Chapter 121 Assimilation
The black creature looked at the missile in the sky and waved its hands repeatedly. Walls of fire appeared out of thin air and crashed into the missile.


Like broken glass, these walls of fire turned into sparks all over the sky, but the speed of the missiles was slowing down, and at the same time, the entire body was burning violently.

Many of the sparks formed after the crimson fire wall shattered were splashed onto the missile.

The metal shell gradually melts at high temperatures.

At the edge of the county town, the second salvo of artillery arrived.

Luo Cheng glanced behind him. The black creature was constantly dealing with countless missiles and artillery shells.

Luo Cheng suddenly stopped, turned back, and shot back.

Taking advantage of the gap between the black creature and the missile, it rushed over, and its sharp, metallic feet quickly penetrated the black creature's body like an awl.

The other foot kicked on the opponent's head.

The black creature flew out quickly, burning blood spreading all over the ground.

Luo Cheng turned around and continued to retreat. Various missiles and shells in the sky were constantly bombarding the area where the black creature was.

For more than a minute, Luo Cheng stayed on the outskirts of the county town and joined Wu Zhentao and others.

Looking behind, the black creature did not appear. Apparently the opponent had realized that continuing to fight would not gain much advantage.

In the county town, in the deep pits created by countless bombs and shells, the burning blood scattered all around gradually returned.

Walls of fire appeared out of thin air and pushed forward in all directions, and in a blink of an eye, the center of the county town turned into a huge square.

The black creature appeared intact on the edge of the pit and looked in the direction of Luocheng.

He really wanted to chase him out of the county and kill Luocheng, but he didn't want to take the risk.

In terms of strength, he far surpasses Luo Cheng, but this world suppresses him too much.

Every time a creature in this world is killed, these flames can absorb the person's energy, including part of the memory, and feed it back to the black creature.

The world's suppression of him will be reduced by one point.

This is his first city of mass killings. He needs to stay here until he can completely absorb the spirits and memories of the people he killed in this world before he can leave, otherwise everything before will be in vain. significance.

At the same time, make your own flames more suitable for this world, otherwise every move will be suppressed and reduced.

Now as soon as he leaves the county, his strength will be weakened and he will be suppressed by the world again. After he digests these things, he can go anywhere.

"Captain Luo, how are you?"

Wu Zhentao walked over, and three members of Lijian also surrounded them.

They had watched the battle between Luo Cheng and the black creature through satellite before.

In a battle of this level, whoever wins will die.

When many members of the Sword were first selected, they were inevitably a little arrogant. After all, this is the highest-level armed organization in the country.

But today's battle in Luocheng dealt a severe blow to them.

Is this a human battle? Why is the gap between the two sides so huge?

How long did it take Luo Cheng to learn the physical training method, and why did he become so powerful?

What secret is hidden in it.

Many people at the scene thought so, even the top executives of Jiuding and Jianghe Province thought so.

But no one asked. Everyone has their own secrets. Asking questions rashly will only offend people.

Luo Cheng knew it, but he didn't care.

"Captain, your arm."

Everyone looked at the arm burning with black flames, and felt a sense of destruction as soon as they got close to it.

The three members of the Sharp Sword just watched from a distance and did not dare to get close, because they also felt the fatal threat.

"I need to stay away from the black creatures. These black flames may still be within the opponent's control. Even if they cannot be controlled, there may be some connection.

Fire doesn't burn in a vacuum, I need to get away from here to extinguish the flame on my arm. "

Everyone nodded and gave way.

Luo Cheng didn't drive the pickup truck. With the temperature of the black flames, the pickup truck would probably be roasted directly. It was better to walk back.

In the blink of an eye, we arrived at the Blue River and walked quickly along the embankment.In less than an hour, we arrived at Xiaoshu’s activity area.

At the same time, the black flames on his arms gradually became dull and no longer active.

Sure enough, these black flames have a distance limit. The farther away they are from the black creatures, the less powerful they are.

Looking around, there was basically no one around.

Luo Cheng sat on the ground tiredly.

[Clear the black flames on your arms]

[Start humanoid body detection and detect that the burning flame on the humanoid arm contains the law of fire]

[Please keep the human form away from this creature, the human form is currently weak]

[Please continue to upgrade the human form to decompose the number of all things, the decomposition of all things tree is currently at a low level]

Luo Cheng was speechless. Every time something couldn't be solved, he was asked to upgrade. It seemed that as long as he upgraded, he could do anything.

Luo Cheng continued to move away from Guangnan County, and the black flames on his arms gradually weakened.

When we returned to the scrapyard, only a thin layer of flames was still burning.

Luo Cheng sat cross-legged in the yard and gave the order again.

【Clear the black flame】

In the blink of an eye, countless roots covered his arms.

The black flame was gradually transferring, from Luo Cheng's hands to the roots of the small tree.

This process lasted for more than 30 seconds, and Luo Cheng's arm, which had been burned for a long time, was exposed again.

The outer skin has long since disappeared, but a layer of flesh and blood like mercury is squirming, repairing the damaged arm.

Other burned areas, as long as they are not black flames, will soon be replaced by new skin.

It lasted for more than 20 minutes before a completely new Silla City appeared at the scrap station.

This battle has greatly increased Luo Cheng's actual combat experience, and the effects of the last assimilation have been fully absorbed. It is time for the second assimilation.

Still the same as the first time, continuing to assimilate the defense aspect, Luo Cheng now realizes the benefits of strong defense, otherwise he would be dead today.

The opponent is stronger than him but cannot kill him.

[Start the second assimilation at level [-], the direction of assimilation is defense]

【Begin assimilation】

Luo Cheng sat cross-legged with his eyes closed, clearly feeling his own slow changes.

Some alloy ions entered his body through the roots, and then combined with certain blood and flesh cells in his body to generate a new type of cells.

These cells not only have the activity of biological cells, but also have the flexibility and strength of metal.

Half an hour later, Luo Cheng stood up. Starting from the fourth level of assimilation, Luo Cheng felt like he was completely reborn every time he assimilated.

At level five, the changes are even more obvious.

【Make two sharp long knives】

[Make two heavy alloy battle axes]

[Make two heavy alloy hammers]

Soon, all six weapons were produced.

In the blink of an eye, all six weapons were buried underground by roots.

He took out his cell phone and dialed Brother Wu Zhentao's number.

"Captain Luo, are you okay?"

"Well, the black flames on the arms become weaker the farther away they are from the black creatures. This has been resolved now.

But I don’t recommend you try it, as you are very likely to die. "

Wu Zhentao smiled and said: "Captain, I don't have the strength. Now I am seeking death. If I go, I will be cannon fodder."

(End of this chapter)

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