

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