My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 196 The Flea Market

Chapter 196 The Flea Market
A whip from the Wolf Cavalry woke up many people who were not deeply poisoned from their dreams.

"From now on, all of you are slaves, do you know what a slave is?

Whatever the slave master says is whatever he says. You can live only if you are allowed to live, and you must be willing to die if you are allowed to die.

You must do everything you can to please the slave owner, because he is the one who determines your destiny.

Otherwise, a miserable life awaits you. Now everyone enters the fusion zone. "

The crowd murmured from time to time.

The patrolling wolf cavalry pulled a man who complained loudly out of the crowd.He took out a rope and tied it to his body.

The black wolf under his feet suddenly accelerated, and the person who was tied to the rope was quickly pulled to the ground and dragged forward quickly.

Within a few minutes, his body was already a bloody mess.

The sharp eyes of the wolf cavalry looked at the entire crowd, and they circled around the crowd carrying the bloody and still breathing man.

"You see, this is the consequences of complaining. From the moment you enter the territory of the Black Wolf Empire, you are the slaves of the empire.

The Wolf Cavalry has the power of life and death over slaves, which means I can kill you at will without any consequences. "

As he spoke, he casually threw the seriously injured Earthling to the ground.

Everyone shut their mouths completely.

Wang Ming's mind immediately recalled the country's introduction to the Black Wolf Empire that he had seen while watching the short video. It was primitive and brutal.

Now it seems that this is still an understatement.Now he couldn't help but slap himself in the mouth to make himself sober.

But it was too late, there were wolf cavalry patrols all around.

Not to mention running away, if you look twice more you will be whipped.

The captain of the Wolf Cavalry was very satisfied with his previous behavior of establishing authority.

However, he remembered that the captain had told him that he should give both kindness and power, and give a sweet date as well as a stick, so that people could become slaves with complete peace of mind and serve them comfortably.

Otherwise, they would riot today and poison tomorrow, and they would have nothing to do but suppress the slaves.

"Don't be discouraged. There is no way to survive if you become a slave. Have you seen these wolf cavalry?"

In the darkness, countless wolf eyes in the distance glowed green in Moonlight Mountain.

“A lot of it was a step-by-step progression from slavery to where we are today.

Everyone in the Black Wolf Empire, including slaves, will be given cultivation techniques. This is a benefit given to you by the empire.

As long as you practice to the realm of liquid, you can get rid of your slave status, become a member of the Black Wolf Empire, and even become a noble wolf cavalry after being selected. "

There was a smile on the squad leader's sinister face. Under the moonlight, it looked as scary as possible.

Many people in the crowd had their eyes shining, feeling that it would be good to become a slave, at least they would have advanced skills to practice.

Listening to people's discussion, the Wolf Cavalry secretly sneered. There was one statistic he hadn't mentioned yet, which was that 90.00% of people couldn't cultivate the liquid.

Most of them were tortured to death by their slave owners. A small number of them had no resources and qualifications and wasted their time for decades. In the end, they were despised by their slave owners and either sold or tortured to death.

These guys are also a bunch of idiots. They just came here on their own after being fooled, and they didn't even arrest people everywhere.

With these slaves on his side, the Wolf King will also reduce the pressure on each tribe.

Wang Ming whispered to his friends beside him: "This is not bad. At least we have advanced skills. As long as we practice hard, it will only be a matter of time before we become Wolf Cavalry.

On Earth, there are no advanced techniques at all. You have to hunt mutant creatures in the wild in exchange for essence. The strongest ones are too strong, and the weak ones cannot be ranked. "

The companions around them nodded quickly and said: "Yes, that's right. When we become Wolf Cavalry, we will go to Earth to show off and let them see how wise our choice is." The team entered the Black Wolf Empire amid the commotion.

It's night on the other side of the earth, but it's day here.

With a worried heart, Wang Ming followed the team farther and farther away from the Earth Fusion Zone. Looking at the intertwined shadow and light areas in the distance, he vowed in his heart that he would come back in glory.

In Guangshan City, Lin Yaohua informed the top brass of Luo Cheng's ideas.

After many meetings and decisions, not only the windows in Guangshan City were opened, but also more than 20 windows across the country.

There are only a few windows for secretly cultivating talents that are not open to the public.

There may be undiscovered windows, but these are not included in the calculation.

Suddenly, the city where the National Window is located suddenly became lively.

Most people are actually very self-aware, but this does not prevent them from going to the city where the window is located. Maybe they can buy some things brought back from the unknown world and find gold from the soil.

Guangshan City has also become lively.

In the old flea market, there were countless stalls selling various treasures from the nameless world.

They say it was brought back from the unknown world and compiled in a stylish way.

Zheng Xiao told him this.

At this time, Zheng Xiao had enough of playing with mechas underground and came to the yard to interact with the eight-armed beast and the big python before finding Luo Cheng.

"Chengzi, when will you go to the flea market with your buddy? My eyesight is not that good. If I want to find treasures, I have to look at you.

Not only am I going this time, but also Mingming, how long has it been since you last met? Mingming, we are still not good friends. "

Speaking of Han Mingming, Luo Cheng thought for a moment and realized that he had indeed not seen him for two months.

The main reason is that he has too many things to do, so cultivation takes up most of his time. He also has to pay attention to the situation in the fusion area and deal with the trade incident with the Blue Water Tribe.

"Okay, you call Mingming and we drive directly to her house to pick her up. I also want to see how many genuine and fake goods there are in the flea market.

I'm also curious about how they buy things from the Nameless Realm. The earth's paper money is no different from waste paper when it reaches the Nameless Realm. "

Zheng Xiao laughed and said: "Chengzi, I have to give you a few words in this regard. If you are in a high position, you cannot see the situation below.

You thought they were all like you, trading either warships or hundreds of eight-armed behemoths.

Many people have some characteristics of the earth, such as bringing a box of instant noodles with them in exchange for two metal long swords.

Some long swords are made of certain alloys, some of which are not found on earth. If they are resold, the profit can be hundreds of times higher. "

Luo Cheng had to admit that he really hadn't thought about it that way. The first time he crossed borders was after he became friends with Lan Kai.

"How has the death situation been in the two days since the cross-border operation was launched?"

"I heard that many people died. Most of the creatures in the nameless world are very ferocious, especially the mutated creatures, which are much more powerful than those on Earth. If you don't pay attention, there will be no bones left.

But just taking a few things with you back and forth is enough for an ordinary person to save up after working for decades.

Risks and opportunities coexist. "

Luo Cheng nodded, the date agreed with the cross-border businessman was coming soon.

After the transaction was over, Luo Cheng planned to go to Kaiming City again. The last time he went there was because of the emergence of the Black Wolf Empire, so he bought a battleship and rushed back.

This time we can have a nice stroll.

(End of this chapter)

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