My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 172 Advancement to 7 Stars

Chapter 172 Advance to Seven Stars
The role of the two cyclones is huge, because the fastest way to understand the laws is to use the laws separated from the two cyclones to collide to simulate the Big Bang.

The two cyclones in Luocheng are thick and sticky, filled with countless spiritual power and mutation factors.

The torrents are constantly colliding, and the power of law is integrated into the planet of law at all times.

After an unknown amount of time, the power of the law that the first planet could carry reached its limit.

Soon the second law planet was formed, and Luo Cheng was promoted to the two-star level before he felt anything.

There are basically no changes in the two cyclones.

A cyclone that has just started to liquefy can also understand the law, but it depends on the probability. The probability of success is very low.

Just the torrent of impact can drain away the cyclone of rigidizing liquid.

Accumulating cyclones is also accumulating foundation. It not only increases the chance of the law condensing, but also pushes oneself to a higher height in one breath.

Luocheng instantly increased the flow of the opposing particle flow, and instantly, the various particles formed by the big explosion continued to increase.

More earth law particles are integrated into the law planet, and the second planet becomes larger visibly to the naked eye.

Soon the second law planet took shape and began to condense the third planet.

Luo Cheng put the second twice-purified flesh essence and the cut ninth-level spiritual essence into his mouth.

A large amount of energy replenishes the consumption of the two cyclones.

The first law planet that is initially formed is in the middle, and the law planets that appear later will appear around the first one.

Soon the carrying capacity of the third one reached its limit, and then the fourth law planet began to condense.

The two cyclones began to become sparse, but the liquid energy was still sufficient. Luocheng did not stop and continued the collision of the two energies.

When the seventh planet was completely condensed, the collision of laws within the body began to stop.

The energy of the remaining two cyclones is not enough for him to hit the stellar realm.

The law planet can reach up to seven stars. After seven stars, it will be promoted to the next realm of star level.

Luo Cheng opened his eyes. The seven law planets continued to emit the power of law, imprinting the power of law into Luo Cheng's flesh, bones, and cells all over his body.

This process normally takes seven days, but with seven law planets in Luocheng, it only takes one day.

A swirling mass of sand forms in the palm of your hand, and the sand forms automatically without the need for wind.

As far as the eye could see, a bird flew across the sky, but when it flew over the scrapyard, it suddenly turned into sand.

This is a simple application of the Law of Earth. Transformation into sand is the simplest and most direct way to fight the enemy.

It is mainly used to deal with beings who are weaker than yourself and do not understand the rules.

Luo Cheng's law can cover a 500-meter range. As long as he is willing, with himself as the center, all life within 500 meters can instantly turn into sand.

This is the limit that the law planet can cover. If you want to influence further, you can only advance to the star level.

Luo Cheng looked at the two cyclones that had become sparse in his body, crossed his legs and began to practice.

If you don't have any skills, just use resources to pile them up, and you can still achieve the same effect.

Xiaoshu's assimilation effect is stronger, and one assimilation can be compared to his long time practice.

At present, the cyclone is only liquefied. When it reaches the star level, the power of law obtained by the impact of liquefied energy will be too slow.

It requires more concentrated energy for a stronger impact.

Two cyclones are the basis of auxiliary practice.

Luocheng enters Lanjiang and enters the nameless world from the window of Lanjiang.

Jumping onto the water, Lan Kai soon appeared in sight.

"Luo Cheng, how's it going? Did the experiment succeed?"

"Yes, these are five essences of flesh and blood. Check to see if they meet our trading standards."

Luo Cheng handed over a brocade box.Lan Kai couldn't wait to open it, and there were five crystal clear flesh and blood essences inside.

He couldn't help but smile on his face and said: "Yes, it is indeed level four, and it is definitely the essence of top-grade flesh and blood.

I will report to my grandfather right now and we can increase trade volume.

My grandfathers will definitely agree to this deal. "

Luo Cheng also hopes to increase the volume of transactions. The earth has begun to merge with the Nameless World. Countless wars are likely to follow. Strong strength is the basis for ensuring victory in wars.

"The Earth has merged with the Nameless World, and it is estimated that they will all merge within three years. We don't have much time to trade." Luo Cheng said.

When the earth is completely integrated into the nameless world, these windows that appear everywhere will disappear.

Lan Kai asked hurriedly: "Where did you appear? If the distance is close, we can continue trading."

"Near the Black Wolf Empire."

Lan Kai smiled and said: "It's not bad. With the strength of the weapons in your world, you can completely withstand and launch a counterattack.

Unless Wolf King Hante shamelessly takes action in person and leads the masters to assassinate and cause trouble for you guys. "

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "Then don't want his Black Wolf Empire. Although the nuclear weapons of the technological planet cannot kill the strong, they can still clear out some small soldiers very quickly."

Lan Kai said: "The Black Wolf Empire is tens of thousands of miles away from us and has already exceeded the coverage of Kaiming City.

The integration of a planet is equivalent to an additional area covering tens of thousands of kilometers. I am afraid that not only the Black Wolf Empire will be interested, so you must be prepared. "

Luo Cheng knew it in his heart. Because the earth was spherical, it didn't appear to be too big. But when he straightened it and laid it flat on the ground, the farthest distance would probably be sixty or seventy thousand miles, or even eighty or ninety thousand miles. .

Such a huge area is divided into more than 200 countries, with varying powers.

The weak country is not even as big as a county. Even the most long-range missile cannot take care of such a huge area.

And whether the satellite can be used by then is another matter.

"Lan Kai, I plan to go to Kaiming City to buy some weapons from the technological country.

I want to borrow your golden feather beast for use. "

Lan Kai hesitated for a few seconds and nodded: "Okay, I'll take you to the backyard.

But do you have enough to trade. "

"In our world, there have been many cross-border businessmen and countless windows. Many people have gained opportunities from the windows. When these things are gathered together, they are of considerable value, enough to exchange some common currency with cross-border businessmen.

After all, you also know that the emergence of the window is an opportunity for the nameless world to the world it is about to integrate into.

It would be a pity if we did not actively utilize this resource. "

Lan Kai smiled and said, "Yes, just like our current transaction, it is mutually beneficial. This is also the meaning of the window.

I'll take you to the place where the Golden Feather Beast rests. "

The two came to the backyard. Every time they saw the golden-feathered beast, Luo Cheng felt amazed. It was so majestic.

Lan Kai walked over and kept talking in the golden feather beast's ear.

It seemed that the golden-feathered beast didn't agree and kept chirping.

A level three essence appeared in Luo Cheng's hand, and he walked over and handed it to the Golden Feather Beast.

The slender tongue stretched out from the mouth and swallowed the essence of flesh and blood into his belly in the blink of an eye.

It chirped with joy.

Lan Kai said speechlessly: "He agreed. It seems that my master's words are not as effective as the third-level essence."

Luo Cheng laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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