My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 221 The Iron Hoof Tribe Appears

Chapter 221 The Iron Hoof Tribe Appears
Sonic boom clouds exploded on the ground, and two black shadows continued to collide.

Every time there is a collision, a big crater will appear on the ground.

Luocheng was obviously at a disadvantage, and even Wolf King Han Te's defense couldn't be broken.

But it is also difficult for Wolf King Han Te to kill him. His body, which has been assimilated and strengthened by Xiaoshu countless times, can withstand the full attack of a strong person at the constellation level.

The two of them were fighting and moving at high speed. Luo Cheng also saw that it was very difficult to take down the Wolf King on his own, and it was also a dream for the Wolf King to kill him.

Luo Cheng thought in his mind that he already had an idea, so he immediately retreated while fighting, and quickly escaped to the sea, heading straight towards the east.

Wolf King Han Te showed a cruel smile and said: "Are you running out of energy and want to escape?

You have killed countless generals under my command. How can I keep you here? You should die here. "

Hante took a step forward, countless water splashed up, and appeared next to Luo Cheng in an instant. A transparent hammer appeared in his hand, which was obviously evolved from the constellations wrapped around the body.


Before the hammer hit, the air began to vibrate violently.

Thick earth energy quickly condensed on the arm, mixed with nuclear energy. Under the nuclear energy was the thick earth law, covering Luo Cheng's whole body.


An earth-shattering impact instantly broke through the earth's air defenses, and the rich nuclear energy exploded instantly. The terrifying shock wave spread to the periphery, greatly reducing the terrifying power contained in the hammer.

The innermost layer of earth law provided a heavy defense. Luo Cheng's body was directly knocked out, and the scenery on both sides retreated rapidly.

Terrifying radiation spreads from the contact area to the surrounding areas.

The central area of ​​the Pacific Ocean continued to surge, and then seven armored beasts wandered out from the black area, heading straight for the battle site between Luocheng and Hante like torpedoes.

Luo Cheng used the power of the hammer to run wildly on the sea, heading towards the sea area of ​​the mercenary city where Xiaoshu was.

As long as Hante enters the shroud of the small tree, death is the only thing waiting for him.

Hunter noticed the powerful energy that suddenly appeared in the distance and said: "I didn't expect there would be reinforcements, but they are so weak. Are they here to die?

No matter who comes today, no one can save you, Luo Cheng. Only by cutting you into pieces can the anger in my heart be extinguished. "

Luo Cheng didn't say a word, just rushing on his way, occasionally stopping to have a brief exchange with Han Te.

Although the Wolf King suppressed him and beat him, he had not been seriously injured until now.

Occasionally, violent nuclear energy bursts out to locate the armored beasts that come quickly and dare to come.

These armored beasts are no match for the Wolf King, but they have an absolutely strong character. No matter who they are, they will dare to attack them twice. If they fail, they will self-destruct. They are the best creatures to divert attention.


A thick beam of light shot from a distance, heading straight for Hante and Luo City.

Luo Cheng turned around and ran away. Hante snorted coldly, swung the hammer, and smashed the light pillar out with one hammer, turning it into dots of starlight blooming in the sky.

Then he stepped forward and chased Luo Cheng across the sea.

The Wolf King's body had long been filled with the radiation of nuclear energy due to his many contacts with Luo Cheng.

On the contrary, Luo Cheng, who has been releasing nuclear energy, has more perfect control over his own nuclear energy, without any radiation leaking out.

A big hand reached out from the sea and grabbed Han Te, with terrifying energy condensed in its palm.


Hante roared, and directly smashed the armored beast hundreds of meters away with a hammer. A huge hole appeared in its body, which was transparent from front to back and emitted blue light.

In the sky, a huge black ball burning with earth-colored flames condensed and formed, and smashed towards Hante.

The huge gravity even distorts the air.Hante's rotating hammer collided with the black sphere.

Another violent explosion sounded, and huge waves rose from the sea.

Luo Cheng once again opened the distance between the two sides.

Wolf King Hante was already a little anxious. It was not because he was consuming a lot, but because he, a strong constellation player, could not win a small galaxy level for a long time.

Luocheng's defensive power aroused Han Te's interest and fear.

Huge explosions erupted from time to time on the calm sea. This was the self-destruction of the armored beast after suffering heavy damage.

The armored beast is very strong, but it is obviously not that good against Hunter.

The two men had been chasing and escaping for most of the day. The sky became dark, but the sea suddenly became brighter. The sea was rough and seemed to be retreating significantly.

Luo Cheng and Han Te all stopped. At this moment, the sea gradually disappeared, and what appeared instead was a desolate wilderness.

The earth has once again merged into the nameless world.

Hante sneered and said: "Luo Cheng, it seems that your earth will soon be integrated into the unknown world. It is really a familiar wilderness. If the prediction is correct, you will face the Iron Hoof Tribe this time. I wish you good luck."

Obviously, this place has touched the border of the Iron Hoof Tribe, and Wolf King Hunter has no intention of starting a war with the Iron Hoof Tribe.

He turned around and walked away, casually smashing an armored beast that had just popped up hundreds of meters away.

The figure disappeared on the sea.

It was really not the right time to merge. We were already in the Central Asian Sea. As long as there was one more day, Luocheng could bring Hante to the area covered by the small tree and directly decompose Hante into nutrients.

The Iron Hoof tribe is also a feared existence, and is more troublesome than the Hante.

Han Te's retreat also attracted the attention of the newly emerged Iron Hoof tribe.

The battleship landed in the sky, and Luo Cheng boarded the battleship and disappeared on the sea.

Soon appeared in the mercenary city.

Now the mercenary city can operate freely. People capture and kill mutant creatures in the dark forest, and then come to the mercenary city to exchange for their essence.

The little tree earns half of the nutrients from the mutated creatures, and the other half is extracted into various essences and given to the mercenaries who perform tasks.

The nutrients provided by doing this are negligible to the small tree, but it has truly improved the strength of domestic cultivators.

Moreover, all the powerful beings within the shrouded area have long been wiped out by the small tree.

Returning to the tower, I first called Qin Wuwei.

"Commander Qin, just now, Central Asia is about to merge into the Nameless World. The force they appear this time is the Iron Hoof Tribe. You must be mentally prepared. This is a powerful tribe."

The Iron Hoof tribe has a clan leader who is in charge of the central royal court, and six elders who guard the six directions. These seven people are all at the constellation level.

It is far from being comparable to Hante, but Hante's Black Wolf Empire is highly mobile and cannot be beaten or run away. Therefore, the two countries have been at peace with each other after several conflicts.

"I understand. It's raining all night, and a powerful enemy appears. This is not a good thing."

Luo Cheng smiled and said: "The Black Wolf Empire should be able to calm down for a while recently. I just killed many small galaxy-level elders in the Black Wolf Empire and had a fight with the Wolf King Hunter.

Now that the Iron Heel Tribe is about to appear again, Hante will not attack. He will only take the next step when the situation becomes clear.

Commander Qin, prepare for the first war with the Iron Hoof tribe.

Peace is made by ourselves. "

(End of this chapter)

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