Chapter 584 Repaying Karma
Moreover, Quan Yi was surprised to find that these poisonous powders could actually trigger the liver in the body.

When the poison powder enters his body, his dormant liver will begin to burst out with emerald green blood.

After this blood came into contact with the poison powder, the toxins were unable to even exert their due effects and were instead broken down by the blood into pure energy to replenish the body.

The liver has no resistance to all toxins.

This also allowed Quan Yi to discover another hidden function of liver awakening.


Without the toxin, the poison powder is just a pure nutrient for Quan Yi.

Moreover, Tang San should have used a lot of very precious herbs, although the quality of each one is somewhat different from the fairy herbs or poisonous herbs in Dugu Bo's medicine garden.

But when combined, their power is no less than that of a single magical herb.

So, from the beginning, Quan Yi has been quietly absorbing the toxins around him.

Tang San's mouth twitched slightly when he saw Quan Yi's "heroic" behavior.

But he still explained seriously: "My two benefactors, I am not joking, this toxin is really very dangerous.

I can’t recycle these toxins myself, I can only wait for them to dissipate naturally with the wind.”

When Quan saw Tang San was so persistent, he sighed helplessly.

Then, he stretched out his right hand and created a whirlwind around him, and the surrounding air quickly moved towards Quan Yi and Huo Wu.

Tang San's eyes glowed purple as he stared at Quan Yi in disbelief.

Because Tang San's Purple Demon Eye noticed that a highly concentrated, high-speed rotating pure soul power condensed in Quan Yi's palm.

The strong wind around him that made it difficult for him to open his eyes was caused by it.

More importantly, Tang San also discovered that the poisonous powder that emerged from the Purple Demon Pupil was attracted by the hurricane and gathered into the soul power ball in Quan Yi's palm.

"Such a delicate and powerful soul control."

Tang San had never seen soul power that was so easy to dissipate outside the body. In Quan Yi's hands, it was like dough that could be kneaded at will.

The strong wind gradually subsided and the soul power ball disappeared.

When Tang San looked at Quan Yi's palm again, the poison powder within a diameter of tens of meters actually condensed in his palm.

Then, Quan Yi took out a small porcelain bottle, put the powder into it, and threw it back to Tang San.

"No, I told you it's okay.

These poisons don't look cheap, so I'll give them back to you."

Tang San took the medicine bottle, opened it and saw that although it was damaged, more than half of it was still preserved.

This was the life-saving method that Tang San had purchased in Tiandou City using the gold soul coins he had painstakingly saved in recent years.

He didn't expect that the powder he scattered could return to his hands in this way.

"I am grateful for your kindness. I am grateful for your kindness this time. From now on, if you two need help with anything, as long as it does not violate my principles, I will do my best to help you."

Tang San did not ask the two men why they rescued him, nor did he suspect whether there were other motives behind it.

He only knows that one should repay a drop of kindness with a spring.

However, Quan Yi gently waved his hand, interrupting the serious atmosphere.

"Don't be so serious. You don't owe us anything."

What Quan Yi said was true, he secretly learned so many things from Tang San, and if it weren’t for the Purple Demon Pupil, he might have lost Huo Wu with just the Red Dragon Pupil.

He saved Tang San out of gratitude.

Now, the two of them cancel each other out.

Of course, Tang San didn't know this, he just thought Quan was a generous person and didn't care about these things.

Tang San was tactful and said no more, but he secretly remembered the other party's kindness in his heart.

When Quan saw that Tang San was not seriously injured, he planned to leave.

He kicked the corpse of Shi Nian at his feet and said to Tang San: "This fellow's body is yours to deal with. Remember to clean it up."

After saying that, Quan Yi planned to take Huo Wu away from here.

Just when he wanted to turn around, he suddenly stopped. With a complicated look, he said to Tang San: "By the way, you and your team's Xiao Wu should have a good relationship, right?"

Hearing Xiao Wu's name coming out of Quan Yi's mouth, Tang San's muscles tensed up immediately.

He was very nervous, especially after the illusion he had just experienced.

Tang San pondered over it again and again in his mind, and finally, he replied carefully: "Xiao Wu is my sister."

A playful smile appeared on Quan Yi's lips.

"You two should not be related by blood, right? Is she your lover's sister?"

In this regard, Tang San was not shy, but said solemnly: "She is the sister I will protect with my life."

Tang San's solemn eyes were filled with determination.

That was a will to protect without fear of life or death. Quan Yi couldn't help but be moved by Tang San's determination.

Quan Yi retracted his playful smile and replied in the same serious tone: "In that case, let me give you a piece of advice.

Tang San, if you care about your sister, then let her withdraw from the competition."

Tang San's eyes widened, somewhat confused about what Quan Yi meant.

However, when he saw Quan Yi's extremely serious expression, he felt inexplicably nervous.

"Why can't Xiao Wu participate in the competition? Is this dangerous for her?
Could it be that they know Xiao Wu's background, or is there some other reason?"

Countless thoughts flashed through Tang San's mind, but in the end he still felt that he had to ask clearly.

"Can I ask why?"

Quan Yi did not directly answer Tang San.

“If she didn’t tell you, then I have no right to.

But if you value that girl, I advise you not to expose her to the public."

After saying that, Quan Yi said no more and disappeared from Tang San's sight with Huo Wu.

Tang San, who stayed where he was, stood there in a daze with a complicated expression on his face.

After thinking for a long time, he used corrosive toxins to completely clean the corpse, and then rushed back to Tiandou City.

On the way back, Huo Wu asked Quan Yi curiously.

"Will the last piece of advice cause Xiao Wu to reveal her identity?

That Tang San is not a simple character, he is likely to guess something.

If he knew Xiao Wu's soul beast identity, would he still be able to maintain his current thoughts? "

Huo Wu was standing on Xiao Wu's side, worrying about her safety.

Huo Wu knew very well how attractive a hundred thousand year old soul beast was to soul masters.

In the face of huge interests, it is difficult for anyone to remain true to themselves.

Quan Yi smiled and shook his head: "No."

Huo Wu was a little confused when she saw Quan Yi was so confident.

"Why are you so sure?"

Quan Yi went on to explain: “When I said the word Xiao Wu, all the emotions that Tang San showed were proving to me his feelings for Xiao Wu.

Also, I saw with my own eyes the deepest fear in Tang San's heart."

The illusion that he saw with the purple-gold dragon pupil emerged in Quan Yi's mind.

Apart from Tang San himself, he was the only one who saw that scene.

The illusion of time, while bringing pain to people, also reveals one's inner fear.

What Tang San feared most was not the harsh punishment that would befall him, but that Xiao Wu would be insulted and he would be powerless to do anything about it.

Seeing that sad and miserable scene, Quan Yi had no reason not to believe it.

"Tsk tsk, you still say she's not a love sister. The 'ancients' were very reserved in expressing their love."

(End of this chapter)

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