Chapter 183
The coverage area of ​​the small tree has expanded to 160 kilometers, and the entire Guangshan City is under Luocheng's control, including some remote counties.

Even several counties in the neighboring Blue River City are under Luocheng's observation.

Dense roots completely covered a space carrier.

[Decomposition, extraction and reorganization]

[Detected that the Space Carrier has a new alloy formula, recorded and optimized]

The huge space carrier shrank visibly to the naked eye, and not long after, a brand new space carrier disappeared.

[Start the extraction and reorganization of the space carrier, decompose and absorb a large amount of data, and convert it into an intelligent clone]


A space carrier of the same color as before was built from scratch, bit by bit, in front of Luo Cheng.

There are even three hundred brand new drones in the cabin, but all the nutrients that were finally transformed have been consumed.

A huge root network covers all the warships in the underground base.

[All transport ships are decomposed and absorbed and converted into nutrients]

The transport ship is useless to Luocheng. Its only function is to transport mechas and aerospace planes.

The two transport ships each provided 1000 nutrients, which was a bit too little for the seventh-level Decomposition Tree that required [-] million nutrients to upgrade.

But it's better than nothing, it's cheap after all.

Soon, there were only two patrol ships, two aerospace carriers, and a large number of mechas and aerospace planes in the underground base.

Luo Cheng boarded a cruise ship, and four battleships flew out from the underground base one after another, disappeared in the blink of an eye, rose into space, and revolved around the earth.

The battles taking place on Earth are clearly projected on the big screen.

In America, the White Wolf tribe was broken into pieces, with many small teams advancing rapidly and spreading in both directions.

The big and beautiful weapons in the north were well equipped and powerful, and they could temporarily resist. Although some small countries approaching suffered heavy casualties, they were still in a stalemate with the people of the White Wolf tribe.

But some countries in the south are not so lucky. A large number of small teams of White Wolf tribe soldiers shuttle through the forest.

Moreover, their efforts to popularize cultivation are not comprehensive. Unlike in China, everyone from primary school students to the elderly have started practicing cultivation.

Ordinary tanks and artillery are useless in front of these experienced cavalry.

After finally organizing the defense line, a large number of weapons began to turn into sand and dissipated in the sky.

The whole world's attention is focused here. This is the first large-scale collision between the earth and the Black Wolf Empire.

A large number of wolf cavalry are distributed on a front line of thousands of kilometers.

This is the advantage of the Black Wolf Empire, which can operate as a small team as an action group.

If you want to deal with these squads, you must have dense heavy weapons.

They can only gather together to eliminate the soldiers of the White Wolf tribe who have gathered together.

Other countries are also urgently deploying troops to form a coalition to support the two integration areas.

Defending the fusion zone is equivalent to holding the earth.

A group of wolf cavalry rushed forward quickly, and a flash of sword flashed, and a tank was split in half from the middle.

Sandification begins from within.

Countless soldiers on the defense line clutched their throats and fell to the ground dead. The sand and mud in the air gathered instantly, blocking these people's respiratory tracts, or their brains and hearts.

A Wolf Cavalry squad leader ran quickly along the defense line, and the coalition soldiers died as quickly as mowing grass.

"Haha, that's how it feels. The weak humans on the technological planet have no power to resist as long as they get close."


An armor-piercing bullet penetrated the body of the Wolf Cavalry squad leader, only slowing him down for a moment.The shell turned into sand and flowed down in the blink of an eye, and the wound healed automatically.

"Haha, a wound of this degree has no effect on me. If you surrender without killing, you can choose to become a slave of my Black Wolf Empire.

In the future, you can practice advanced skills and become a powerful member of the Black Wolf Empire. "

The squad leader shouted as he quickly slaughtered these ordinary soldiers.

Not far away, members of the Black Wolf Empire team swung their swords one after another, and with each sword, a huge slash appeared, carrying some human lives. .

Powerful weapons such as armored vehicles and tanks are somewhat insufficient in the face of slashing attacks.

The soldiers' reaction speed obviously couldn't keep up with the wolf cavalry's movement speed.

The long defense line and countless areas were broken through by the Wolf Cavalry.

The south's own military strength is not as good as that of the north, and the coalition forces formed are even inferior to some private armed forces.

A soldier trembled as he watched his comrade beside him being cut off by a slash. He immediately dropped his sword and raised his hands, shouting to surrender.

This soldier's behavior was the straw that broke the camel's back.

As the No. 1 soldier gave up resistance and surrendered, like a chain reaction, surrenders and defeats occurred one after another.

Some people didn't want to surrender, so they turned around and ran away. They were quickly caught up by wolf cavalry and had their heads chopped off.

In just two days, the first line of defense built in the southern region was knocked to pieces.

The northern region also suffered heavy casualties, because a total of three captains and three star-level experts appeared in the northern region.

Obviously the northern coalition forces felt the pressure.

Luo Cheng is driving a fleet cruising in space, and the mutation factor can already be felt here.

Although it is not as rich as the Earth, Luo Cheng also wants to see if the satellites surrounding the Earth can continue to work after fusion.

At this moment, the phone rang.

Luo Cheng was a little surprised that the phone call could reach outer space. Today's satellite communication technology is indeed very powerful.

"Commander Qin, why did you call me?"

"The south has asked us for help. The defense line has long been broken into pieces by the Black Wolf Empire. You should know that these countries themselves do not have strong military powers.

Wolf cavalry have appeared in some nearby cities, and a large number of prisoners have been taken away.

The coalition's missiles did not dare to attack these captured prisoners and could only watch them enter the fusion zone. "

"Commander Qin, are we too far away? Even if the missile can reach it, the cost is too high. Do we need to use an aerospace carrier and a patrol ship?

I have no objection to this. Since it has been donated, you can use it however you want without notifying me. "

Qin Wuwei smiled and said: "This is what we should do. We also want to consult whether we can cause harm to masters at the captain level of the Black Wolf Empire."

"Naturally, the cruiser is equipped with law-killing lasers and law-killing bombs, which were developed to obliterate the law.

But it is more effective against planetary levels, and our warships are too few in number to form continuous coverage, so the effect is naturally not good, but it can definitely hit the opponent hard.

I am currently in space and originally wanted to observe for two more days to see how many troops the Black Wolf Empire can produce.

I have made some progress in my practice recently, and I just happened to be practicing with the captain of the Black Wolf Empire. "

Qin Wuwei smiled and said, "It would be great if you could go."

Luo Chengdao: "But you tell them to be prepared for the possibility that a large number of civilians will be taken away.

The Asian side has dispatched the opponent's small galaxy-level great elders, and they may appear here too. At present, the opponent is invincible to us. "

(End of this chapter)

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