I, Yue Buqun, my understanding is against the sky, I just want to cultivate immortality

Chapter 43 Successfully captured the manggu Zhu clam, comprehending the Beiming magic! (Part 1)

Chapter 43 Successfully captured the manggu Zhu clam, comprehending the Beiming magic! (first update)
Hearing Yue Buqun's words, Zhong Ling tilted his head and thought for a while, then grabbed a fluffy gray-white lightning mink from his sleeve, and said to it: "Diao'er, can you help big brother find the mangguzhu clam?" ?”

Hearing this, the Lightning Mink's bright eyes rolled around, looked at Yue Buqun, and nodded its head, as if to say that it could find the Manggu Clam.

Looking at the Lightning Sable, Yue Buqun secretly admired it. This Lightning Sable is a rare beast, full of spirituality.

"Big Brother, Diao Er said yes."

Zhong Ling giggled and said to Yue Buqun.

"Then let's set off now, sooner rather than later."

Yue Buqun smiled slightly and said.


Zhong Ling nodded gently and said obediently.


The Lightning Sable let out a soft cry, jumped from Zhong Ling's hand to the ground, and headed towards the outside of the Zhong Mansion, running with extraordinary speed like lightning.

"Sable, slow down, wait for us~~"

Seeing the speed of the Lightning Sable, Zhong Ling hastily shouted at it.

"It's okay, Diao Er, don't worry about us, just use your fastest speed."

Yue Buqun smiled, grabbed Zhong Ling's shoulder with his right hand, disappeared from the spot, and chased after him like lightning.

In less than a while, Lightning Sable brought Yue Buqun and Zhong Ling out of the Zhongfu, heading for the depths of Wuliang Mountain.

Seeing Lightning Diao Sahuan running wildly, Yue Buqun showed surprise on his cheeks. This speed is definitely not inferior to ordinary Xiantian realm warriors.

The name of the lightning mink can be said to be worthy of the name.

If it is cultivated a little bit, the potential of this lightning mink is definitely extremely great, and it is not impossible to have a speed comparable to that of a master, or even a speed of a great master in the future.

After a stick of incense.

The Lightning Sable had already led Yue Buqun and Zhong Ling to run for tens of miles into the depths of Wuliang Mountain.

Arriving outside a deep patch of grass, the Lightning Mink stopped, jumped onto Yue Buqun's shoulder with a whoosh, stretched out its right front foot, and pointed at the grass in front of it, seeming to be flinching.

Seeing the movement of the Lightning Sable, Yue Buqun knew that Manggu Zhuha must have found it, grabbed Zhong Ling's shoulder, moved his body, and landed silently on a branch of a big tree not far away.

Whether it was Zhong Ling or Lightning Sable, they all showed nervous expressions, held their breath and concentrated, and did not dare to make any sound.

The reason why Zhong Ling was nervous was that she also knew the name of Mang Gu Zhu Ha.

After all, there is something about Manggu and Zhuhu in Wuliang Mountain. As Zhong Ling who grew up here since he was a child, it is naturally impossible not to know.

"Jiang Ang, Jiang Ang..."

A roar sounded from the grass.

Then, there was a rustling sound in the grass, and a large red and black centipede swam out, seven or eight inches long.

"This centipede should be the big centipede that Duan Yu ate."

"The reason why Duan Yu was able to avoid swallowing the mango red clam and instead gained the ability to be invulnerable to all poisons was that he relied on the toxicity of this big centipede to resolve part of the poison of the mango red clam. In addition, he After practicing the Beiming Divine Art, I finally succeeded in suppressing the poisonous nature of the Manggu Zhu Clam."

Seeing this big red centipede, a smile appeared on Yue Buqun's cheeks, now he not only found the Manggu Zhu clam, but also found this big centipede, it is a lucky thing.

"Jiang Ang, Jiang Ang, Jiang Ang..."

After three roars, a figure jumped out from the bushes not far away, at an extremely fast speed, and rushed towards the big centipede.

This figure is a small toad, no more than two inches long, its whole body is bright red and bloody, but its eyes are shining with golden light.

"Mang Gu Zhu Clam has come out!"

A gleam flashed across Yue Buqun's eyes.

The big centipede moved very fast and fled for his life.

Manggu and Zhu clam chased and rushed several times, but they failed to hit the big centipede. Under its anger, it let out a Jiang Ang cry, and opened its mouth, wanting to spray poisonous mist.

Yue Buqun patted Zhong Ling on the shoulder, signaling her to stand still, and then like a flash of lightning, he dodged towards Manggu Zhuhu and the big centipede.

His hands grabbed at the giant clam and the giant centipede respectively.

The left hand pinched the head of Manggu Zhuha, and the right hand pinched the big centipede.

Whether it was the giant clam or the giant centipede, they obviously didn't expect that there was a sixth child hidden inside.

For a moment, both Manggu Zhuhu and the big centipede showed anger.

However, before the Manggu Clam and the giant centipede had time to resist, they felt a force, which seemed to be able to crush them at any time.

This made Manggu, Zhuhu and the big centipede obediently motionless, obediently being caught by Yue Buqun's hands.

Seeing this scene, Zhong Ling was stunned.

She is good at catching snakes, but she dare not catch the giant clams and centipedes.

No matter if it is manggu vermilion clam or giant centipede, the toxicity is extremely terrifying at first glance.

"Wow, big brother, you are so powerful, you even caught Manggu and Zhuhu."

"Even experts at the Xiantian level are very scared when they see this Manggu Zhu Clam, for fear of dying at the hands of this Manggu Crimson Clam's poison."

Zhong Ling used Qing Kung Fu and jumped from the big tree to the ground. He said with a look of admiration on his face: "But, this giant clam is in big brother's hand, and he doesn't even dare to move."

The lightning ferret stood on Yue Buqun's shoulder, looking curiously at the red clams and centipedes in Yue Buqun's hands.

"It's just a coincidence. These two poisons didn't notice me just now, so I took them down so easily."

Yue Buqun smiled lightly and said to Zhong Ling.

"Anyway, big brother is very powerful."

After hearing Yue Buqun's words, Zhong Ling said firmly.

"Ling'er, is there a way to put this manggu vermilion clam and the big centipede together?"

Yue Buqun pondered for a while, and asked Zhong Ling, he couldn't keep holding on to the manggu vermilion clam and the giant centipede.

He is not like Duan Yu, who directly swallowed the manggu vermilion clam and the giant centipede.

If the toxicity cannot be neutralized or resolved, wouldn't it be poisoned to death by Manggu Vermilion Clam and the giant centipede?

So he was going to change a method, first use a bag to pack the manggu vermilion clam and the big centipede, and then comprehend the Beiming magic.

Since Duan Yu was able to rely on the Beiming Divine Art to finally suppress the toxicity of Manggu and Zhu Clam, it means that the Beiming Divine Art must be of some help in suppressing toxicity.

Anyway, he still has a lot of heaven and earth luck that he hasn't used yet.

It just happened to use the luck of heaven and earth to comprehend the Beiming Divine Art, and even comprehend Lingbo Weibu together.

He has accumulated a large amount of heaven and earth luck and has not used it, just for now.

The reason why he asked Zhong Ling was because Yue Buqun knew that Zhong Ling often caught poisonous snakes and fed them to lightning minks.


Hearing this, Zhong Ling took out two bags from his clothes. At first glance, this bag looked like a cloth bag, but upon closer inspection, he could find that it was different. It should be a bag made of animal skin. It is specially used to hold poisonous snakes and is very tough.

With the help of Zhong Ling, Yue Buqun bumped the manggu, Zhu clam and the big centipede into a bag respectively, and tied the bag up.

"Okay, Ling'er, if you want to help me protect the law now, I need to practice."

Yue Buqun said to Zhong Ling.

"Big brother, don't worry, with me here, no one will disturb you!"

Hearing Yue Buqun's words, Zhong Ling patted his well-grown, somewhat elastic breasts, and said to him.

"it is good."

Yue Buqun nodded slightly, took out the silk scroll, and read it.

After a while, Yue Buqun put away the silk scroll, closed his eyes, and used the Heaven and Earth Qi Luck in the Qi Luck Pagoda to comprehend the Beiming Divine Art.

Seeing Yue Buqun close his eyes, Zhong Ling gestured to the Lightning Sable.

The lightning ferret nodded slightly, jumped to the ground with a whoosh, and jumped to a big tree not far away with great speed, looking around cautiously.

And Zhong Ling's small face was also looking around vigilantly, avoiding anyone coming to disturb Yue Buqun.

(End of this chapter)

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