Chapter 69 Family members, who knows! (fourth more)

"Big Brother, I'll take you out of the Peach Blossom Formation."

When she heard that Yue Buqun was not leaving, but was only leaving for a quarter of an hour, Huang Rong breathed a sigh of relief and said with a slight smile.

"No, Ronger can just wait for me at Peach Blossom Island."

Yue Buqun shook his head, said something to Huang Rong, and with a movement of his body, he rose into the sky, performed the art of soaring into the clouds and riding on the mist, and disappeared on Peach Blossom Island.

After all, the Peach Blossom Formation is just a strange Five Elements Formation among ordinary people, so it is naturally impossible to achieve forbidden space.

That is to say, even if Huang Yaoshi's formation technique is extremely high, he can only use the Qimen Five Elements Formation to trap people who cannot fly.

In fact, although the Martial Saint Realm can't fly, it can't be trapped either. It just needs to break through the formation forcefully, with force, and push it all the way across.

But Yue Buqun can fly!
A figure appeared.

This figure is none other than Huang Yaoshi who left just now.

"Sect Master Yue is going to kill the weeds!"

"Sure enough, he is thoughtful. From the very beginning, he has been scheming against Ouyang Feng."

Huang Yaoshi looked at Yue Buqun's disappearance and said with a look of amazement.

Huang Rong was originally a smart person, but just now she was still thinking about why Yue Buqun had to leave for a quarter of an hour.

Now that she has reacted, Huang Rong's face changed slightly, and she said with a look of panic, "Father, you mean that big brother is going to kill Xidu Ouyang Feng?"


"If not, why did he leave for a quarter of an hour at this time."

Huang Yaoshi said with a solemn expression: "He knew in his heart that he was not as strong as Ouyang Feng, so the moment Ouyang Ke took action, he had already dug a hole for Ouyang Feng.

Knowing that Ouyang Feng attached great importance to Ouyang Ke, he directly injured Ouyang Ke seriously.

Ouyang Feng had no choice but to heal Ouyang Ke.

Now, Ouyang Feng must be healing Ouyang Ke.

While healing Ouyang Ke, Ouyang Feng's innate essence will inevitably be depleted.

More importantly, Ouyang Feng would never have guessed that the head of Yue, a well-known and decent person, would go to intercept and kill him at this time.

This was also the time when Ouyang Feng was at his lowest vigilance. "

"Dad, what are you still doing here? Come and follow me quickly. Apart from my father, my eldest brother is the best person in the world to me. You can't let your eldest brother get hurt..."

Hearing Huang Yaoshi's words, Huang Rong said anxiously.

"Women do not stay in college!"

Huang Yaoshi rolled his eyes, and with a single move of his feet, he performed Peach Blossom Swallows Flying Together. His elegant and elegant figure just tapped a peach tree and disappeared.

For Huang Yaoshi, a peerless master of the Martial Saint Realm level, there is no need for a boat to get out of Peach Blossom Island, he can just walk on the water.

"Dad, what nonsense are you talking about~~"

Huang Rong said coquettishly, she knew that with Huang Yaoshi's cultivation level, she must be able to hear it.

After thinking for a while, Huang Rong shouted loudly: "Dad, I'm going to cook for you and your elder brother. Haven't you always wanted to eat 24 Bridges on a Bright Moon Night, Who Can Listen to the Jade Flute, Fallen Plum Blossoms, Three Friends of Suihan, Silver Silk Rolls, Shao Cabbage?

I'll do it for you right now, and we'll have dinner soon when you come back with big brother. "

Having already left Peach Blossom Island, Huang Yaoshi, who was standing on the sea and walking on the water, almost lost his breath and fell into the sea water. As a father, he wanted to eat his precious daughter and make some good food.

Now for the sake of Yue Buqun, he took the initiative to cook these delicious dishes for himself.

The more Huang Yaoshi thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, with a look of grief and indignation on his face.

Family members, who knows!
After Yue Buqun left Peach Blossom Island, he chased Ouyang Feng's ship in the direction it left.

Because relying on the technique of riding the clouds and driving the fog, he has always been flying in the sky at high altitudes, and the speed is extremely fast, far exceeding the speed of large ships sailing on the East China Sea.

In a short time, Yue Buqun had already caught up with the big boat. After catching up with the big boat, he looked down from the sky, and at a glance he saw Ouyang Feng who was concentrating on healing Ouyang Ke.

At this time, Ouyang Feng's healing for Ouyang Ke had obviously reached a critical moment.

Wisps of light smoke began to rise above the heads of both of them.

"Ouyang Feng's healing for Ouyang Ke will take at least a stick of incense time."

"Don't rush to make a move. The best time to make a move is when Ouyang Feng is about to finish his treatment."

Yue Buqun thought for a while, and the speed began to increase rapidly, quickly passed the big ship, and came to a place only a few miles away from the coast, then stopped, and fell into the sea.

In an instant, Yue Buqun had already entered the sea, Zixia's qi training method was like fetal breathing exercise, allowing him to breathe freely in the sea water, and Zixia's qi training method was still running rapidly , restoring Zixia's spiritual power.

Another reason why he didn't attack directly just now is that Yue Buqun's Zixia spiritual power has not fully recovered.

He wants to take advantage of this time to return to his prime as much as possible.

Time is like an arrow leaving the string, passing by in a hurry...

In the blink of an eye, a large ship had already arrived above Yue Buqun, and Ouyang Feng was still healing Ouyang Ke.

It just looks like it's coming to an end and is about to end.



The calm offshore sea was filled with waves, as if a huge tsunami had occurred.

An incomparably terrifying and world-shocking sword intent erupted, and an incomparably huge and world-shocking immortal sword erupted from the sea water, attacking the big ship from below.

And this position attacked, it was Ouyang Feng on the big ship.

"Yue Buqun, you are courting death!"

Feeling this sword intent, Ouyang Feng shouted angrily.


Ouyang Ke, who had almost recovered from his internal injuries, spat out a mouthful of scarlet blood and fell down with lifeless eyes. Even if he was alive, he was still half disabled.

Ouyang Feng raised his right hand, and a Divine Camel Snow Mountain Palm was already thrown out against Yue Buqun's sword.

It's just that Ouyang Feng now has at least half of his Xiantian Yuan, not to mention that he has consumed more than half of it, but he was hit by the full force of Yue Buqun's heyday without any preparation.

Ouyang Feng's palms were torn apart and completely shattered.

Not only the palm, even his body was cut into pieces by Yue Buqun's sword!

Ouyang Feng didn't realize until his death that Yue Buqun, a disciple of Huashan sect who was born in such a famous and decent sect, would wait for him here and sneak attack here.

Isn't this kind of thing only done by people like him, Ouyang Feng, who are called evil heretics by people in the world?

Why is Yue Buqun so shameless!
The ship is damaged!

Yue Buqun soared into the sky and appeared in mid-air, looking down at the people of Baituo Mountain Villa who were completely submerged by seawater because of the damage of the big ship.

After all, how could these people in White Camel Villa not be affected by Yue Buqun's sword and being on the same ship?

Basically, they were all injured by the aftermath of Yue Buqun's sword.

Huang Yaoshi's figure suddenly appeared, standing next to Yue Buqun. He couldn't fly in the air, but he could still do the short-term airborne flight, as a peerless master at the level of the Martial Saint.

He looked at Yue Buqun with admiration and said: "Headmaster Yue is different from the righteous people I have met.

The old man started to like you a little bit. "

He was originally a deviant, arrogant and uninhibited person who did his own way.

Naturally, he is very pleasing to people like Yue Buqun, who is unconventional and does not follow the rules.

(End of this chapter)

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