Chapter 162
The two of them watched several death duels at the Tomahawk Fighting Arena, and Luo Cheng also saw many legal fighting methods.

The day passed before I knew it.

The two of them climbed onto the golden-feathered beast and soared into the sky. Luo Cheng looked back at the huge Kaiming City, his thoughts racing in his heart.

Before integrating into the Nameless World, the hearts of humans on Earth were very scary. Many people thought the world would end soon.

But as long as you survive the initial difficult days, the Nameless World will be a truly wonderful world.

Allow people to set a big goal and then work hard towards the goal.

This is the world of the strong. Perhaps some of the videos taken by Luo Cheng can be released to eliminate people's fear of the nameless world.

Soon the golden feathered beast stopped on a small island in the big lake, which was Lan Kai's home.

Luo Cheng bid farewell to Lan Kai, jumped into the water, and returned to the earth through the window, with a familiar taste and familiar feeling.

Emerging from Lanjiang, Luo Cheng took a deep breath.

There are two completely different feelings on earth and in the nameless world.

[Carry out the third assimilation of level six]

[Countdown to assimilation, ten, three, two, one start]

In just an instant, endless energy was integrated into his body from all parts of his body, and at the same time, countless various alloys were fused with cells throughout his body.

The mental vortex and Dantian vortex rotate rapidly, and the concentration of the liquefied vortex increases again, and even has a tendency to transform into a solid.

Luo Cheng is not in a hurry to understand the law. He feels that the liquefied vortex has not reached its limit.

This is a trinity of assimilation, which has once again transformed Luocheng.

Laws do not make a person's physical fitness stronger, but only attack and defense are blessed by laws.

After the assimilation was completed, Luo Cheng took out his mobile phone, which captured a lot of what he saw and heard in the Nameless World. Luo Cheng even captured most of his experiences in Kaiming City with his mobile phone, including some of his conversations with Lan Kai.

In the nameless world, this knowledge is common to the general public, but for people on earth, it is a secret that they will never know until they die.

Luo Cheng doesn't intend to hide it, letting people know more about the nameless world can eliminate terror.

He quickly dialed Lin Yaohua's phone number, asked him to receive a video, and told Lin Yaohua his thoughts.

Two hours later, Lin Yaohua called.

"Luo Cheng, I was shocked after watching the video you sent. We have made countless assumptions about the Wuming World, but we never thought that the Wuming World would be such a world.

Science fiction and fantasy coexist, and even blend well together. Many worlds are more technologically advanced than ours. If we want to gain a foothold in the nameless world, we must learn from these worlds. "

"Forest Bureau, your idea is very good. I think these videos can be selectively played to eliminate the despair in people's hearts.

The integration of the earth into the unknown world is unstoppable. Although some people will die, our future will also be infinitely elevated.

This is equivalent to a leap for the entire nation. If it cannot be stopped, it is better to adapt as soon as possible.

I believe that Kaiming City’s video will definitely inspire many people’s fighting spirit and make them practice more diligently. "

Lin Yaohua said: "At present, we have found a relatively safe area among many windows and built a training base there. There are already [-] elites practicing in the unknown world.
As we explore, we will continue to send more people, and Jiuding and Lijian also need to be strengthened. At present, their strength is still a bit weak, and it is difficult to deal with dangerous creatures.

Once these people are trained and distributed across the country, the country will reach a new stable state. "

Luo Chengdao: "This is a good thing."

Lin Yaohua continued: "After we briefly discussed the exercises you gave me, we plan to popularize them on the entire network tomorrow. By the way, there will also be videos taken by you. I believe that with the exercises and the video of the situation in the Wuming World, Public opinion on the Internet and people’s mentality will change dramatically.”

Luo Cheng knew that this was an opportunity for redistribution, and it wouldn't take long for many unknown people to become famous.

The so-called family before was nothing in the face of absolute strength.

Some wealthy families want to rely on money and resources to bribe the strong, which may be useful in the early stage, but when the strong is strong enough, the so-called agreement is just a piece of waste paper.

Of course, aristocratic families can also accumulate some advantages in the early stage, it all depends on their own methods.

After integrating into the unknown world, this situation will become more serious. No one knows what opportunity will one day hit the sky.

Soon official announcements appeared on various video platforms, and many people are looking forward to the major events that will be announced tomorrow.

Luo Cheng had a rare moment of leisure and started wandering around Guangshan City in his pickup truck.

The car stopped in front of a huge ruins, with countless construction vehicles busy. This was the shopping mall that Zhang Haihong had built before, and it had been undergoing repairs due to the tilt of the building.

With Zhang Haihong being wanted, the building failed to be repaired and eventually collapsed. These construction vehicles are clearing the ruins and planning to transform it into other buildings.

At this moment, two black cars appeared in front of the scrapyard.

The roots of the small tree noticed a familiar scent in the car, which belonged to Zhang Haihong.

Luo Cheng smiled, things in the world are so wonderful. He thought of Zhang Haihong, and Zhang Haihong appeared.

However, Luo Cheng was in good spirits today and had no plans to go back, so he just asked those people to wait.

Driving slowly along the street, there are huge construction sites on both sides.

The country has announced plans to build urban areas.

Cities selected to become metropolitan areas saw housing prices soar, while those not selected plummeted.

However, houses in metropolitan areas do not need to be purchased with money, but are allocated through points on the trading platform.

The higher the points, the more mutated creatures are hunted, and the larger the houses are allocated. It is not good for ordinary people who are not qualified to participate in hunting, so they are allocated the most ordinary houses.

It is a basic principle to ensure that everyone in one province and two metropolitan areas has a house to live in.

Luo Cheng tasted all the delicacies in Guangshan City again before returning to the scrap station.

The black car was still parked where it was, and six sturdy middle-aged men were waiting outside the gate.

The pickup truck stopped at the door and Luo Cheng got out of the car.

"You are looking for me."

"Your Excellency Luo Cheng, we are members of the Salvation Organization. We learned by chance overseas that Zhang Haihong had offended you and was wanted in the country.

Therefore, we specially arrested Zhang Haihong, brought him back to the country, and handed him over to Mr. Luo Cheng for disposal. "

Soon a big man opened the trunk and took out Zhang Haihong, who was still unconscious.

Luo Cheng looked at Zhang Haihong, who was unconscious and had obviously endured a lot of torture, and didn't know what to say.

He originally let Zhang Haihong go because he wanted to use him for fishing, but the organization he belonged to tied him up, making Luo Cheng feel embarrassed to take action.

"Thank you for your hard work. You won't bring Zhang Haihong here for no reason. Tell me what's going on."

(End of this chapter)

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