Chapter 176 Analysis
"Dad, this battleship is really big. It would be great if I could sit in it and drive it around."

On the road outside the airport, a five or six-year-old child was sitting on his father's shoulders and looking into the airport.

"There will be opportunities, but you have to work hard, study hard, practice hard in the future, and get into the best school."

"Well, I will try my best."

This scene kept playing out among the crowds outside the airport and among those who watched the live broadcast across the country.

The shock that the fleet brought to people could not subside for a long time, and it also aroused the fighting spirit of countless people.

The spacious conference room gradually became lively with the arrival of Luo Cheng.

Scanning his eyes, many of them were familiar people that he often saw.

After a brief introduction, the meeting officially began.

"Luo Cheng, my name is Qin Wuwei, the founder of Lijian. You should have heard of it."

"Commander Qin, I have heard of your name a long time ago. Today I can see you in person. What is the main content of this meeting?

What are our plans for the next turn of events. "

Qin Wuwei shook his head and said: "We don't have many plans at the moment. Our first goal is to ensure that the country will survive smoothly while accumulating more resources.

Because we are unknown to everything in the nameless world. "

Luo Cheng nodded and said: "Now that we have battleships, it will be much easier to exchange for the flesh and blood of the eight-armed beast or to mine it in space.

The aerospace carrier and many of the aerospace planes in it use controllable nuclear fusion. There are ready-made ones for our reference, and the energy problem can be solved. "

Everyone nodded, and many people thought of this when they brought the fleet back from Luocheng.

Qin Wuwei said: "What is your view on foreign affairs? There are more than 200 countries on the earth. If we face their request for help, should we help or not, and if so, how."

This is a tricky question.

When we are all on Earth, we can distinguish people from different countries, but when we merge into the nameless world, all people on Earth will be seen as one.

"Whatever plans there are in the country, even if you want to help, you must do it according to your ability. The integration of the earth into the unknown world is not in the form of a sphere, but flat on the ground.

This is a huge land of more than 5 million square kilometers, and is home to nearly 80 billion people.

What a big piece of cake this is, and for many countries, population is also a huge wealth.

For example, the Black Wolf Empire that borders us has the habit of keeping slaves, killing slaves for fun or using slaves to extract their essence.

This kind of situation can be found everywhere in the unknown world.

There are only a handful of combat forces that the entire Earth can use. With such a large area, we cannot take care of it all, and we must give up everything. "

A senior executive said: "What Luo Cheng said makes sense. We have already held an international meeting and no effective suggestions were discussed.

But many countries have already adopted our proposal to build metropolitan areas.

Some countries also suggested forming an Earth Alliance to form a whole, but in the end they failed. "

The meeting lasted for three days, and all aspects of the discussion were discussed. This was the first time that Luo Cheng felt tired.

However, this meeting also confirmed the identity of the commander of Luocheng Guangshan City Metropolitan Area.

At the same time, he also serves as a special adviser to the headquarters. As for the subsequent formation of the Earth Federation or the Asian Federation, Luo Cheng does not plan to participate.

He was not interested in whether foreigners were safe.

Back at the scrap station, suddenly a black shadow jumped out from the side.

"Chengzi, Brother Cheng, it's so hard for me to wait."

Luo Cheng smiled silently, it was Zheng Xiao.

"Why are you waiting here?"

"Of course I am waiting for you. I have agreed with my fans that I will show them the spaceship live and take a tour inside it.

I've been waiting here for two days, so I won't let you see it. "

"Impossible, what's the relationship between us? Come with me."

Luo Cheng took Zheng Xiao into the scrap station. Zheng Xiao immediately looked around and said, "There's none." "Of course not. They're all underground. I'll just show you. If you want to live broadcast, wait until I have time." Come out and take you around."

An underground base is nothing. As long as there are small trees, hundreds or even thousands of them can be built. It is even possible to turn the entire Guangshan City into an underground base.

Luo Cheng walked into a warehouse. It looked like a shabby warehouse on the outside, but there was something special inside. The walls were silver-white and full of a sense of technology.

Luo Cheng took Zheng Xiao to a staircase and kept walking down.

The silver-white staircase made entirely of metal is full of futuristic atmosphere.

This was designed by Luo Cheng after referring to the huge store in the Glorious Empire, and was temporarily modified by Xiaoshu.

There are a large number of crystal lamps inlaid on the walls.

"Damn it, when was this place built? It looks like a science fiction base."

“It was built a long time ago, with ordinary materials, and it just looks awesome.

This wall is an ordinary wall, and the current decoration team can also build it. "

Zheng Xiao touched it and nodded: "Yes, it is indeed quite ordinary."

The two of them walked down the elevator for nearly 30 meters, and a huge space appeared in front of them.

The flat ground was like an airport, with tall warships parked there.

Luo Cheng asked Zheng Xiao to visit the space carrier alone.

[Decompose aerospace aircraft, absorb and extract]

The hatch of the transport ship was directly melted by the small tree.

Information is constantly refreshed.

[Unknown metal detected, start recording, unknown circuit detected, start recording, law imprint detected, absorption and transformation, unknown data detected, start recording, extraction failed, please continue to upgrade, nuclear energy detected, absorption record transformation]

[Convert the absorbed aerospace plane into nutrients]

【Conversion completed】

[Can we extract controllable nuclear fusion from a space plane?]

A crystal module soon appeared in the underground base, which was the nuclear fusion module in the aerospace plane.

[Nuclear energy is insufficient, please replenish radioactive materials]

Luo Cheng picked up the module and didn't feel any radiation, and his palms trembled slightly.

The surface of the module was suddenly covered with cracks, and the two cyclones rotated rapidly, driving the nuclear energy in the body to also rotate.

A wonderful scene appeared. The nuclear energy in the module in his hand gradually flowed into Luo Cheng's body.

Within a few minutes, the module turned into scrap without any energy.

Although Guangshan City had beautiful mines before, it lacked radioactive minerals.

The occasional sporadic ones are almost ignored.

Xiaoshu can extract fusion modules if there is enough nuclear fuel, but it is still a little short of producing an aerospace plane.

Maybe I didn't understand the automated program or something.

Open the light curtain, and it's not far from being upgraded again.

【Decompose the Tree of Everything】

Root coverage range: [-] kilometers

Ability: [Decomposition] [Extraction] [Evolution] [Assimilation] [Purification] [Purification] [Slavery Order (Three Slavery Orders can be extracted from the Decomposition Tree of All Things, and the Slavery Order enslaves creatures)] [Second Purification (In the Decomposition Tree of All Things) Within the decomposable range, secondary purification is performed on the basis of the first purification)]

Nutrients: 73-820 [Absorb sunlight, rain and dew, decompose and absorb all things to obtain nutrients, extract, evolve, purify and consume nutrients simultaneously]

[Decomposition ability: Level [-]]

Mode: [Smart Mode]

(End of this chapter)

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