My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 123 Chapter 122 The Big Bang Chapter

Chapter 123 Chapter 122 The Big Bang Chapter
"Keng." A long alloy knife was inserted into the ground.

In the body of the tricycle, a root was hanging on the body of the tricycle, extracting the weapon.

Luo Cheng quickly took out two more long alloy knives and inserted them into the sidewalk in front of the Straw Hat.

The hard floor tiles were like paper in front of the alloy sword.

"Now these three knives are all yours. Are they enough to kill the fire spirit?"

The Straw Hat's starry eyes swept over the three weapons.

"not enough."

Luo Cheng stopped asking: "Can you still help people realize their wishes? Can these three weapons be replaced with a weapon that can hurt the fire spirit, or even directly kill the fire spirit?"

"No, inferior weapons can only be exchanged for inferior problems or wishes."

Luo Cheng had already thought of this outcome.

"What kind of price do you have to pay to kill the Fire Spirit?"

The straw hat man looked at Luo Cheng carefully, probably wondering whether he was worth the price.

"You need to sign a slave contract and sell yourself."

The first thought in Luo Cheng's mind was to cheat and let this guy kill Huo Ling, and then let Xiaoshu kill this guy directly.

However, this idea was rejected by Luo Cheng as soon as it came up.

The value of the Straw Hat Man is too great, and this is currently the best channel for him to learn all the information.

Moreover, it is not wise to act rashly before you have figured out the opponent's trump card.

Luo Cheng quickly thought about the next question in his mind.

"I want to know the next step in my cultivation and when I can understand the rules."

"Continue to purify the twin cyclones. Your weapons are not enough to pay for the answer to the next question. I need to charge you two years of life, or items of equal value."

Luo Cheng looked at the other person. There was a shadow under the black straw hat. Occasionally he could see the other person's shining eyes but could not see the other person's appearance.

Luo Cheng took out a brocade box from the body of the tricycle, which he had just made.

Inside are three high-grade flesh essences extracted from the flesh essence of the eight-armed giant beast.

"Is this ok."

Bright eyes swept over.

"The essence of flesh and blood is formed by purifying the flesh and blood of inferior creatures many times. The value of one piece is equal to that of a weapon. That's okay."

Luo Cheng frowned and said, "What you mean is that my two-year lifespan is only worth three flesh and blood essences.

I hope your next answer will satisfy me, otherwise I don’t mind letting you see the power you don’t understand. "

The Straw Hat seems to have no emotions and no nonsense except making transactions.

"The answer to the second question is to use the collision of mutation factors and spiritual power to simulate the Big Bang, and understand the laws in the Big Bang."

This is similar to some of Luo Cheng's ideas, and they can be regarded as mutual confirmation.

Luo Cheng also roughly understood that he had to take the next step, continue to purify the two cyclones, and then let the two cyclones collide and make a breakthrough in the collision.

Luo Cheng roughly sorted out the situation he was asked about today in his mind.

Fire spirits are creatures that understand the law of fire. If you want to destroy the opponent, you must understand the law.

Otherwise, with normal methods, no matter how many times you defeat them, the opponent will recover quickly.

The other party's black flames do great harm to oneself.

An idea emerged in Luo Cheng's mind, maybe he could make the other party stop without killing him.

When the opponent's black flames can't harm Luo Cheng, but Luo Cheng's physical fitness is strong enough to easily crush black creatures, then this guy won't be a problem.

This is indeed a direction.

I don’t know how long it will take for the cyclone’s purification to reach its limit.

Before assimilating once at the fifth level, Luo Cheng could easily hurt black creatures. Now that he has assimilated for the second time, if he assimilates for the third time, he will definitely be able to beat black creatures severely.

But you can't beat the opponent to death, it's really disgusting.If you want to exchange for items to deal with creatures that understand the law, you can only pay for items with laws, which Luocheng does not have.

The harsh conditions also put an end to his idea of ​​using quantitative changes to create qualitative changes.

Then Luo Cheng thought that he did have an item with laws.

Every once in a while, some members of the Twilight Organization will appear inexplicably in Guangshan City, and the small tree will also extract the decaying energy when killing these creatures.

In addition, the black flames that were removed from Luo Cheng's body are still burning today.

"I need to leave for a while, how should I find you."

The straw hat man looked at Luo Cheng, as if he was examining it, and quickly took out a sign and handed it to Luo Cheng.

The words "fair trade" are engraved on the sign.

However, Luo Cheng thinks this is nonsense. This guy has definitely made a lot of money from several transactions.

It costs almost nothing to make money from information differences, but it can be exchanged for a lot of profits.

If there were no small trees that could easily extract various metals from the underground soil to make alloy weapons, Luocheng would definitely have lost all its money in these transactions.

Now that he is not strong enough, there is still a black creature that needs to be dealt with.

When I get a chance in the future, I will definitely do it once for free, or even rob this guy once to release the bad energy in my heart.

The moment he got the token, Luo Cheng understood how to use it.

Enter the mutation factor, and the location of the other party will appear in your mind, and you can find the other party.

He doesn't look for you but you can find him.

Get on a tricycle and drive away.

The straw hat man looked at Luo Cheng's retreating figure and didn't know what he was thinking.

The figure gradually disappeared and reappeared in a strange shadowy land, starting a new transaction.

Back at the scrap station, Luo Cheng didn't rush to trade two things, but took out his notebook.

It contains information about a lot of mutated creatures, all of which he has conducted various experiments on before.

"The black creature, named Fire Spirit, is said to understand the law of fire and can emit black flames, which can burn everything and is extremely dangerous.

The crimson flame, the second-level flame, has an extremely high temperature. Once a strong person who has just entered the cyclone is contaminated, he will be reduced to ashes in less than a minute.

Ordinary flames will burn all over the body if they are within a certain range. They cannot last more than 3 minutes when entering a cyclone for the first time. "

This is measured by Luocheng's sharp sword standards. This is less than a large elastic space. Ten seconds is less than one minute, and 1 seconds is less than one minute.

Keep recording.

"The straw hat man is suspected of being a cross-border businessman. He is suspected of mastering some kind of trading rules. Others are unknown. You can continue to explore."

Closing the notebook, Luo Cheng came to the yard.

Two alloy boxes emerged from the ground, one containing a small amount of decaying air, and the other containing burning black flames.

Fortunately, this place is far away from Guangnan County, so the black flames were relatively calm, otherwise it would have probably burned through the alloy box and burned it outside.

Move the two boxes onto the tricycle.

[Start the third assimilation at level five]

Raise your strength to the highest level you can currently. Even if you can't kill black creatures, you can still take advantage of the cold without falling into passivity.

Half an hour later, a reborn Luo Cheng took out his mobile phone and dialed Wu Zhentao's number.

"Team Luo, everything is normal here. The black creature has not moved at all and is entrenched in a building in the county town."

"I know, I will launch the third and final battle against the black creatures before dawn.

You coordinate the military region, try to mobilize some more powerful weapons, and cooperate with me when the time comes. "


Two more today
(End of this chapter)

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