My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 140 Arrival at Nigar

Chapter 140 Arrival at Nigar

In the cabin, Lan Kai said: "Grandpa, Grandpa, and several uncles, Luocheng has raised a strange plant that can extend countless roots to attack.

Do you know what kind of plant this is and how it controls it? "

"Lan Kai, this is nothing. There are many powerful plant-type creatures, and there are even countries where plant-type creatures are formed in areas far away from us.

You are just too young, have little experience, and have not received a comprehensive education.

This kind of enslavement of other beings is common in the nameless world. "

Lan Kai nodded, and the doubts in his heart gradually dissipated.

“Remember to go to Luocheng to get the spiritual essence in three days.

Third-level spiritual essence is a very rare species, even if it has some effect on us.

It is even more effective for people who have not understood the law. "

The fifteen days agreed with Nigar came quickly.

Early in the morning, three black cars parked at the entrance of the scrapyard. Two were special vehicles from the Nigar State, and one had Lin Yaohua on it.

"Forest Bureau, you want to go too."

"Yes, Luo Cheng, this time we act together, you have your considerations, and the country also has the country's considerations.

Not just you and me, but others too, but he's not with us. "

Luo Cheng nodded and understood.

"Forest Bureau, how is the research on Fire Spirit? Is there any progress? There is chaos in many places abroad now, and weapons need to be updated.

Otherwise, it cannot be defended by just a few experts. "

“We have just started studying the laws and it will take a lot of time.

But now that there are more and more windows, many remote areas cannot be taken care of at all, and the number of experts is too few.

The above means to build large urban areas and move people from remote areas to live in urban areas.

There are a large number of troops stationed in the urban area, and there are experts guarding them. It is still possible to deal with ordinary cross-border experts. "

Luo Cheng nodded, this is also a method, at least there is no better method at the moment.

Luo Cheng took out the black knife and said: "My knife is a bit heavy. Can it be transported by plane? If not, you can choose to take a boat."

"Okay, we are not flying commercial airliners but flying large transport planes with fighter escorts.

After all, the sky is not very safe now, and a tyrannical cross-border creature might appear. "

Luo Cheng put the black knife on the pickup truck and followed the others.

More than an hour later, a heavy transport plane soared into the sky.

"Forest Bureau, the nameless world is no longer suppressing the earth's creatures so much. Is there anyone organized to investigate?"

“It’s already underway, and we’ve reached the conclusion that when the earth merges into the nameless world, it may not be a whole, but divided.

Now we explore through two adjacent windows and find that they are two completely unrelated areas.

The window may not just be a simple passage, but may also span a distance.

No one can predict what the current Earth will look like after the overall integration. "

This was something Luo Cheng didn't expect.

"Luocheng, the country plans to build a large urban area in Guangshan City, and I would like to ask for your opinion."

Luo Cheng is currently the number one expert in mankind, at least according to official statistics.

The construction of large urban areas is also for the safety of more people.

"I don't have any objections, but Forest Bureau, you know my temper. Many people like to follow evil ways. It's best not to come to Guangshan City for such people.

If you are seen or encountered by me, I cannot guarantee that I will not take action. "

"This is natural. Some dandy boys should really restrain themselves."

Through the car window, Luo Cheng looked at the boundless sea below. Even at high altitude, he could still feel some powerful looming auras.

"Is the ocean broken now?" "Not yet. Although there are many windows in the ocean, it is still within the controllable range, or the losses are still within the bearable range."

Luo Cheng nodded, roughly understanding what it meant.

There may be powerful cross-border creatures in the ocean, but whether you encounter them or not depends on luck.

And you can investigate in advance and then take a detour.

The plane landed at a dilapidated airport in Nigar.

Luo Cheng walked out of the airport carrying a long knife, and the strong smell of sand made him frown.

The sky was dim and yellow, like a sandstorm.

The airport runway is covered with a thick layer of sand, and a gust of wind blows, carrying yellow sand visible to the naked eye.

Luo Cheng searched this country online and found that it was relatively primitive and backward. There were many trees in the country and there were large tracts of virgin forest.

But Luo Chengcai overturned all the information he consulted in less than 10 minutes after arriving.

This is not a country with many trees. If we say it is a desert country, it would be fair to say that all the soil has turned to sand.

Luo Cheng also gave up the idea of ​​a quick victory.

"Mr. Luo, mutated creatures are currently lingering in a forest thirty kilometers away from here.

Our current plan is to go to the hotel to rest, wait for you to adjust, and then go to the forest to fight the giant pangolin. "

"Okay, let me first observe the giant pangolin's recent actions to determine its approximate strength.

Bring me the latest video and let me take a look. "

The group came to the hotel, and in a conference room, videos of pangolin operations in recent days were played on the screen.

With the action, both people and buildings began to show signs of weathering.

On the screen, as pangolins pass by, rows of buildings and reinforced concrete gradually transform into a pool of sand scattered by the wind.

Not only buildings, but also creatures. A group of small animals that strayed into the area of ​​​​laws gradually turned into desert as they ran.

Luo Cheng looked at the wind and sand outside the window. If it was not stopped, the entire country would become a desert.

Even if it is stopped now, it is not known how long it will take to restore the original environment.

Managing deserts is a technical job.

Perhaps because of the mutation factor, a good method will be developed.

Luo Cheng also has a certain understanding of the strength of the giant pangolin.

It is much stronger than the Fire Spirit.

Luo Cheng is not yet a strong player in the law and does not understand the divisions very well.

"Get ready, I will go clean the giant pangolin tomorrow."

"Okay Mr. Luo Cheng, we will monitor the pangolin's movements at any time and determine his location."

"Have you determined the location of the window and the area on the other side of the window?

If the window is next to a giant pangolin's residential area, I advise you to think of a way out.

I can clean up this one, but if there is a large-scale invasion of pangolins later, no one can save Nigar. "

The window of Lanjiang is connected to Lankai’s breeding ground.

And Lan Kai is just a member of the Blue Water Tribe.

Just looking for some relatives, I gathered together more than a dozen tribesmen who understood the law.

If pangolins are also this kind of group, the demise of Nigar is only a matter of time.

The faces of several Nigar people suddenly turned ugly. For a group of pangolins, this is such a desperate thing.

With just one, their country is not far away from extinction. If it is a group, does it still have the desire to resist? It will be desperate.

(End of this chapter)

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