Chapter 107
Luo Cheng's eyes were instantly attracted, this time it was another strange creature.

The opponent was a humanoid creature, but it was completely black, like burnt charcoal. Although it looked inconspicuous, Luo Cheng still did not dare to look down upon it.

Dense roots emerged from the ground and quickly rushed towards the black figure crossing the border.

The originally clear river water became turbid due to the actions of the roots.

The black figure glanced downwards, and the roots immediately withered.

Immediately, a root was placed on the black figure, and then the second one, densely packed roots wrapped it in the blink of an eye.

Luo Cheng breathed a sigh of relief. The creature that looked quite impressive turned out to be a silver-like pewter spear head, which looked useless.

Luo Chenggang was about to control the roots and take this creature back to the scrapyard, maybe he could research something.

At this moment, the roots wrapped around the black figure were like burning cotton.

It was as if ordinary trees had encountered magma and began to wither and burn over large areas. Even in the river, there was widespread transpiration.

The roots turned dark for a moment, then turned to ashes.

The black figure suddenly rushed out and disappeared instantly.

I don’t know where I ended up swimming along the Blue River.

Luo Cheng immediately changed his perspective, and his huge roots began to quickly search the entire Blue River, but found nothing.

Luo Cheng was a little discouraged. Each of these creatures coming from the other side of the window was very strange. There were very few relatively normal creatures like the eight-armed giant beast.

In the scrapyard, Luo Cheng opened his eyes and looked at the sky not knowing what to think.

In the past, these matters were under his control, but now he can rest at home and see how Jiuding handles it. Although the cross-border creature this time is not large, only about two meters, Luo Cheng feels that it is bigger than the eight-armed giant beast. Be scary.

A black coal-like root was delivered to Luo Cheng's hands, and with a pinch, it was completely broken, completely losing the root's previous toughness.

This kind of terrifying power is still strong enough to retain even if a small tree can continuously create roots.

Now the pressure is on Jiuding and the country's hidden trump cards to deal with cross-border creatures.

It has been 20 years since the window appeared. Luo Cheng does not think that after so many years, the country has no trump card at all.

This time I just got to see it.

It has been calm for two consecutive days. In Guangshan City, the casino that was previously closed by Luocheng did not continue to open its doors.

This matter caused quite a stir because of Luo Cheng's resignation. After all, Luo Cheng was the person in charge of Jiuding in Guangshan City and the first person in charge to resign directly.

It has attracted the attention of many people. Although Han Feng has a background, no one who holds an important position has a background.

In the past, everyone could turn a blind eye, but now that something has happened, we can no longer pretend not to see it.

But it was quite lively inside the casino.

The manager of the casino hung up the phone and said to the two rows of people sitting on the conference table: "Master Han said that if Luo Cheng can cut off his arm, let us cut off Luo Cheng's arm.

Since there is no penalty for toasting, there is no need to hold back. At the critical moment, you can kill him directly, which is considered a great achievement. "

Everyone was immediately moved.

"It is our responsibility to serve Mr. Han. I heard that this Luocheng is very powerful, but it is not impossible to kill."

No one noticed that a few roots were slowly moving among the green plants in the casino.

Although Luo Cheng was practicing at the scrap station, there was nothing he didn't know about in Guangshan City as long as he wanted to.

"These guys deserve to die. They used their background to run rampant and put you on trial. It's been a long time since there has been a just trial. It's time for the justice messengers to continue their activities in Guangshan City."

Luo Cheng changed his perspective, and countless roots emerged from the corners and began to spread along the gaps in the casino's architecture.

Cracks suddenly appeared on the hard floor, and everyone in the meeting instantly diverted their attention.

"Earthquake or not, these floors are very strong and won't break for no reason."

Someone said: "There seems to be something coming out of the ground." As soon as he finished speaking, the floor was blown away. The broken floor was like flying shrapnel, and every gap was like a sharp blade.

Brush brush.

Blood was flying all over the sky, and a few of the weaker ones were not very lucky. They were either dead or disabled immediately.

Under the broken floor, countless roots shot out like giant pythons.

"What is this? Get out quickly."

someone shouted.

The manager was still calm. He took out his pistol and put it on the roots one after another, but the skin was not broken.

Then a large net came down and instantly tied up the casino manager and pulled him underground and disappeared.

Two more big nets were cast, and two casino executives were caught and sent underground.

These three people are enough, the others know too much.

Without Luo Cheng's control, the roots immediately transformed into a killing machine. Regardless of their strength, they would be pierced through the chest by the ubiquitous roots and die in the blink of an eye.

There are only a few good people who dare to open casinos, and they won’t complain even if they die.

Because of this casino, many originally happy families in Guangshan City were shattered, and there was no innocent person here.

Rotten gamblers do not deserve sympathy, but illegal casinos do not deserve sympathy.

Since they want to make this money, they have to take corresponding risks, and the emergence of Luo Cheng is the risk they have to take.

The corpses were randomly scattered in every corner of the casino, and then countless roots penetrated into the ground, rapidly decomposing and absorbing them, corroding the foundation.

One minute later, the casino collapsed instantly, turning its splendor into a pile of ruins.

Luo Cheng felt relieved now. Luo Cheng was happy to resign before, but because Han Feng had always been angry in his heart, some of that anger was now vented.

There was such a big commotion in the casino that it was impossible to hide it from anyone.

Soon Li Tao appeared outside the casino with many colleagues, along with several members of Jiuding.

As soon as Li Tao saw the scene, he knew that there was basically no chance. He would definitely suffer heavy losses this time.

"Call the fire department and dispatch two construction trucks, otherwise we won't know when it will be moved."

Bai Xiaochuan and Li Ming also got out of the car, and Bai Xiaochuan couldn't help but smile.

"It's such a delightful sight."

Li Ming immediately said: "You'd better say less, a lot of people may have died this time, and we can't gloat here.

Even if you want to gloat about your misfortune, you can go home and say enough. "

Bai Xiaochuan said: "If this place collapses a few days earlier, the captain will not resign. The captain is our Jiuding's Dinghai Shenzhen, and others can't compare with it."

The fire convoy arrived quickly, along with an ambulance.

Construction trucks also arrived to excavate on site.

The first corpse was dug out soon. It had been smashed into shape, but the wound that penetrated the chest was still eye-catching.

"Forensic doctor, check the condition of the body."

"it is good."

As the construction vehicles continued to work, bodies were found one after another.

These people all have one thing in common, their chests were penetrated.

I've been in bad shape these past two days and can't maintain three updates, only two.

(End of this chapter)

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