Chapter 109 Party
The casino manager, who was like mud, kept taking deep breaths, lying on the ground and retching, as if he wanted to spit out his throat.

"Luo Cheng, you are a devil."

"I am not, you are. I am the judge of sins, and you are the sins that I judge.

Have you thought about answering my question? Or do you want to go through the torture again before you can answer it honestly?

It's okay if you don't answer, because I have captured everyone in the casino. There is always someone who knows Han Feng's situation and is willing to use his information in exchange for not being tortured. "

Luo Cheng lied, but it didn't matter.

The casino manager's eyes suddenly changed when he looked at Luo Cheng. He regretted a little. He should have persuaded Han Feng to leave Guangshan City earlier, and there wouldn't have been so many things later.

Previously, Luo Cheng was the person in charge of Jiuding, and he had to pay attention to procedures for many things.

But now that he resigned from Jiuding, the casino manager discovered that Jiuding was not the opponent's talisman, but a layer of restraint.

"Young Master Han is a direct descendant of the Han family. The Han family is a big family with huge power in both political and business circles.

I can’t say more specifically, and I don’t know much. "

Luo Cheng was not surprised at all.

"If this content alone is not enough, continue."

“There are many casinos like this in Guangshan City across the country, and the Han family only takes [-]% of the casino’s revenue.

Among them, [-]% is used to manage local forces, [-]% is used to manage relationships with higher authorities, [-]% is used to cultivate talents, and the remaining [-]% ​​goes to his own pocket.

Rather than saying that they open casinos to make money, it is better to say that they have formed a huge chain of interests through casinos.

When money reaches a certain amount, it becomes just a number, but this huge chain of interests cannot be bought with money. Team Luo should have felt that. "

Luo Cheng shook his head and said: "I don't feel there is anything embarrassing about it, I just don't want to do it anymore.

My contribution is not proportional to my income. Now I have more freedom. I can do whatever I want, right, Manager Wang. "

Manager Wang suddenly stopped talking. Now Luo Cheng is like a tiger that has broken free from restraints. He will go up and devour anyone he doesn't like without any scruples.

"I guess that's all you know. Now you can go die."

Manager Wang immediately shouted: "Luo Cheng, I can give you money. I have experience in opening casinos. We can open a casino in partnership."

Luo Cheng showed a contemptuous smile. Who are you insulting? Just spend enough money. Now that the little tree is here, food basically costs nothing.

He still has a lot of money in his hands, earning more than 1 million from the casino alone.

I know a lot of information, but I don't know much more, but these are of no use, just to confirm Luo Cheng's conjecture.

The remaining two people completely disappeared from this world without even having a chance to see the light of day again.

In the luxurious ward of Jiangchuan City Hospital, a big man in black hurriedly walked into the ward and said: "Master Han, all the casinos in Guangshan City collapsed, and most of the people died, but it has been determined that they were murdered rather than smashed to death."

After saying that, he also brought over some photos, which showed that many casino executives had big holes in their chests and were dying with their eyes open.

Han Feng frowned and said, "Do you have any clues to determine who did it?"


"Is it possible that it's Luo Cheng who jumped over the wall in a hurry?"

"Master Han, Luo Cheng has been staying at the scrapyard these days and has never come out."

Han Feng snorted coldly and said: "So what? Isn't he awesome? He dared to break one of my hands, and I made him kneel in front of me with all his limbs broken off.

Help me contact the family security team and ask them to send a few teams of elites to find an opportunity to ambush Luo Cheng.

Bring him here, I want him to kneel down in front of me, beg for mercy, and crawl out of here. "


The big man in black walked out, Han Feng's eyes flashed with hatred.

He has never suffered this kind of injustice since he was a child. Looking at his severed hand, he can no longer feel it.Although the doctor said that with the passage of time, there is a possibility of recovery, and many people now practice warm current, which can be used to clear the meridians.

At the scrap station, Luo Cheng was lying on a recliner, browsing short videos.

Recently, there have been many incidents of mutated creatures hurting people.

Suddenly, a short video attracted his attention. Three fires broke out in Guangnan County in one day. Fortunately, the rescue was timely and did not cause major disasters.

Seeing this, Luo Cheng thought of a black creature that broke in through the window and intercepted it with its roots.

Even the roots of the fifth-level small trees quickly withered and turned into charcoal.

Luo Cheng could imagine how hot that thing was.

However, it can be seen from the short video that the temperature of the black object seems to have dropped.

It can burn level five small trees into charcoal, and ordinary buildings will probably melt if touched, but now it has formed a fire that can be extinguished.

Could it be that the rules are also different?

Luo Cheng still remembered using a small tree to test the situation on the other side of the window. It quickly withered and the power of the small tree plummeted.

The opponent came across the border, and his strength was obviously greatly weakened.

In this case, the eight-armed giant beast that he killed before would probably have died quite resentfully.

Could it be that the first captured Mind Hunter was also weakened? It doesn't look like it.

With that guy's level of arrogance, it would be impossible for him to still be so arrogant if it were greatly weakened.

I cleared away all these distracting thoughts and looked at the time. It happened to be a break in the fifth middle school.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Zheng Xiao's number.

"Xiaozi, I'm busy."

"That's right, I'm filming a video. If you don't call me, I'm going to call you. Come over here quickly. I've made appointments with a lot of people to come to Daming Temple.

This time I plan to make a video with a few of our good friends to keep as a souvenir. It will also be remembered after graduation. "

Luo Cheng smiled and said, "I didn't expect you kid to have such an idea. That's right. I'll be there right now."

After getting into the pickup truck and rushing out, the door opened automatically, making the journey smooth.

In the small town, a delivery van kept watching the pickup truck leaving Luocheng, then took out the phone and said: "The target has left the scrap station."

Luo Cheng didn't pay attention to the situation on the roadside.

Although the roots of the small tree can spread throughout the city, Luocheng does not have the energy to process the extra information.

If he monitors everyone, he won't have to do anything for the day, and he won't be able to finish even if he's too exhausted.

At the foot of the Daming Temple, Zheng Xiao, Han Mingming, Xu Song, and Wang Hai were chatting. Zheng Xiao kept taking pictures of the three of them with his mobile phone.

Luo Cheng parked the pickup truck in the parking lot at the foot of the mountain and quickly found the four people.

"You four are really free-spirited. You are about to take the college entrance examination, and you even went to Daming Temple to shoot a video."

Han Mingming said: "Before Zheng Xiao pays attention, he has already gone on the road to become an Internet celebrity and will never return."

Zheng Xiao said: "Brother, I have hundreds of thousands of fans now. Internet celebrities are more suitable for me now. Chengzi, you are the most powerful among us.

But please come and lead me more often. As long as you appear a few times in my videos, you will definitely be attractive. "

Luo Cheng rolled his eyes and said, "Brother, I'm not interested in filming a video with you."

"Your department doesn't need to publicize it anymore."

"My friend has resigned. The salary is not high but there are too many things to do. Who is willing to do it? I am so busy every day and can't make much money. I am not interested."

(End of this chapter)

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