My tree clone can break down everything

Chapter 258 The Consciousness of the Weak

Chapter 258 The Consciousness of the Weak
Zhao Yanwen was stunned for a moment, shocked by Luo Cheng's confidence in speaking.

Even the emperor of the Yanlong Empire dared not say that he could exchange unlimited amounts of twelve-level essence.

"Don't worry, City Lord Luo, I will be back soon."

The group of people left the Dark City on a battleship, and Zhao Yanwen's expression immediately darkened.

Although Chang Wei is a servant, he is also a subordinate who has taken care of him since childhood and watched him grow up.

It's not an exaggeration to say that he was a confidant, but in the end, he was killed alive in front of him because of a few words.

This revenge must be avenged, but not now.

"You guys leaked through secret channels that Luo Cheng has a large amount of level [-] essence.

Since he doesn't care about keeping secrets himself, there is no need for us to keep it secret for him. "

"Good young master, Luo Cheng didn't even give him face, so he deserves to die."

"Be careful, Uncle Chang's example is right in front of you. I was too spoiled by you in the past.

When facing someone stronger than yourself, you still have to maintain a certain degree of awe, otherwise I won't be able to stop them if they want to do it. "


The guards were quite happy because Chang Wei was usually so unpopular.

Luo Cheng looked at the battleships in the distance with a smile on his face. He hoped that Zhao Yanwen would have hatred in his heart and attract more strong men to trouble him and provide nutrients for the little tree.

Turn around and return to the tower to continue practicing.

In Yanlong City, the battleship gradually landed, and Zhao Yanwen quickly returned to the mansion with four guards.

Leaving the four guards to stay in the front yard, Zhao Yanwen quickly went to the backyard and knocked on a heavy door.

"Master, Yan Wen wants to see you."

"come in."

Zhao Yanwen entered the room, and there was a burly middle-aged man sitting in the middle of the room.

The middle-aged man has gray hair on his temples, which shows that he is obviously quite old.

"Why didn't your annoying butler come back with you? Every time you come back from outside, you can hear his annoying voice."

Zhao Yanwen opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Master, Uncle Chang is dead. He was stared to death by a Xinghai powerhouse."

"It's better to die. I saw that you were too close to him before, and he has taken good care of you for so many years. Master can't say much.

But now that he is dead, the master can tell you some things.

You are destined to become a great person in the future, so try to stay away from such villains.

There are more than a dozen brothers and sisters above you who are watching you. If you make a mistake, you will be caught.

Tell me, who didn't even give Yanlong City face and killed Chang Wei directly. "

"It's Luo Cheng from the Dark City." Zhao Yanwen then explained the situation.

"Luocheng, I, Zhao Nanfei, have been in the nameless world for countless years. This is the first time I heard of such a name. The city has been built for more than ten years and has already caught up with many cities that have been built for thousands of years."

"Master, do we need to take action directly to kill Luo Cheng and take the Dark City for our own use? If we can get the secret of the Dark City.

With a master in charge, it is only a matter of time before he surpasses Yanlong City. "

Zhao Nanfei shook his head: "Don't treat the Xinghai powerhouse as a fool. Since Luo Cheng has told you these words, he is not afraid of you looking for someone. He has probably set up a dragnet waiting for you.

From your description, Dark City is growing rapidly. Has no one ever thought about Dark City?

I know a lot of ruthless guys who are hundreds of thousands of miles away from the dark forest.

The fact that none of these guys took action shows the problem.

After we conduct normal transactions first and get the twelfth-level essence, I will advance to the large galaxy level and then talk about other things.We are mainly seeking stability now. The more eager we are for quick success, the more likely we are to fail. "

Zhao Yanwen thought for a while and realized what the master said made sense.

"Good master, I only have nine hundred eleven-level essences. Even if I spend all my wealth, I still can't get it together."

Zhao Nanfei said: "I will contact some old friends. Your master still has some face, maybe I can borrow some."

A month passed in the blink of an eye.

Luo Cheng woke up from seclusion and looked into the distance.

The battleships of Yanlong City once again visited the Dark City, and there was a sun-like figure in the battleships.

The explosive atmosphere could be felt in Luocheng even though it was hundreds of kilometers away.

The Zhao family of Yanlong specializes in the laws of fire, especially the light and heat.

Combined together, the aura emitted is like the sun, giving people a contradictory feeling of being magnificent, explosive, yet gentle.

In the large conference room, Luo Cheng saw Zhao Yanwen and his master, Zhao Nanfei.

"Luo Cheng, I have long admired your name. I am Yan Wen's master Zhao Nanfei. I heard that you killed Chang Wei. I have always wanted to meet you."

Luo Cheng nodded: "The weak must have the consciousness of the weak. This is not Yanlong City, and I have no friendship with the Zhao family. I will not be used to such people."

Zhao Nanfei said: "It's a good saying that a weak person must have the consciousness of a weak person. When facing me, a practitioner of Xinghai Dzogchen, City Lord Luo, does he have the consciousness of a weak person?"

Luo Cheng suddenly laughed and said: "Luo has practiced for many years and has never failed, but he has tasted the taste of failure."

Two huge shadows spread out from behind the two of them almost at the same time, covering the entire dark city in the blink of an eye.

Behind Luo Cheng was a majestic figure of a hunter with a bow and an arrow, the arrow body emitting a dazzling light.

The power of law condensed to the extreme seems to penetrate everything in the world.

Zhao Nanfei no longer looked relaxed at the beginning, but his expression became serious.

The huge shadow condensed into a three-legged golden crow, and thousands of stars exuded extreme light and heat.

Countless people looked up at two completely different seas of stars.

Someone instantly recognized Zhao Nanfei’s shadow in the sea of ​​stars.

"These are people from the Yanlong Zhao family. I didn't expect them to come too."

"It's Zhao Nanfei. He has been trapped at the peak of the Star Sea for many years. It seems that this time he came to City Lord Luo to exchange for high-level essence. I just don't know whether he plans to rob it by force or make a normal transaction."

In the conference room, Zhao Nanfei said: "Is this how City Lord Luo treats guests? We are here to exchange for high-end essence."

Luo Cheng laughed loudly and said, "I'm sorry to see the peak powerhouse in Xinghai.

The two of them put away the Xinghai phantom almost instantly, and countless people in the Dark City breathed a sigh of relief.

Many people don't want to see a conflict between Luo Cheng and the Zhao family. It's rare to find a place where you can redeem high-end essences without an upper limit.

If the Zhao family gets the technology, they don't know how many times it will be improved. At least Luo Cheng is still able to afford it, much more affordable than using low-level essence to extract high-level essence by himself.

Luo Chengdao: "The price the disciple and I discussed last time was nine hundred eleven-level essences. I wonder if you have brought them all."

"Of course, Zhao has been in the unknown world for many years and has made some friends, many of whom are at the level of large galaxies. There is no problem in borrowing hundreds of level [-] essences."

Then a huge box was taken out and opened, revealing rows of eleven-level essences.

The strong fluctuations emitted even caused the entire Dark City's laws and mutation factors to begin to riot.

Luo Cheng nodded, yes, it was indeed nine hundred pieces of eleventh-level essence, not one of them was fake. It seemed that the other party was indeed here for a normal transaction.

As for whether he planned to take advantage of others after the transaction, Luo Cheng also welcomed the opponent to take advantage of others so that he could get back the level [-] essence.

But if the other party doesn't take action, Luo Cheng has no intention of taking action. Once the other party dies, it will be a huge loss to Dark City's reputation.

(End of this chapter)

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