My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 178 Attracting the Iron-clad Beast

Chapter 178 Attracting the Iron-clad Beast

This is deep in the Black Wolf Empire, among the high mountains. From time to time, groups of wolf cavalry or wolves can be seen running on the land.

On the top of the mountains, a huge city stands, and the entire city is made of huge stones.

Many stones are covered with black marks, which are the color formed over time after the blood dries up.

In the huge stone city, apart from the members of the Black Wolf Empire who walked proudly, there were all kinds of slaves.

From male to female, from young to old, there are all races.

Some do hard work, and some get a full meal through various juggling.

Of course, more people were doing inhumane work, and many slaves even had their limbs chopped off and hung on chopping boards for people to pick from.

In the center of the giant city, a prosperous royal palace is located, which is in sharp contrast to the dilapidation of the giant city.

In the center of the majestic hall, a tall middle-aged man with a sharp look in his eyes sat wearing a golden sword.

Behind the middle-aged man, there is a black wolf taking a nap.

The middle-aged man kept stroking the black wolf's soft hair with one hand, and the black wolf occasionally purred comfortably.

"Your Majesty, a new fusion planet has appeared in the empire, which happens to be bordering us, in the northeast and northwest respectively. The other side is a technological planet.

Half of our patrol team was killed by the opponent's technological weapons.

The airship on the other side was hit by the opponent's missile and made an emergency retreat. "

Wolf King Han Te instantly showed a ferocious and greedy look.

"Haha, the technological planet means countless slaves, countless beauties, countless wealth and essence.

Send an order to the Snow Wolf Tribe and White Wolf Buluo, and let the leaders of the two tribes personally lead the troops. I will see the slaves of the technological planet within a month.

If you cannot pay tribute to beautiful slaves that satisfy me, then send their families.

Go now and deliver the message. "

Everyone in the hall was awestruck. Wolf King Hunter was an extremely cruel person.

All the beautiful women who paid tribute were fed to the black wolf behind him after being tortured by him.

The ferocity of Wolf King Han Te also shaped the characteristics of the Black Wolf Empire, greed and cruelty.

The center of the Earth's Pacific Ocean.

The three armored beasts surfaced, looked around, and then sank.

Obviously, the altitude of the cruiser's flight was beyond the sensing range of the armored beast.

As for Luocheng, it doesn't exist at all in the eyes of these armored beasts.

Just when the last armored beast was about to sink into the black area, Luo Cheng moved.

The huge power of rules enveloped the earth's energy and the power in the two whirlpools suddenly poured into the secondary purified alloy battle axe.

As if aware of the danger, the last giant beast suddenly turned back and took a quick photo with its palms flashing with light.


The alloy battle ax and the palm of the giant beast collided together instantly, a collision between the law, the power of earth energy and nuclear fusion.

A mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and countless seawater evaporated.

Luo Cheng stepped hard on the water with his feet to use force, and ejected into the air. The second attack slashed down again.

The giant beast slapped him with another glowing palm.

The power of the law is constantly acting on the giant beast. The armored beast's whole body is emitting a faint blue light, consuming Luo Cheng's law to assimilate and prevent itself from turning into sand.

The chopped palm emits a dazzling light, which is used to offset the erosion of the law on the palm.

The powerful fusion power emitted by the armored beast also penetrated a large part of Luo Cheng's body.While fighting against the power of law in Luo Cheng's body, he was absorbed by the fusion energy in Luo Cheng's cells.

These fusion cells are constructed through the assimilation of small trees, and are weak but extremely strong.

The nuclear energy that invades the body is constantly destroying, emitting powerful radiation.

When the fusion reaction is carried out in the body of the giant beast, these energies are the purest energy. However, when he fights an enemy, powerful radiation will be emitted when entering the enemy's body, and an incomplete fusion reaction will take place.

These fusion reactions continue to destroy the cells in Luo Cheng's body, but they will soon be restored.

His strong physical fitness and imprinted laws ensure his strong defense and vitality.

The black alloy battle ax poured out Luo Cheng's power all the time.

The law erodes the armored beast's body all the time.


Violent explosions continued to explode in the Pacific Ocean, and every loud noise was like a nuclear bomb exploding.

Countless nuclear energy was invaded into Luo Cheng's body. As more and more nuclear energy was absorbed, a large amount of nuclear energy began to spontaneously rotate, and a vortex composed of nuclear energy appeared below the Dantian vortex below.

Although this vortex is very small after it is formed, the energy it contains is huge.

And as the vortex rotates, the invading nuclear energy is constantly integrated into the nuclear energy vortex, being assimilated and converted into its own energy.

The assimilation of nuclear energy has further contributed to the increase in Luocheng's strength, almost becoming stronger with each fight.

The armored beast he attacked not only had blue light emitting from its entire body.

It even became extremely dense in many places, emitting dazzling light. These were all places that had been hacked by Luocheng.

The major powers observing the battle between the two through satellites were somewhat dumbfounded.

The strength of the armored beast is beyond imagination, and every blow is almost equivalent to a nuclear bomb.

But in the confrontation between Luo Cheng and his opponent, not only was he not killed, but he actually gained a slight upper hand.

Although the armored beast's attack is strong, as long as it can't kill him at once, the energy it emits will be slowly absorbed by him.

The nuclear energy that Xiaoshu implanted into Luo Cheng's body has been integrated with his cells. In other words, the cell structure in Luo Cheng's body has undergone fundamental changes.

It has become possible to coexist with nuclear energy, even accommodate nuclear energy, and absorb nuclear energy.

The armored beast seemed to be irritated by Luo Cheng and kept roaring. The black area of ​​the Pacific Ocean was like an abyss. The two armored beasts that appeared before did not appear because of the roar of this armored beast.

Could it be that he didn't feel another nuclear energy fluctuation, so he didn't appear? Luo Cheng wondered in his mind, and at the same time gave up the idea of ​​using nuclear energy to deal with the armored beast.

Maybe this guy, like him, has a vortex formed by condensed nuclear energy in his body, even more perfect than Luo Cheng's.

If we use nuclear energy ourselves, we will lose more than we gain.

Another characteristic of the armored beast is that when it reaches despair, it will explode directly and die together with the enemy.

The armored beast in front of him obviously did not enter a state of despair. It even had just a skin injury. It just glowed with blue light and looked seriously injured.

Luo Cheng reduced his use of flexible body movements for sneak attacks, and instead increased his head-to-head chops with the armored beasts, using his alloy battle ax to hit the opponent's palms and fists head-on.

The intensity of the battle escalated to a higher level in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, with the fierce fighting, the battlefield between the two kept shifting, and the armored beast was completely enraged. Even if Luo Cheng retreated, he still pursued him.

While Luo Cheng was confronting the giant beast head-on, he guided the giant beast towards the west of Asia.

That's where the Black Wolf Empire and Earth coincide.Luo Cheng has Cang Mo's memory and knows that the Black Wolf Empire will not give up.

Hante's greed will not give up the fat in his mouth. There are nearly 80 billion people on the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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