My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 156 Radioactive Power

Chapter 156 Radioactive Power

[I just received a text message. The last chapter has been banned. Some book friends may have read it and some have not. The main content is that Lin Yaohua sent radioactive materials and Xiao Shu synthesized a new alloy. I will revise the application to lift the ban as soon as possible. ]
Could it be that the behemoth absorbs radioactive elements based on the same principle as the alloy synthesized by Xiao Shu, or the structure is similar, so it makes sense.

The world is really big.

【Begin assimilation】

Luo Cheng sat cross-legged, with countless roots connected to his body.

The radioactive nuclear raw materials are gradually absorbed, forming new alloys.

[The synthesis of the new radioactive metal uranium alloy is completed, and the uranium alloy begins to fuse rigid metal and flexible metal]

[Fusion completed, assimilation begins]

Luo Cheng felt that each root was injecting lumps of water-like substance into his body.

Begins to fuse with cells in the body and assimilate.

Every assimilation made Luo Cheng feel the incredible power of the little tree.

Fusing metal with flesh and blood, and now combining radioactive elements with cells in flesh and blood without damaging the cells.

These elements seem to blend into one after being integrated with the body, as if the human body itself should be like this.

Luo Cheng even tested it with a radiation detector and found that there was no radiation leakage from his body.

But he could feel the violent energy in his cells, which could be released at any time.

This wonderful feeling greatly satisfied Luo Cheng's curiosity.

Clench your fist, it seems to contain power that can destroy everything. This is different from before. Before, it was pure power plus the power of mutation factors, but now it also adds the radioactive power of uranium alloy.

Luo Cheng looked at the flat ground, but the punch was delayed. He was worried that the punch would directly blow the entire scrap yard into a big crater.

In the yard, the big python that had eaten the earth crystal formed a thick cocoon and gradually sank into the ground to sleep.

The big python was planted with a servitude order by Luo Cheng, so Luo Cheng knew the current state of the big python very well, and its body was undergoing a complete transformation.

Even the bloodline is changing and becoming stronger.

Guangshan City has entered a period of major infrastructure construction. Most areas from the city center to surrounding counties need to be rebuilt and new residential areas built.

However, Luocheng is quite quiet here, and the construction vehicles all take other roads instead of passing through the gate of Luocheng.

Within a few days, all nuclear power plants along the country's coasts were evacuated, leaving only nuclear power units that had stopped operating.

After absorbing the nuclear radiation emitted by the nuclear explosion on the small island, the behemoth returned to the domestic coast and continued to absorb nuclear fuel from the nuclear power plant.

As the nuclear fuel lost all its energy, the behemoth returned to the black zone in the center of the Pacific Ocean.

Satellites from various countries are also constantly monitoring the black areas.

In the calm sea, an unmanned remote-controlled probe moved forward quickly.

The black area appeared very suddenly, and the giant beast appeared even more suddenly, without any warning.

Fortunately, these behemoths seem to be only interested in nuclear radiation and nuclear fuel, and do not have a strong desire for destruction.

After absorbing the nuclear fuel, most choose to return.

At the connection between the looking ocean and the black ocean, the detector kept circling, looking for the dividing line.

The appearance of the black ocean is completely different from the window, as if it has become one with the earth.

It's just that the area is very small, only an area of ​​more than 30 kilometers.

But the emergence of black areas also makes many people panic all day long, as if the end of the world is coming soon.

"Captain, I can't find the boundary. It seems to be completely integrated."

In an area hundreds of kilometers away from the detector, a warship stopped and watched the black area in the distance.

"Continue to explore and move towards the black area again, especially below, to see if it is different from our seabed." The controller issued new instructions, and the detector began to dive quickly, and soon reached the seafloor. Although this sea area It's in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, but it's not very deep.

Soon after reaching the bottom, the searchlight in front of the detector illuminated the surrounding area, and then it continued to move forward and entered the black area.


Just as it entered the black area, the detector completely malfunctioned, followed by a flash of light and was blown to pieces.

"The detection failed. There seems to be some unknown danger in the black area. Unless you invest recklessly, you may be able to detect one and a half claws."

"Retreat temporarily, submit the situation to the police, and let the satellite monitor it at any time. This sudden situation must not happen again."


The warship slowly retreated, away from the black area.

On this day, two black cars were parked in front of the scrapyard.

Soon there was a knock on the door.

The door opened, and there were five burly young men surrounding a middle-aged man with a kind face.

"Who are you."

"Your Excellency Luo Cheng, we are from the Superpower Research Institute, and we want to buy some flesh and blood of eight-armed beasts from Your Excellency Luo Cheng.

Of course, if Mr. Luo Cheng is willing to let us operate cross-border trade, the guaranteed benefits will be beyond imagination. "

Luo Cheng shook his head: "I haven't heard of it. If there is nothing else, you can leave.

You should have heard about my temper. I don't have time to talk nonsense with some inexplicable organization.

If I change my mind, none of you can leave. "

The middle-aged man's face suddenly became stiff. He was considered to be in a high position abroad, and no one had ever dared to talk to him like this.

But facing Luo Cheng, he had no choice.

The video of Luo Cheng taking care of the fire spirit has spread all over the world. At least no one dared to trouble Luo Cheng until they understood the law.

"Your Excellency Luo Cheng, do you want to listen to our conditions? We just want to buy some flesh and blood of the eight-armed beast."

"I don't think you have anything that can make my heart move. If you want it, go find the official."

"We can offer 100 million per catty, or other things, such as villas, beauties, and guns."

Luo Cheng shook his head and said: "Do you think if I want these things, I still need you to come and deliver them? I can have them at any time.

These things have no appeal to me. If you want to trade, just exchange them for rare things that are circulated in the unknown world. Maybe I will agree to your transaction. "

After speaking, Luo Cheng closed the door.

The middle-aged man walked into the car disappointedly and said: "Since there is no way here in Luocheng and you can't buy it officially, you go and investigate and find out who are your good friends in Luocheng.

It is said that some extraordinary measures can only be used. "

Hearing this, Luo Cheng stopped and was stunned for a few seconds before returning to normal in the blink of an eye.

The black car left the scrapyard and drove through an uninhabited area.

Suddenly there was a "boom" and the ground suddenly sank, and two black cars fell in completely unprepared.

Two sharp stone pillars suddenly appeared from below, piercing both vehicles in the blink of an eye.

Blood dripped down the stone pillar. The middle-aged man who said he had used extraordinary methods opened his eyes wide. He was already dead and could no longer die. The stone pillar directly penetrated his body and died.

Maybe he didn't expect that he would lose his life just because of his casual words.

(End of this chapter)

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