My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 215 The first mercenary in the mercenary city

Chapter 215 The No. 1 mercenary in the mercenary city

Time flies by, and three months have passed since the construction of the mercenary city was completed and gradually improved, including employee training.

On this day, a video was widely forwarded on major Internet platforms.

"Do you want to be stronger?"

"Do you want to get better various essences?"

"Do you want a more powerful weapon?"

"If you want to, then come to the Mercenary City. It is close to the dark forest, has endless mutant creatures, and has a strong mutation factor. It is the best place for training.

It is also the best place for adventure and fighting. Those who sign up to become mercenaries within half a month will be rewarded with a long knife with planet-level laws.

Anyone who has condensed a cyclone can come and sign up as a mercenary. There are transport ships leading to the mercenary city in major cities in the country, departing at four o'clock every afternoon.

Sign up as soon as possible and work hard to become a strong person. "

As soon as this notice was sent out, it immediately detonated the entire Internet.

Many people in Luanhai City had already noticed the sudden rise of the giant city, but they did not expect it to be a city of mercenaries.

After hearing the announcement online, many people couldn't sit still.

In Luanhai City, Han Shu is a practitioner who has cultivated cyclones. He has noticed the abnormalities in the dark forest since the last fire in the dark forest.

When I saw the notice this time, I immediately understood that something had happened in the dark forest. I wonder who could resist the countless mutant creatures building a city in such a chaotic place.

Han Shu could tell at a glance that although the mercenary city was dangerous, it also came with opportunities.

Without any hesitation, he drove the off-road vehicle out of the city and headed straight into the dark forest.

The originally dark forest completely changed and turned into a sunny pasture.

In the huge fence, countless cattle grazed wild grass leisurely, and there was a luxurious villa next to the pasture.

"I can't even imagine this. This place used to be a dark forest. It is estimated that only Luocheng in the whole of China has this kind of ability.

Could it be that the mercenary city was also built by Luocheng? This makes sense. "

He took out his mobile phone and quickly recorded what he saw and heard along the way into a video and uploaded it to the platform.

"Insights of the Dark Forest"

As soon as it was posted, it received countless likes and comments.

"The dark forest has turned into a pasture. Sure enough, the announcement of the mercenary city is true. Let's go to the big city and take a battleship."

"Wait for me, I'll go too."

"I don't know if the cattle here can be sold or not. This is the grassland of the dark forest, and it must contain a strong mutation factor."

"This is much better than the so-called wagyu. If we don't kill them, these cows will probably be able to condense the laws in the end, and they can practice faster than humans. The dark forest is a treasure."

Han Shu posted the video and ignored people's comments. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the off-road vehicle rushed out wildly.

After more than an hour, the huge mercenary city appeared in sight.

"Damn it, how long did it take to build such a huge city in the dark forest?"

The tall city wall made Han Shu, who was less than two meters tall, feel like he was looking at a chasm. He couldn't see the top at a glance. Looking to the left and right, he couldn't see the edge either.

He took out his mobile phone and took a video, then took out the drone from the car and took off.

Let the drone follow the off-road vehicle and record everything you see and hear.

Passing through the tall city wall, you can see the parking lot as far as the eye can see.

There is a huge battleship above the parking lot.

The drone focused on photographing the battleship down to every detail.Then he drove to the mercenary building in the center of the city according to the instructions.

Entering the mercenary hall, there are already staff busy inside.

Seeing that he was indeed from his own country, Han Shu breathed a sigh of relief and immediately took pictures of everything.

"Hi, I want to sign up to be a mercenary."

"Hello, since you are the first to sign up as a mercenary, you can get a big gift package from our mercenary union.

These include fifty fourth-level flesh and blood essences, fifty fourth-level spiritual essences, a long knife containing stellar-level laws, a set of armor that can resist stellar laws, and a distribution map of mutant creatures in the dark forest. "Han Shu didn't expect that there would be such benefits.

"I see there is no such big gift package in your announcement."

"Yes, only the first [-] people who sign up will get a big gift package. The top ten are the best, and then every [-] people will be lowered by one level. The gift package you get is the best."

Soon, the staff brought a long knife sealed in a metal scabbard and a suitcase.

Opening the suitcase, there are neatly stacked essences inside.

Each one was crystal clear. Han Shu had never seen an essence of such good quality in his many years of practice.

He was immediately overjoyed. These essences were enough for him to condense the laws and become a planet-level powerhouse.

He picked up the long knife again. The long knife looked inconspicuous but weighed hundreds of kilograms. When he pulled out the long knife, a wave of heat suddenly spread from the long knife.

A trace of mutation factor was input, and a searing flame emanated from the blade.

It almost set Han Shu's body on fire.

Quickly withdraw your own mutation factor.

"If I don't wear armor, I won't be able to control this long sword."

"No, the long sword's lawful power and attack will only extend forward.

Even if the heat is amazing, it will not hurt the person holding the knife. This is because the long knife has been designed when it is manufactured.

The gentleman feels very hot, but it will not really ignite the knife wielder. As long as the gentleman continues to practice hard, this level of heat will soon be nothing. "

Han Shu was speechless. He was already smiling in his heart. He was not sure how satisfied he was with the big gift package No. 1 got.

With the long sword and armor, as long as he is cautious and is not too unlucky, he will have a chance to reach the stellar level.

This is an opportunity set up by Luocheng for the destined people, and Han Shu is obviously the biggest destined person.

Underground in the Mercenary Tower, in a bright room with a rich mutation factor, Luo Cheng has been sitting here practicing.

At the same time, he observed everything in the entire city through the small tree.

Including the arrival of Han Shu.

Taking out so many things at once is just a drop in the bucket for Luo Cheng, but it can greatly speed up the cultivation speed of domestic cultivators.

The long sword containing laws strengthens people's ability to protect themselves.

When the mercenary city becomes stable, Luo Cheng plans to go to Kaiming City and Tianming City to look for opportunities to exchange high-level essence for some low-level essence.

High-end essence is always hard currency. If you exchange high-end for low-end, you will be a guest everywhere and be taken as a victim.

But for Luo Cheng, this is a profitable business.

With the smelting function of the small tree, the two cities are his two biggest cash machines.

With the arrival of Han Shu, Han Shu's experiences in the mercenary city were uploaded to the short video platform.

Many people were immediately anxious and did not want to wait for the battleship at four o'clock. They drove their cars to the extreme speed just to grab the gift package for the first thousand people in Mercenary City.

(End of this chapter)

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