Chapter 263 Routines
"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you here. Let's wait until you break free. If you can't break free, just stay here."

Behind Dark Qilin, a space crack appeared instantly, and before the other party could react, a root emerged from it instantly.

In the blink of an eye, the dark unicorn was tied tightly and dragged directly into the ground.

Luocheng disappeared into the sky like a stream of light and returned directly to the Dark City.

He no longer intends to hunt these mutated creatures here. The dark unicorn has disappeared, and without the large galaxy level, the only remaining threat is the blue-ringed poisonous mango.

Luo Cheng could have had a real hunt in the dark forest outside the Dark City, so that the people in the alliance could see his strength.

Let some cats and dogs come here every day to seek death.

City of Darkness, not long after Luo Cheng came back, his assistant knocked on the door and walked in.

"Commander Luo, an envoy from Yanlong City asked to see him, saying that he is the butler of the eldest son of the city lord of Yanlong City, his name is Zhao Hu, and he is currently staying in a hotel in the Dark City."

Luo Chengdao: "I understand. You go and inform him. I can meet him in the conference room in two hours."

"Okay, Commander Luo."

After sending away his assistant, Luo Cheng sat cross-legged, shifted his gaze, and instantly came to Xiaoshu.

In the underground space of the dark forest, the dark unicorn was tightly bound by roots. The space cracks in the sky had disappeared and moved underground.

"Who is it? Come out here. The Dark Dragon King will not let you go. He is a guy who only hides his head and shows his tail."

The dark unicorn keeps struggling, and at the same time it breaks out the dark laws all the time, but the moment these laws appear, they will be decomposed and absorbed by the small tree.

Luo Cheng suddenly smiled, this scene gave him a familiar feeling.

It was through this method of consumption that Luo Cheng harvested a lot of nutrients from the tribe elders of the Black Wolf Empire.

The same scene reappeared, the elder of the small galaxy became the leader of the dark forest of the large galaxy.

There is also a huge gap in strength, and the nutrients provided are the same in the sky and on the ground.

The page kept refreshing, not at all slower than before when he killed the Xinghai powerhouse, and even slightly faster.

First squeeze the dark unicorn dry, and then find a way to conquer it. Through the dark unicorn, it can absorb stronger mutant creatures in the dark forest or mutant creatures of the same level to provide nutrients to the small trees.

At the same time, it can also weaken the strength of the dark forest.

Star seas and even large galaxies are considered elite no matter where they are in terms of strength. Mutated creatures have been cultivating smoothly for thousands of years before they can advance to the star sea. However, most of them are stuck in the constellation realm and cannot break through until they die. They cannot build the rule of law. Heart.

Luo Cheng came to the conference room and was a little surprised to see the person coming. He actually had the strength of the Star Sea Realm.

Although the aura is slightly weak, it is several times stronger than the constellation.

When the other party saw Luo Cheng, he stood up and said, "City Lord Luo, I have admired his name for a long time, and today I finally met him in person.

I am Zhao Hu, the housekeeper of Zhao Yanbai, the eldest son of City Lord Yanlong. I have heard of City Lord Luo for a long time, but I have just met the real person today. "

Luo Cheng nodded and said, "I don't know why Butler Zhao came to my Dark City."

Zhao Hu suddenly said mysteriously: "City Lord Luo, does he know that you are in big trouble?"

Luo Cheng was stunned for a moment. It was such a familiar routine. The villain usually used this method to deceive people.

Luo Cheng asked: "Steward Zhao, I wonder what trouble Luo got into."

"Does City Lord Luo know why the Dark Forest exists?"

"Of course I know. It is rumored that the Dark Dragon King and the Human Alliance signed an armistice agreement."

"Yes, now City Lord Luo has taken the lead in tearing up the truce agreement and even established the Dark City in the Dark Forest. Even if the Dark Dragon King comes in person to kill City Lord Luo, the Human Alliance can't say anything.

It even triggered another war between humans and the dark forest, allowing countless mutant creatures to rush out of the dark forest and harm the surrounding countries and cities.

At that time, City Lord Luo will be the sinner of our humanity. With the war, countless people will be devastated and homeless.

All these causes and effects must be imposed on City Lord Luo, and according to our intelligence, the blue-ringed poisonous mang in the second defense circle of the dark forest has led an army to conquer the dark city. "

Luo Chengdao: "We, the Human Alliance, actually allowed the Dark Dragon King to occupy a large amount of territory in our hinterland.

Although Luo had no ability, he still asked himself how strong he was. He would definitely kill the blue-ringed poisonous mang outside the dark forest for the people of the alliance to see.

Not everyone is afraid of war. "

Zhao Hu was a little dumbfounded. This was a bit different from the script he designed.

"City Master Luo, Lanhuan Dumang is the pinnacle powerhouse of the Star Sea. He has sixteen Star Sea powerhouses under his command, plus the eight on the periphery, for a total of 24.

With such tyrannical strength, it is not appropriate to go head-to-head. I suggest looking for foreign aid. "

Luo Cheng smiled and said, "I wonder what Butler Zhao means?"

"We, Yanlong City, have always been the main force against the Dark Forest. If Lord Luo is in trouble, we are willing to help.

But the place is coming fiercely, and I am afraid that the strength of the eldest son and I will not be enough to destroy the opponent.

I do know some powerful people at the peak of the star sea or even at the level of a large galaxy.

If City Lord Luo is willing to offer some benefits, I can help City Lord Luo invite these people here for free. "

"Butler Zhao might as well tell you the price."

"With a level [-] essence, I can help City Lord Luo invite a strong person at the level of a large galaxy.

Just one person is enough to pacify the entire second defense circle. "

Luo Cheng shook his head and said: "I have disappointed Butler Zhao. I have already given the last level [-] essence to Zhao Nanfei.

Now I don't have a new level [-] essence in my hand, and Luo thinks that he still has some strength. Not only can he be sure of dealing with a blue-ringed poisonous mang at the peak of the star sea, but he can also pinch it with his hands. "

Zhao Hu's face became a little gloomy.

"It seems that City Lord Luo intends to become a sinner. Once the mutant creatures from the dark forest invade human territory in large numbers, countless people will have their families destroyed and become food for the mutant creatures."

"These should be things that the Human Alliance should worry about, and Butler Zhao doesn't need to make alarmist statements about things that have never happened.

I can give you the twelfth-level essence, but first I need to exchange it for [-] level [-] essences.

My impression of you, Yanlong City, was originally good, but now you are destroying my good impression of him time and time again.

Butler Zhao, if you have nothing else to do, please do so. "

Zhao Hu quickly said: "City Lord Luo, give up 60.00% of the interests of the Dark City, and the Zhao family can solve all the troubles in the Dark Forest for you.

It allows you to develop with peace of mind and never have to worry about troubles from the dark forest. This is a good condition, right?

And we can help you promote the infinite redemption system of Dark City, so that more people can come here to redeem high-level essence.

Even the extraction method is still in the hands of City Lord Luo. "

(End of this chapter)

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