Chapter 150 Trading
Everyone was standing on the river embankment chatting, and they were all curious about the Blue Water Tribe people who were about to trade.

This is the first unknown person to have normal trade with the country. At this time, it is not just these people on the river embankment.

Various observation satellites in the sky are also concentrated over the Lanjiang River, wanting to see what the Lanshui people look like.

After about ten minutes, Luo Cheng said: "Here he comes."

The river surged, and three figures emerged from the Blue River and stood on the water.

The blue skin and the crystal-like decoration between the eyebrows made many people exclaim.

"Aliens, proper aliens."

"Don't talk nonsense, this is obviously coming from the Lanjiang River, you have forgotten the official announcement about the window.

There must be a window below the Blue River, and this is the person on the other side of the window. "

Luo Chengdao: "Lan Kai, you can release the eight-armed beast directly. The river has been cleared."

"it is good."

Luo Cheng could feel that Lan Kai had obvious mental fluctuations.

Immediately afterwards, the entire Blue River seemed to be boiling, and huge eight-armed beasts floated up from the river, making ear-splitting roars.

Although these giant beasts are not as huge as the eight-armed beasts that crossed the border for the first time, they are not small either. Each one is fifteen to seventeen or eighteen meters long, and the largest one is over 20 meters.

There were dozens or hundreds of whale-like monsters crowded on the small Blue River.

Countless people quickly took out their mobile phones to record the shocking scene in front of them.

The short video platform became lively instantly.

"What is this, a monster invasion?"

"There have been monster invasions in other countries before, but there was only one. How many are there? At a glance, they are all densely packed."

"Why are there so many people on the shore? Do you want to die? You have to send a short video when you are about to die."

Luo Cheng didn't know about the commotion on the Internet.

He just looked calmly at the many eight-armed beasts on the river.

"Luocheng, this is 150 head. This is the first transaction this month."

"Okay, you guys can come over and get the essence in a few days. Here's the little guy I want."

"I will send it together next time. After all, it takes time for us to prepare. See you in a few days."

The Blue Water Tribe people dived into the river and disappeared.

Luo Cheng looked at Lin Yaohua.

Lin Yaohua smiled bitterly and said: "Luo Cheng, you really gave me a problem. These eight-armed beasts have rough skin and thick flesh. It is not easy to kill them."

Luo Chengdao: "But this is also the worry of happiness, isn't it?"


"Here are fifty or fifty. We will take a hundred of them away. There will be another hundred newly hatched ones for the next trade. The forest bureau can find some that are more friendly with animals and train them as pets.

The eight-armed beast is a great help whether on land or in water.

Do you need me to kill them all for you and take the bodies away directly? "

"Sorry to trouble you, I'll call for a car right away."

Luo Cheng nodded. In just a moment, 150 eight-armed beasts were suddenly grabbed by something and dragged underground in the blink of an eye.

Red blood instantly filled the Blue River.

More than ten minutes later, the corpses of a hundred eight-armed beasts floated on the river. Each one had its neck broken by roots and penetrated its throat. It was too dead to die.

The remaining fifty digested the small tree directly.

This shocking scene made many people gasp in shock.

More than 100 giant beasts, all died in the blink of an eye.

The way many people looked at Luo Cheng changed, and they felt the terror of Luo Cheng for the first time.

Even Lin Yaohua didn't know how these giant beasts died. Luo Cheng didn't take any action at all, but he killed more than 100 eight-armed beasts in an instant.More than an hour later, the river embankment began to vibrate, and huge transport vehicles and engineering vehicles gradually drove over in the distance.

The people from Jiuding and Lijian immediately ordered the engineering vehicles to go to the river to salvage these giant beasts and transport them to the transport vehicle.

The huge body and huge body density make each giant beast weigh two to three hundred tons or even four to five hundred tons.

The loads of these vehicles could not be transported at all, and the first truck that loaded the beast had a tire blowout before it even drove away.

Luo Chengdao: "Forest Bureau, it seems that I still need to do the cutting, but our domestic engineering vehicles need to be upgraded.

It wasn't necessary before, but starting from today, today's vehicles are beginning to fail to keep up with the times.

There are many giant beasts in the nameless world, and the body density of these guys is far higher than that of the earth. The current load of the earth's vehicles cannot carry these big guys at all. "

"Haha, I'll trouble you, Luo Cheng."

"Small things."

A series of long alloy knives were immediately extracted from the top of the dense roots at the bottom of the river.

The roots moved quickly in the water, and only the shadow of the knife flickered on the river, and the giant beasts were cut into pieces.

A huge crane lifted a piece of flesh and blood onto a truck and transported it away.

This scene was clearly filmed and posted online.

Lin Yaohua approached a young man who was taking pictures and said, "Hello, I'll give you a little time."

"Hello, I'm just patting you casually."

"I know that since we allowed you to film, we have no intention of hiding it. You pointed the camera at me. I have a few words to say."

"it is good."

The young man endured his excitement and aimed at Lin Yaohua.

Lin Yaohua said: "I am the person in charge this time. My name is Lin Yaohua. The giant beast you saw before was a cross-border trade between us and a race in the world on the other side of the window.

Some of these giant beasts will be made into essences to cultivate elites in the country.Some of them will be put on the market, and you can trade them on the exchange platform.

Revealing a secret, the flesh and blood of these giant beasts contains huge energy. If you can eat the meat of giant beasts and then practice, there will be unexpected effects. "

The young man immediately prepared the video and posted it on the platform. In just a few hours, the news had spread around the world.

This is the first time that human beings have traded with creatures from other worlds. I don’t know how many big forces’ eyes turned red when they saw it.

In just an instant, countless spies lurking in the country received calls to find out the details of this transaction and find ways to get some of the beast's meat back.

The Internet is also full of various opinions.

"Excuse me, how much does a pound of giant beast meat cost? I want to make two pounds of braised meat."

"Currently, we are definitely focusing on the military and various armed forces departments. If there are too many, there will not be much left in the country.

If you want, go hunt mutant creatures quickly, exchange them for points and wait for them to be put on the trading platform. "

"This time we are ahead of the rest of the world. Other countries are still attacked by giant beasts, and we have already eaten them.

And there are hundreds of them at a time, and the person who leads the transaction is an expert. "

"Didn't you see that Luo Cheng is right next to him? Only he can lead this transaction.

Before you killed the fire spirit and the eight-armed beast, it was Luo Cheng. You thought that the alien creatures were all good men and women and would trade peacefully with you.

There must have been a secret fight, but the result was that we couldn't do anything, and that's why we had this deal. "

There was a lot of noise on the Internet, but Luo Cheng's phone rang.

"Chengzi, you're awesome. I saw you in the video. I have to let you taste the meat of the eight-armed giant beast."

"Okay, come on."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Cheng said: "Friends, nothing happened. Bureau Lin, I'll teach you now. I'll go back first."

"Well, don't worry, there are so many elites here, nothing will happen."

(End of this chapter)

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