My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 233 Redemption Advertisement

Chapter 233 Redemption Advertisement

Luo Chengnei looked at the situation in his body and assimilated at once, fifteen more stars appeared on the constellation.

Comparable to many constellation experts who have practiced for hundreds of years, advancing to the sea of ​​​​stars requires gathering hundreds of law planets.

Luocheng is now a quarter complete.

The bright stars barely outline a pattern of a hunter with a bow and arrow.

Patterns quickly emerged outside the body, bows and arrows were bent, and powerful law fluctuations lingered in the room.

The surrounding walls creaked due to the fluctuations of the laws.

Compared to when he was first promoted, Luo Cheng was more able to control the laws of constellations.

Sit cross-legged and shift your perspective.

The small trees began to spread in all directions, and the coverage area expanded to 640 kilometers.

The roots of the small tree quickly spread towards the intended location.

Countless mutated creatures were decomposed into nutrients by the sudden appearance of roots while they were still sleeping.

Even several constellation-level groups were wiped out by Xiaoshu without even causing a ripple.

Large tracts of dark forest disappeared, and a huge area covering an area of ​​eighty kilometers was cleared.

It was modified and expanded according to the scale of the mercenary city, and a new city quickly appeared on the flat land.

Luo Cheng sat on the battleship and looked at the magnificent city below, nodded with satisfaction, and then drove the battleship towards Tianming City.

Luo Cheng walked into an advertising company in Tianming City.

He stated his requirements and soon, three advertisements that satisfied him were selected.

Start playing in various open locations in Tianming City.

"Are you worried about having a lot of low-level essence?"

"Are you worried that the mutant creatures you worked so hard to hunt are getting too little essence?"

"Are you worried about not being able to find a satisfactory weapon after all your hard work?"

"Please come to the Dark City, a city built in the dark forest. It has everything you want.

Mutated creatures can be exchanged for a large amount of essence, and low-level essence can be exchanged for high-level essence. There is no limit to the amount or level.

Various levels of weapons are available for you to choose from. Come to Dark City and get huge discounts within a month.

There is [-]% more essence when redeemed, and a [-]% discount on the essence needed to redeem weapons. "

Then the map showed the specific address of the Dark City.

"What the hell is this? A city of darkness, a city built by some force. You dare to build a city in the dark forest. You must be tired of living."

"Low-level essence can be exchanged for high-level essence. There is no limit on level or quantity. Isn't this nonsense? You still haven't lost your underwear, or the quantity you exchanged is very small?"

"You dare to challenge even the Dark Forest. You have the strength. Do you want to go and have a look? Maybe it's an opportunity."

After seeing the advertisement, some people sneered, but some people decided to go over and give it a try. Battleships are very fast.

Feiyu is a traveling businessman in Tianming City. He likes to buy high and sell low, and makes money by taking advantage of information gaps.

The first moment he saw the advertisement, he decided to check it out. If it was true, he would be rich.

There is a vast land in the nameless world, countless powerful forces and cities, if things are true.

He could go further afield to purchase low-level essence at a high price, transport it to the Dark City, sell it, and resell it at several times the profit.

I arrived over the Dark City that day. Looking at the city below, which was no smaller than Tianming City, I felt a little more convinced by the content in the advertisement.

The battleship landed, found the exchange office, took out the many seventh-level essences accumulated over the years, and exchanged them all for ninth-level essences.

The service staff didn't even hesitate and immediately exchanged it for him.Feiyu looked at the ninth-level essence in his hand in disbelief, especially the spiritual essence in it.

This thing is extremely rare even in Tianming City. It is almost impossible to exchange a low-level one for a high-level one.

I didn’t expect that I could redeem it directly here.

"Madam, how long will this exchange last before it is cancelled?"

The service staff smiled and said: "Our exchange will not be canceled and will continue forever. This is the main method of attracting people in our Dark City.

It is also the only way to compete with Tianming City and Kaiming City.

There is a mercenary city hundreds of kilometers away, and this exchange method has been going on for a long time.

But it’s more directed at us earthlings. "

Feiyu couldn't believe everything he heard. This exchange method had been going on for a long time.

The battleship soon left the Dark City and arrived at the Mercenary City.

Feiyu walked around the mercenary city and even exchanged some mutated creatures for essence, and saw people exchanging low-level essence for high-level essence.

It seems that this kind of thing is common and there is no surprise. It is obvious that the people here have just integrated into the nameless world.

I don’t know how difficult it is to exchange low-level essence for high-level essence elsewhere.

Soon the battleship took off, and Feiyu came directly to Kaiming City. He was very happy when he saw that there was no advertisement here. He immediately contacted his former good friends, used the treasures he collected at home as collateral, borrowed a lot of essence, and started purchasing Low-level essence.

Just halfway through receiving it, advertisements for Dark City began to appear on the screens in various open spaces in Kaiming City.

Feiyu turned around and left as soon as he saw the advertisement. If he didn't leave, he was afraid he wouldn't be able to leave.

As soon as I left, many people came.

"The guy who exchanged high-level essence for low-level essence just now. I thought this guy was a good person, but then Dark City advertised it.

Someone must have tried it in the Dark City, and then came to our Enlightened City to buy low-level essence. When I saw that kid, I beat him until he couldn't take care of himself. "

"Hey, it's too late. All the low-level essence I accumulated has been redeemed. I don't know how much I will accompany you."

"But we can go to forces or places that haven't advertised yet to exchange for low-level essence. As long as we travel farther, we can make money."

People were talking about it, and Luo Cheng placed advertisements in all neutral cities about [-] miles away from the Dark City.

It cost him a lot of money, but it was all worth it. The countless times of essence smelted by the small tree flashed before his eyes, which was the best reward for him.

By the time Luo Cheng returned to the Dark City, the originally empty city with only staff had become extremely lively.

Countless battleships in the sky landed in the parking lot.

There were also long queues at redemption centers.

The establishment of Dark City relies on the redemption center to attract popularity.

"I have four constellation-level mutant creatures here, and I plan to exchange them for ninth-level spiritual essence."

"Yes, I can exchange it for you for twelve pieces of ninth-level spiritual essence. Now that we have just opened our business, for the extra [-]%, I will give you one more high-grade one and one low-grade one, counting one point and two. Please Put the mutated organisms into this empty box in front of us, we need to detect them.”

"it is good."

Soon the blank box contained four mutated creatures, indicating that it was qualified.

The staff took out the corresponding essence from the cabinet where the essence was stored and handed it to the other person.

These staff members were trained before taking up the job and knew what to ask and what not to ask.

The origin of these essences is obviously not a question they should ask.

(End of this chapter)

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