My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 116 The second fight

Chapter 116

Flames emerged from his body and became hot instantly.

Luo Cheng felt as if he was in an incinerator.

The Dantian cyclone immediately separated countless mutation factors and spread to the body surface.

The temperature of the raging flames dropped slightly but it was still burning fiercely.

The flexible alloy and the newly awakened alloy began to gather on the surface of the body, and Luo Cheng felt much better.

The black creature tilted its head and looked at Luo Cheng, as if wondering why Luo Cheng didn't die.

"You are the most special creature I have ever seen since crossing over."

The black creature actually spoke, which shocked Luo Cheng. The other party's words were dry and awkward, as if they were imitating human language. Even though they were not like human sounds at all, Luo Cheng still understood.

"You wantonly slaughter ordinary people and create chaos. This place cannot tolerate you. We have more powerful weapons and more powerful people.

If you retreat now, you may be able to save your life. Otherwise, death is the only thing waiting for you. "

The black creature slowly shook its head and said, "If you want to kill me, you must first get rid of your own flames."

Luo Cheng clenched his alloy battle ax and took a step forward before disappearing.

A silver moon mixed with flames flashed under the blue sky and white sun.


The black arm was raised, and the alloy battle ax struck the black arm with huge power.

Sparks were flying everywhere, and the powerful counterattack force made Luo Cheng unable to stop retreating.

A trace of blood flowed from the black creature's arm, and as soon as it flowed out, it turned into flames and burned violently.

However, the flame was quickly absorbed by the black creature and the wound disappeared.

"You are indeed special. If I kill you, I will regain a lot of my strength."

The black creature took a step forward and appeared beside Luo Cheng as if teleporting. A black flame quickly rose from its arm.

Suddenly, Luo Cheng felt a trembling feeling. The flexible alloy and rigid alloy that had not changed under the flames actually felt like they were melting.

Spotting the black creature, all his strength exploded, and the alloy battle ax came out like a silver disk spinning in the sky and slashing at the black creature.

A loud and ear-piercing sonic boom followed, and the black creature raised its arms and waved violently.


The alloy battle ax was instantly knocked away, and at the same time, the black creature stopped its progress and took a step back.

Luo Cheng looked at the alloy battle ax that flew out. The shiny silver ax surface was burned black after just a moment of contact with the black flames on the black creature's arm.

At the same time, it also allowed Luo Cheng to see that the only weakness of the opponent that was not a weakness was that his physical strength was not much stronger than him, and might even be inferior to him.

But the opponent's flames are really powerful, especially the black flames on his arms. If he lets that thing touch his body, he will still have to peel off his skin even if he doesn't die.

Luo Cheng retreated quickly, and the things that should be tested were also tested. Staying here would not have much effect.

The black creature did not pursue him, and the black flames on his arms went out.

"You are a special person. Cherish your last moments. I will go back to find you in a few days and kill you."

Turn around and return to the place where you were before.

As Luo Cheng moved away from the black creature, the flames on his body seemed to be unable to get the fuel to burn, and were gradually extinguished by the mutant factors separated from the cyclone.

His body was completely charred, and his clothes had been completely burned.

Luo Cheng randomly found a clothing store, changed into a pair of clothes that fit him, and then returned to the warning area.

"Captain, are you okay?" Wu Zhentao ran over.

Many people in charge of security also gathered around.Luo Cheng shook his head and said: "The opponent is very strong and I can only fight him briefly. If I want to defeat him, I need to find another way.

Moreover, the other party still had trump cards, so I felt a huge threat. Once the fight continued, I would be seriously injured even if I didn't die. "

At this time, there was a roar in the sky, and a helicopter circled and landed in a wide area.

Six neat-looking middle-aged men in their thirties stepped off the helicopter.

Each one exudes a fierce momentum.

Luo Cheng swept through several people, and his strength was pretty good. Everyone had a cyclone, and it was not a tiny cyclone, but a thick cyclone.

This must be the Sword Squad that Lin Yaohua was talking about. These people wanted to deal with the black creatures, but they died in vain.

The six of them were also sizing up Luo Cheng. Whether a person was strong or not could be seen just by looking at his aura.

Luo Cheng's aura was not strong, but he had a bottomless feeling.

Luo Cheng walked over and said, "Sword Team?"

"Yes, you are Luo Cheng."

"Well, I fought him before you came here. He is very strong. As a member of the Sword, I hope you will act with caution."

"My name is He Zhanfeng, and I will seriously consider your question."

The person talking was obviously the leader of this team.

In Jiangchuan City, when Luo Cheng was fighting the black creature, the reconnaissance satellites in the sky had already transmitted the battle scenes to high-level conference rooms everywhere, as well as to the monitoring computers of major forces around the world.

High-level officials from Jianghe Province gathered in the conference room, including Lin Yaohua.

Seeing that Luo Cheng was able to escape unharmed after fighting the black creature, many people felt relieved.

"The fact that Luo Cheng was able to escape unscathed shows that the black creatures are not too strong to deal with, but at the moment we are unable to calculate how powerful weapons are needed to destroy them.

It's best to hit it once. Physical strikes are obviously more deterrent than chemical explosions, and even chemical explosions can cause almost zero damage to the opponent.

Maybe we haven't found the chemical that hurts each other. "

"The opponent's blood turns into blazing coals after leaving the body. Maybe we can attack with water."

Lin Yaohua said: "Ordinary water is useless. The other party probably came up from the Blue River. It is speculated that the window of Guangshan City is at the bottom of the Blue River.

This kind of water with unique properties is not within the scope of our research, or our research on the world on the other side of the window has not yet reached the point of water with certain properties. "

“The latest news is that the Sharp Sword Team has arrived in Guangnan County and had a conversation with Luo Cheng.

They planned to conduct sniping from a distance to test the opponent's strength. "

Lin Yaohua said: "Pass a message to the sword and ask them to give up testing and use armor-piercing shells for bombardment. They can formulate a combat plan based on the effects of the bombardment."

The sniper test had been carried out a long time ago, and it was not ideal. At the same time, Lin Yaohua was a little unsure about the results that the sword could achieve.

He didn't know who was stronger between Luo Cheng and the Sword Squad, but he was more inclined to think that Luo Cheng was stronger than the Sword Squad.

Because he suspected that Luo Cheng was probably the one who eliminated the Han family's pastry base before, even though the other party had changed his appearance.

Because it was such a coincidence, he investigated the whole thing.

Han Feng asked the family to send elites to Daming Temple to hunt Luo Cheng.

As a result, the Han family suffered heavy losses due to sudden changes.

Immediately afterwards, the Han family base was destroyed and Han Feng died.

Although the Sword Team is strong, it is still a bit reluctant for them to single-handedly destroy a base of more than 300 well-trained elites.

(End of this chapter)

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