My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 231 Decomposition of the Tree of All Things Upgrade

Chapter 231 Decomposition of the Tree of All Things Upgrade

"This is the city of mercenaries. It is indeed very prosperous."

"Elder Black Horn, should we go directly to redeem the essence? This time we have acquired many high-level mutant creatures outside."

“Let’s take a look first to see if there is any chance of turning this place into our Iron Heel Tribe.

That fool in Baishan still wants to develop science and technology, so he is completely confused. "

The assistant looked around and lowered his voice and said: "Elder, Luo Cheng has killed Han Te, so we can survive here."

However, the assistant did not wait for Elder Black Horn to return home.

Turning around to look, Elder Black Horn's eyes widened and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

On the central tower, a powerful wave of law directly locked Elder Black Horn.

At this time, the assistant also felt the powerful law fluctuations around him, as if he would be killed on the spot as long as he moved.

Elder Black Horn forced himself to calm down and said: "Luo Cheng, this is not the way to treat guests. I came here intending to exchange for a six-headed constellation-level mutant creature.

Killing the guests directly would not be conducive to the development of the mercenary city. "

As Elder Black Horn finished speaking, the strong law fluctuations gradually disappeared, and the feeling of being locked also disappeared.

Within 2 minutes, Luo Cheng's figure appeared on the street.

"Elder Black Horn, the city of mercenaries welcomes everyone who comes to do business.

But if you want to overthrow the rule of the mercenary city and create chaos, don't blame me for being unkind. "

Elder Black Horn's expression suddenly turned ugly.

"Can you hear our conversation?"

"Every move in the Mercenary City is under my surveillance. From the first step you set foot here, I have been keeping an eye on you."

Elder Black Horn was speechless. He didn't expect Luo Cheng to have such a powerful trump card.

Even if he didn't see it, Heijiao could feel it. If something was locked, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

Luo Cheng arranged for someone to exchange the essence for them, six constellation mutated creatures, five of which were in the form of beasts and one in the form of a human. It was unknown which race they were.

But Luo Cheng doesn't care about this. He only cares about acquisitions and doesn't care about where things come from.

Seeing that it was really the ninth level essence, especially the crystal clear ninth level spiritual essence, my face almost burst into laughter.

"Luo Cheng, if there are mutant creatures in the future, I will go to you directly. Elder Baishan is right. It is indeed a genuine ninth-level essence."

Elder Black Horn's attitude completely changed, as if the unhappiness just now didn't happen at all.

Luo Cheng muttered to the old fox and let him wander around the mercenary city.

There are roots of small trees everywhere, and every move of the opponent is under his surveillance. If he dares to mess up, the small trees will directly decompose and absorb it.

Six constellations and more than 20 small galaxies were absorbed by Xiaoshu.

The nutrition has directly increased by more than 2000 million, and there is still more than 1000 million left before the upgrade.

Luo Cheng is somewhat looking forward to Xiaoshu's upgrade.

After one more level to reach level nine, it is estimated that even if the masters from the Xinghai realm come, they will have to stay here. Luo Cheng can safely promote the Mercenary City's exchange system in the nameless world.

He went to Tianming City with twenty ninth-level spiritual essences and twenty ninth-level flesh and blood essences to exchange for low-level essences.

The small galaxy-level battleship returned to the mercenary city in only half a day.

A large number of level [-] and [-] essences followed the battleship into the base below.


After multiple smeltings, the spiritual essence and flesh essence each became more than 50 pieces.

Luo Cheng each took twenty pieces, and the remaining 30 or so pieces were all absorbed by Xiaoshu.

In just an instant, the nutrients reached the upgrade standard.

[The Decomposition Tree reaches the upgrade standard, whether to upgrade it]


[This upgrade takes 48 hours, please wait for the human form] As the little tree fell into silence, Luo Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time the phone rang, it was Qin Wuwei's call.

"Commander Qin, what do you want from me?"

“Luocheng, we have received requests for help from several other continents.

Do you think you should ignore it? The Golden Dragon Empire and some small forces in the cracks between big countries are taking the opportunity to plunder the populations and various resources and weapons of several other countries. "

This situation is bound to happen. In addition to China, it would be good if several other major countries on Earth could produce a few planets.

Even the leaders of small forces caught in the cracks are at the level of small galaxies.

"What does Commander Qin mean? To save or not to save, and what to do if he is saved.

As long as we evacuate, the invasion will happen again. The distance is too far now, and everyone else except me will die if we go there. "

Qin Wuwei was silent for more than a minute and said, "Let's discuss it further."

Luo Chengdao: "Commander Qin, it is almost impossible for the earth to integrate into the nameless world without damage.

The weak eat the strong, don't worry too much, I know you feel sad that the rabbit dies and the fox dies, and you feel that everyone is a human being on the earth.

Back then, we also emerged from ruin. If we wanted to avoid suffering, we could only work hard to save ourselves. "

Qin Wuwei hung up the phone and felt a little emotional. He could tell that Luo Cheng didn't want to save him.

Luo Cheng didn't know about Qin Wuwei's struggles, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

After leaving the mercenary city, Luo Cheng came to the dark forest to re-examine the territory. This time he wanted to build a larger city.

Completely benchmarking Tianming City, using the redemption center as an attraction, and setting up multiple redemption points for low-level essences to be exchanged for high-level essences.

It is equivalent to having two attractive hot spots, which can completely support a city.

Along the coastline, Luocheng penetrated more than 200 kilometers into the dark forest and delineated an area.

This place has already escaped the coverage of the small tree, but when the upgrade of the small tree is completed, it will enter the coverage area.

Then the entire terrain was scanned on the battleship and the number of mutated creatures in the forest was determined.

Then he returned to the mercenary city.

At this time, the time needed for Xiaoshu's upgrade had come, and Luo Cheng opened the light curtain:

【Decompose the Tree of Everything】

Root coverage range: 640 kilometers

Abilities: [Decomposition] [Extraction] [Evolution] [Assimilation] [Purification] [Purification] [Slavery Order] [Second Purification] [Intelligent Clone (number increased to one thousand)] [Smelting (low-level substances can be smelted into high-level ones) Matter)] [Entity clone (can be divided into three entity clones, possessing one-tenth of the ability of the original body)]

Nutrients: 320 million [Absorb sunlight, rain and dew, decompose and absorb all things to obtain nutrients, extract, evolve, purify and consume nutrients simultaneously]

[Decomposition ability: Level [-]]

Mode: [Smart Mode]

Luo Cheng carefully read the content on the light screen with a smile on his face.

There is one more physical clone ability, and it can be divided into three, which is equivalent to changing from one small tree to four.

Although the other three are relatively weak, there is no problem in dealing with some constellation-level beings.

The underground space where small trees appear in Luocheng.

[Create an entity clone]

Soon, an identical small tree grew up next to the small tree.

At the same time, a light curtain emerged:
[Decompose the tree clone of all things]

Root coverage range: 640 kilometers.

Ability: [Decomposition] [Extraction] [Purification] [Smelting]

Decomposition ability: Level [-]

(End of this chapter)

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