Chapter 586: Fantasy Space
“Hiss, this soul bone is even more powerful than I expected.

This time I really found a treasure.”

Quan Yi felt the spiritual waves surging in his mind and felt that his strength had obviously increased by several points.

With Quanli's level of mental strength, a 20% increase is no small number.

However, the ability to increase Quan Yi's mental power by 20 percent is not entirely due to the effect of the soul bone.

Rather, it is because Huo Wu’s mental strength, or the strength of her soul, is comparable to Quan Yi’s.

Otherwise, even if Shi Nian, the Soul Saint, used the same skill, it would not be possible to have such a huge impact on Quan Yi.

This is like when an auxiliary soul master assists a high-level soul master, not only will the effect of the soul skills be greatly reduced, but the consumption will also be greater.

"I have tested the amplification effect. Can you let me experience the weakening effect?"

Quan Yi's request echoed in Huo Wu's mind.

"Are you sure?" Huo Wu showed a doubtful expression on her face.


Looking at Quan Yi's serious expression, Huo Wu gave a sly smile.

The next moment, the spiritual connection between Quan Yi and Huo Wu was cut off, and the surrounding space seemed to have changed, yet it seemed not to have changed.

Just when Quan Yi was wondering whether Huo Wu would activate her skill, his turbulent sea of ​​​​spirituality obviously shrank a little.

Huo Wu's amplifying effect did not disappear due to the disconnection, but the space surrounding Quan Yi was instantly filled with malice.

His mental strength was reduced by one percent in just a few seconds.

Moreover, this reduction continues.

"What a strong weakening effect! As expected, soul bone skills also depend on the soul master.

When Shi Nian activated this skill, it didn't have such an obvious effect on me."

If Quan Yi's mental power was compared to a steel wall, then Nian was like scraping the steel with his fragile fingernails. No matter how hard he tried, he could not scrape off even a single crumb from it.

But Huo Wu is different. She is using the iron battle axe to chop the iron wall with great force. If she is given some time, Quan Yi's iron wall will be chopped open and she will break away.

“Hehe, if you continue like this, your mental strength won’t last long.

You can come and try to catch me, and if you catch me, I will cancel my skills.

Oh, and you can’t use the Red Dragon Eyes.”

Huo Wu curled up the corner of her mouth into a smile and hooked her finger provocatively.

When Quan saw Huo Wu challenging him, he immediately became interested. He stretched his arms, wrists and ankles and replied, "You are so confident. I hope you won't be disappointed later."

After saying this, Quan Yi passed through space and instantly arrived at Huo Wu's position before Huo Wu could reply.

He opened his arms and gave Huo Wu a bear hug.

With broad shoulders and long arms, Quan Yi can embrace a large area.

But when he wanted to hug Huo Wu, his arm went through Huo Wu's body.

“Is this an afterimage or an illusion?”

Quan Yi glanced at his arms in confusion.

"I've been prepared for this move of yours." At this time, Huo Wu's voice came from behind Quan Yi.

Quan Yi had extremely sharp hearing, and when Huo Wu said the first word, he suddenly changed direction.

However, although there was clearly nothing wrong with the direction he was heading, he found that he was getting farther and farther away from the direction where the sound came from.

It felt as if he was moving away from Huo Wu's direction.

And Huo Wu's breathing didn't even change. No, to be more precise, Huo Wu didn't even move.

“It’s a mistake in sense of direction.”

An excited smile appeared on Quan Yi's face.

Quan Yi stopped moving rashly and closed his eyes quietly.

When his sense of direction is lost, Quan Yi's sense of space becomes very poor.

Even if he noticed Huo Wu's position, his body could not reach that position accurately. Sense of direction is a very general concept, but in simple terms it is the ability to recognize space.

This ability is the product of the comprehensive coordination of multiple senses such as vision, touch, and hearing.

In Douluo Continent, spiritual perception is also included.

In other words, Quan Yi's keen senses, even his spiritual perception, would become unreliable.

“How tricky!”

Quan Yi was thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

However, even in the moment of thinking, Quan Yi's mental strength was being weakened.

“The longer this goes on, the worse my sense of direction gets.

We must act quickly and decisively.”

Quan Yi temporarily emptied his mind and focused completely on the inside.

Gradually, external perceptions such as hearing and touch fade and disappear.

When Quan Yi completely entered a state of nothingness, Quan Yi, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly exploded.

Quan Yi opened his eyes, his pupils emitted a purple-gold halo, and powerful mental power burst out from his body.

At the same time, the three reshaped internal organs within Quan Yi burst into light at the same time.

Quan Yi's body suddenly burst into a blazing white light.

Driven by his internal organs, extremely hot blood flowed in Quan Yi's body, which improved Quan Yi's body in all aspects.

In particular, all his senses reached their peak at this moment.

Not far away, unlike the frivolous and provocative tone, Huo Wu, who was on high alert against Quan Yi, was startled by Quan Yi's sudden outburst.

At the same time, she also found that the moment Quan Yi opened his eyes, he accurately aimed his gaze at her.

The feeling of fear, as if being locked by a ferocious beast, quickly crept into Huo Wu's heart.

"not good!"

Not only the sight, but also the highly condensed mental power compressed the perception range into the valley.

This caused all of Quan Yi's perception abilities to explode. With the superposition of multiple perceptions, the world at that moment was extremely clear in Quan Yi's mind.

"Hey, I found you."

Huo Wu wanted to escape, but Quan Yi's explosive power at this moment was incredibly strong.

Wherever his body passed, there were traces of space shattering. In comparison, Huo Wu found that she seemed to be in a state of stillness.

Huo Wu's brain was working rapidly, but at this moment, she couldn't figure out how to avoid Quan Yi without damaging the surrounding environment.

In the end, she had no choice but to accept her fate.


When Quan Yi was approaching Huo Wu at the last moment, he completely offset the speed, inertia, and even the wind and waves caused by running, and stopped in front of Huo Wu, hugging her gently without causing any harm to her.

It can also be seen from here that Quan Yi did not actually exert his full strength.

Of course, Huo Wu did not use many methods, mainly due to environmental reasons. If she were allowed to fully display her abilities, Quan Yi would never have been so relaxed.

From this, we can see how tricky this fantasy space is.

"How long do you want to hold me?"

Huo Wu pushed Quan Yi away and said with a little dissatisfaction: "I didn't use any other skills, but you suddenly used those internal fires."

Quan Yi smiled and replied: "Strictly speaking, they are not skills, they are just parts of my body."

Huo Wu rolled her eyes, patted Quan Yi on the shoulder, and said, "You're so talkative."

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, as compensation, I will help you unlock the restrictions of your soul bones now.

Once this soul bone is upgraded, even if I use the method just now, it will be difficult to resist the psychedelic effect of the illusion space."

(End of this chapter)

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