Chapter 252 Looting
"Boss, which one should we deal with first?"

"First find out the situation. Each of you will occupy a gathering place, and then find an opportunity. I will help you kill the other three guys."

"Good boss."

The range of Xiaoshu's ability to travel through space is 50 miles, which means that everything within 50 miles is within his sphere of influence.

Then there is no need to hold back. In the underground space outside the Dark City, rows of space cracks emerge, and countless small tree roots penetrate through the space cracks.

When he emerged from the other side, he had already penetrated three thousand miles into the dark forest. Countless roots extended and began to clean up the trees and hidden mutant creatures in the dark forest.

At the same time, reminders about increasing nutrition kept popping up on the screen.

Luo Cheng was in a good mood.

The Sky Eagle slowed down, and the Winged Tiger explored the path ahead. Soon the Winged Tiger flew back with a golden lion in its mouth.

"Boss, I caught an eyeliner."

Luo Cheng saw that this guy was somewhat similar to the Golden Retriever Lion King he killed.

"Are you from the Golden Retriever Lion Clan?"

"Yes, who are you? You two actually associate with humans. It's really a shame for my mutated creatures."

Luo Cheng didn't expect that he was still a tough guy.

A black sphere appeared in his hand and passed directly through the golden lion.

The constellation-level golden lion was instantly assimilated by the law and turned into a pile of dirt, and memories emerged in Luo Cheng's mind.

They are all memories of golden lions.

"Haha, they started fighting before we even came, which gave us a chance to fish in troubled waters.

Let's go, first go to the Tongtian Rat King's territory. The other three commanders are fighting to the death for the Golden Retriever Lion's territory.

We just happened to occupy the territory of the Tongtian Rat King first, which can be regarded as laying a foundation for you two. "

Three streams of light quickly crossed the sky.

Qing Tianying took the lead, followed by Luo Cheng and Winged Tiger.

There are all mutated creatures here, and Luo Cheng still needs to avoid suspicion, lest traitors appear and make his two contracted beasts passive.

From a distance, you can see the original gathering place of the Tongtian Rat King. The mutant creatures inside are not of high level, and most of them are rats.

The Sky Eagle swooped down and swallowed a mouse of the size of a small galaxy into its belly. Then it kept swooping down and swallowed the mice one by one.

"Boss, I haven't eaten such rich food in many years.

I chose this place. With so much food to accompany me, life will definitely not be too boring. "

Luo Cheng didn't know what to say.

"You two figure it out, occupy the place first, and wait for the other three leaders of the gathering place to come over."

Luo Cheng went directly into the Tongtian Rat King's hall below, emptied it, and began to practice cross-legged.

On Luo Cheng's back, a crack suddenly opened in the space, and a thick root extended from inside.

These are the roots of the small tree. Sure enough, if the heart moves at will, the roots can immediately travel through space and reach the area where the human body is located.

The two contracted beasts were recruiting subordinates outside to show off their strength.

Without the Tongtian Rat King sitting in charge, the gathering place had long been in disarray. Seeing the powerful strength of Sky Eagle and Winged Tiger, they all joined in.

Soon, Qing Tianying entered the main hall and said: "Boss, the other three commanders are now stationed at the gathering place of the golden lions with their elites.

Boss, what do you think? We took the opportunity to steal all three families together. When those three guys find out, they will be furious and directly attack our gathering place.

Then we'll take care of the three of them together. "Yes, you have learned to think independently. Okay, you and Winged Tiger can go. If you find that there are strong people from the Xinghai who are blocking your way, just come back."


"Take Xiaoshu with you. The good things you are interested in but can't transport. Xiaoshu has a way to help you transport them."

The small tree clone can be used as a positioning location, allowing the small tree body to directly travel through space to find their location and send things to the designated location. .


A high-pitched bird song sounded in the air, mixed with the roar of a winged tiger. The two beasts disappeared instantly, and Luo Cheng also observed the situation outside through his roots.

The direct descendants of the rat clan, which originally centered on the Sky Rat King, had basically been swallowed up by Sky Eagle, and the rest were all loyal.

The world of mutated creatures is simpler than that of humans, where the strong are simply respected.

Within a few hours, a space crack appeared in the hall, and roots came in with a lot of things.

Luo Cheng looked at these things and smiled involuntarily.

There were many sparkling stones, various gems, some containing a lot of energy, and some just plain pretty.

I have never heard of mutated creatures being interested in shiny things.

Soon, the [-]-meter-tall rough ape sculpture that had always been glittering with gold was moved over.

It seems that the first place they looted was the Monkey King's gathering place.

Soon, a golden stick exuding a strong aura of law came over.

Luo Cheng picked up the stick. It was such a heavy stick, worth at least one hundred thousand gold.

Containing rich metal laws, it seems that the Monkey King practices the laws of gold.

This is the first time Luo Cheng has encountered someone who practices this kind of law, mostly earth and fire.

A weapon of the Star Sea level, such a precious thing is not carried with him. It seems that the Monkey King must have a second weapon on his body, or a weapon more powerful than this and the golden crystal stick.

Soon a huge tiger sculpture was delivered, and it was looted to the gathering place of the Tiger King.

The territory of the Golden Crystal Monkey King was looted, and some of his confidants quickly informed their king.

Years of savings were robbed, and even the gold crystal rod that the king usually held in his hand for fun was also robbed.

At the gathering place of the Golden Retriever Lion King, the three commanders faced each other in three directions. They would occasionally fight, but no one could do anything to the other.

Whoever is stronger will join forces with the other two parties. The elites in the three major gathering places have been fighting for a long time.

"It's not an option to waste it all the time. I think the contents should be divided equally among the three parties.

Now we have played countless games, and no one can do anything to anyone. Instead of wasting it so much, it is better to just divide the contents equally. "

"It's a joke. It's easy to say if we split it evenly. Who will own the Xinghai-level weapons and who will own the minerals in the Golden Retriever Lion King's territory? We must make it clear."

While the three beasts were arguing, a little white-haired monkey ran over.

He quickly walked to the Golden Crystal Monkey King’s ear and said, “Your Majesty, it’s not good, our gathering place has been looted.

Several commanders died, and even your favorite gold crystal rod was taken away. "

"What." The Golden Crystal Monkey King became anxious instantly, his golden eyes turned blood red, and a monstrous aura emanated from his body.

A huge galaxy emerged behind him, composed of a raging monkey with a club.

"That's too much bullying. I will definitely kill these two guys today."

From the two groups on the other side, mutant creatures quickly ran over with messages.

(End of this chapter)

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