I, Yue Buqun, my understanding is against the sky, I just want to cultivate immortality

Chapter 74 Those who violate the order will be killed without mercy! (2nd update)

Chapter 74 Those who violate the order will be killed without mercy! (Second update)

Hearing Yue Buqun's words, all the elders of Huashan School were shocked.

The owner of Peach Blossom Island?
Pharmacist Dongxihuang?
This man's reputation in the world is very prestigious.

None of them expected that Yue Buqun would invite Huang Yaoshi to the Huashan Sect to serve as the guest elder of their Huashan Sect.

When they knew that Huang Yaoshi would refine elixirs for their Huashan sect, the elders of the Huashan sect became excited.

Who doesn't know that Taohua Island's Jiuhua Yulu Pill, Wuchang Pill, and Tian Qisha Bravery are famous all over the world?
Will they be able to carry these elixirs with them at any time in the future?
Although the Hengshan School used to have Baiyun Xiongdan Pills and Tianxiang Discontinuous Glue, now the Hengshan School has been integrated into the Huashan School, which means that their Huashan School also has Baiyun Xiongdan Pills and Tianxiang Discontinuous Glue.

However, these two are not considered elixirs. Although their effects are extraordinary, they are still inferior to those of Peach Blossom Island.

"I met Elder Huang."

Feng Qingyang stood up, cupped his hands towards Huang Yaoshi, and said.

He has also been famous for Medicine Master Dongxiehuang for a long time. In addition, the two of them are in the Martial Saint realm, so they have some affinity with him.

"I met Elder Huang."

The elders of the Huashan Sect stood up one after another and bowed their hands to Huang Yaoshi.

"You elders don't need to be so polite, we will be a family from now on."

Huang Yaoshi stood up slowly and returned the greeting to Feng Qingyang and others.

"Elder Huang is right. We are all from our own family, so we don't need to see outsiders like this."

Yue Buqun waved his hand and said to everyone.


After hearing Yue Buqun's words, everyone responded and sat down.

"The second thing is about solving the problem of the Sun and Moon God Sect."

"The grievances between the Sun Moon God Sect and our Huashan Sect, and even the former Wuyue Sword Sect, should be completely settled."

Yue Buqun's face turned solemn, and he said in a low and forceful voice.

After hearing this, everyone's expressions became serious, even Feng Qingyang, a master of the Martial Saint Realm.

This is the old feud between the Huashan Sect and even the Five Mountains Sword Sect and the Sun and Moon Sect.

The feud between the Huashan Sect, or the Five Mountains Sword Sect, and the Sun Moon Sect began decades ago.

The two heads of the Huashan School, Yue Su and Cai Zifeng, went to Putian, Fujian Province, South Shaolin to visit Zen Master Hongye, the abbot of South Shaolin, and inadvertently saw the Sunflower Book in the hands of Zen Master Hongye.

Zen Master Hongye was worried that something would go wrong when Yue Su and Cai Zifeng practiced the Sunflower Canon, so he sent his disciple, Zen Master Du Yuan, to the Huashan School to give an explanation.

But what they didn't expect was that Yue Su and Cai Zifeng would ask Zen Master Duyuan for advice on the martial arts in the Sunflower Book.

Zen Master Duyuan took the opportunity to understand part of the contents of the Sunflower Book and created a sword manual to ward off evil.

And this Zen Master Duyuan later simply returned to the vulgar and founded the Fuwei Escort.

This Zen master Du Yuan was Lin Yuantu, the founder of Fuwei Escort.

Yue Su and Cai Zifeng had serious differences based on their respective understanding of the Sunflower Book, which eventually led to the Huashan Sect splitting into two parts: the Sword Sect and the Qi Sect.

Later, the fact that the Huashan School obtained the Sunflower Collection was also spread in the Jianghu.

Wo Xing, the director of the Sun Moon God Sect at the time, was ambitious, and he was also determined to win the Sunflower Canon, so he had a fight with the Huashan School.

In the end, the Sun Moon God Sect broke out and attacked the Huashan Sect. As the leader of the Five Sacred Sword Sects at that time, the Huashan Sect naturally ordered the Five Sacred Sword Sects to jointly fight against the Sun Moon God Sect.

In the end, it happened that many senior masters of the Wuyue Sword Sect and the ten elders of the Sun Moon God Sect died in the Siguoya Cave in the back mountain of the Huashan Sect.

Ren Woxing was even more powerful, and finally took away the Sunflower Book from the Huashan School.

After experiencing this battle, both the Five Mountains Sword Sect and the Sun and Moon God Sect lost their masters and their vitality was severely damaged.

Yue Su and Cai Zifeng accused each other even more, and finally turned into a sword qi dispute. The masters of Jianzong and Qizong fought one after another, which greatly reduced the strength of Huashan faction.

Feng Qingyang, who happened to be not in the Huashan School, had never experienced the attack of the Sun Moon God Sect and the battle of sword qi, has since lived in seclusion on the Siguo Cliff, and has never appeared on the rivers and lakes.

"This enmity, decades have passed in the blink of an eye."

"It really should be over."

Feng Qingyang said with a look of emotion on her cheeks.

If it hadn't been for the Sun Moon Sect's attack and the subsequent sword qi battle, the Huashan faction's strength would not have been limited to this.

"Uncle Feng Master, from now on, you will still be in charge of our Huashan Sect."

"Personally lead the elders of our Huashan Sect, as well as our elite disciples of the Huashan Sect, to Blackwood Cliff to settle this grudge."

Yue Buqun pondered for a while, looked at Feng Qingyang and said.

"Don't worry, Master. With me here to watch over our Huashan Sect, we will definitely be able to keep our Huashan Sect safe and sound!"

After hearing Yue Buqun's words, Feng Qingyang said with a serious face.

He was not worried about the fact that he was in charge of the Huashan Sect, but Yue Buqun led the elders of the Huashan Sect to Heimuya.

In fact, not only the Huashan Sect, or the original Wuyue Sword Sect, suffered a serious loss of vitality, but also the Sun Moon God Sect.

The current elders of the Sun Moon God Sect are basically the elite members of the Sun Moon God Sect who were cultivated later, and they are not the people of the past.

The ten elders of the Sun Moon God Sect were all dead.

Now the elder of the Sun Moon God Sect is not the original Sun Moon God Sect's director Woxing, but has been replaced by Dongfang Bubai.

Feng Qingyang still had great trust in Yue Buqun's strength.

"This time, Senior Brother Mu, Senior Brother Mo, Senior Brother Tianmen, Senior Sister Dingxian, and Junior Brother Lu will accompany me on a trip to Blackwood Cliff."

"The rest of the elders are in charge of our Huashan sect with Uncle Feng."

Yue Buqun looked at the elders of the Huashan Sect and said in a deep voice: "No matter who it is, no one is allowed to reveal what happened today.

Those who violate the order will be killed without mercy! "

The one he chose happened to be someone from the Five Sacred Sword Sect.

Apart from him, there was only one person from the original Five Mountains Sword Sect, no more and no less.

"Yes, I will obey!"

Hearing Yue Buqun's words, all the elders of Huashan faction stood up and said loudly.

Although the elders of the Huashan School who were not selected had a look of regret on their cheeks, but no one dared to question Yue Buqun's orders.

"Senior Brother Mu, the five of you will select [-] elite disciples from among our Huashan Sect disciples."

"After the selection, the five of you will each lead sixty elite disciples in disguise to head to Blackwood Cliff."

"Remember not to be noticed by anyone, and never let the Sun Moon God Sect notice it in advance."

"Remember, even the elite disciples selected from our Huashan Sect cannot tell them any information in advance to prevent anyone from accidentally leaking it!"

Yue Buqun considered for a moment, looked at Mu Renqing and the others and said, "Later, I will meet you at a place tens of miles away from Heimuya.

At that time, you leave a mark, and I will go to find you. "

Naturally, it was impossible for him to go to Heimuya with Mu Renqing and others.

This is a waste of time for him.

After all, with his speed, he could reach Heimuya within a day.

If the five Mu Renqings each brought sixty elite disciples of the Huashan Sect, they would definitely not be able to reach this speed, and it would take at least several days to arrive.

"Yes, I'll wait to understand."

After hearing this, Mu Renqing and the other five people said in unison.

"Hua Shaokun stays, and the rest of the people step back."

Yue Buqun waved to everyone and said.

"Yes, I will take my leave."

Hearing Yue Buqun's words, Feng Qingyang and the others stood up and said respectfully.

After speaking, everyone started to leave one after another.

Only four people, Yue Buqun, Huang Yaoshi, Huang Rong, and Wandering Dragon Swordsman Hua Shaokun were left in the Sword Qi Chongxiao Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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