In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 117 How the Spiritual Tree Creates the Spiritual Pool

Chapter 117 How the Spiritual Tree Creates the Spiritual Pool
Tianhe God's Domain.

In the Purple Mountain Forbidden Area, there are towering ancient trees, clouds and mist cover the mountains in front, and the peaks are towering into the clouds!
Seen from a distance, the mountains are stacked with mountains, and streaks of purple energy are swirling up from the foot of the mountains, like various strange and ferocious beasts flying in the clouds and mist.

The roars of ferocious beasts could be heard from time to time in the deep mountains, and the earth seemed to be trembling.

On the horizon, Lu Yuan's figure is walking quietly on the branches. The figure seems to be slow, but his steps are several miles long. In the blink of an eye, he is as elegant as shrinking into an inch!
Lu Yuan was dressed in a white robe, with an ethereal temperament, and his long shawl hair fluttering in the wind, as if he were an immortal in the clouds walking in the forest.

Now he has changed into the role of Guzhou.


The deeper you go, the roars of the ferocious beasts inside are extremely clear, and you can even hear the sounds of them fighting each other.

At this moment, Lu Yuan came to a cliff with green pines, green bamboos, and blooming flowers, but the scene in front of him was extremely cruel?

Destroyed the vitality here.

Dozens of ferocious beasts, about ten meters in size, were killing each other underneath. They seemed to be fighting over something?
After changing the vest, there is no authority column, and I cannot retrieve information about these things at will.

However, with his perception, he noticed the things below that the beasts were vying for.
Shards of heaven!

Lu Yuan looked at it and couldn't help but whisper secretly: "Is this an unexpected development that you had planned or was it?"

Judging from the appearance of the mission of the Tiandao agent, the previous Tiandao consciousness also had ideas.

However, after He dissipated, this was equivalent to His previous plan, but he didn’t know whether it turned out like this.

It may also be a derivative plot of the development of things themselves.

These fragments of Heavenly Dao are scattered throughout the six regions. Perhaps this time the beast tide is most likely to break out because of this.

Even these ferocious beasts know that this piece of Heavenly Dao has great fortune, and they are competing to snatch it. The ferocious beasts, monsters, and magical beasts from all over the six regions are probably the same.

I saw fierce fighting below, a whirlwind covering the sky, and two giant black and white pythons emerged from the dust and sand, as thick as a jade pillar, twisting and twisting around a beast that was several meters tall like a wild boar.

The several-meter-long figure was tightly entangled by two giant pythons. Although its fangs were very prominent and sharp, they could not exert any power.

Lu Yuan recognized their names, they were all top-notch beasts!
Gale Python and Porcupine!
The Gale Python has a special point. They are usually twin ferocious beasts, one black and one white. The maximum length after adulthood is 15 meters. If you encounter one of them alone, you may still be able to escape without being entangled, but if you are If you get entangled, just wait and accept your fate!
Especially when the two pythons travel together, their combat power is directly doubled.

Although the porcupine is physically strong, its limbs are well-developed, and it has no teammates. Once it is entangled, it will be unable to move.

There is also a pair who are exhaling each other, and the breath is surging. One of them looks like a cow and is huge. These bears are almost eight to 20 meters away.

This ferocious beast is called Dragon Bull. It is about 12 meters in size, has green-yellow skin, has a goat-like beard, and has a pair of dragon-shaped horns.

Opposite it is a white lion, covered with golden hair, about the same size as a dragon and an ox, named Golden Lion!
The two were looking at each other and snoring, their sounds were like thunder, and their eyes were staring at each other.

But they had no intention of taking action.

There are still a few left, and they are the only ones left running wild in this land of ten thousand flats. Those weak ferocious beasts do not dare to enter here at all.

Each of these top-level ferocious beasts almost has the power of a Nirvana warrior.

If they are one-on-one, Nirvana warriors can still deal with them, but if they invade human areas as a group, it will be a disaster!
These ferocious beasts were all in a stalemate, making no big moves, as if no one was letting anyone go, and the piece of Heavenly Dao just stayed on the ground quietly.

At this moment, all the ferocious beasts suddenly felt their hair twitching, and those without hair suddenly decided to feel cold.

This is an extremely dangerous intuition.

Then under their frightened eyes, a strange yet familiar figure appeared in the sky?
If it were a body with authority, Lu Yuan really wouldn't care what they were fighting for, after all, that identity was already something that could be obtained casually.

However, after changing his vest, he no longer has the neither happy nor sad disposition. When he encounters something he is curious about, he will naturally take it.

Then, in the dull eyes of those ferocious beasts, the thing they were fighting for was actually picked up by that human?


It's angry, it's angry...

The golden lion roared and kicked, and a hurricane was set off on the ground. A huge figure jumped a hundred feet high and attacked Lu Yuan.

Its claws were extremely sharp and one claw was so big that it seemed like it could tear Lu Yuan into pieces.

At this moment, the furious golden lion did not think about why this person dared to appear, and seemed to be frightened by it, as if he could tear this person apart with one claw, then take back the fragment, and finally he Just leave and become the final winner.

At the same time, a cold light flashed!
The golden lion's eyes flashed with anger, and he felt as if there was a large object flying in front of him, until it reached in front of the human warrior, and fell straight down, but he just happened to see the human warrior's handle fall.

and many more……

That seems to be my body?


Then, the golden lion didn't even let out its final scream, and its silent, tearful eyes were forever locked up.

A loud bang on the ground woke up the terrifying memories of these top monsters.

Some of them recalled the memories they had seen when they were children. It was also this person who, with one man and one sword, swept away their place and took away many lives of the same kind.

Some recalled the scene when they met this person before they grew into top-level ferocious beasts. It was only by hiding that they could avoid the massacre of this human warrior!

That was the fear they were once dominated by.

There was a huge earthquake on the ground, and within a few minutes, the area returned to calm and tranquility.

Lu Yuan did not choose to kill them all. As long as the restricted area remains, these ferocious beasts will continue to multiply.

Now, he has two fragments of heaven in his hand.

At the same time, the display information of his items also changed:
[Name: Fragments of Heavenly Dao
Quality: None
Air Luck: 9999
Explanation: Contains the utmost good fortune! 】

Without quality, the luck value is also abnormally high.

According to the destiny of a creature, this is indeed very high. You must know that the maximum value of the destiny of any living being is [-].

If this nearly [-] points of destiny can be absorbed and transferred to living beings, they will become one of the next protagonists.

Of course, this is just an ideal state. It does not mean that the higher the destiny, the better the protagonist.

Moreover, Lu Yuan also discovered an extremely pure energy from these two Heavenly Dao fragments, which was not seen before.

And its description has changed.

"Then what is the mission it gave me?"

Lu Yuan whispered, there were no tasks appearing on his current panel, and the other two tasks [Tiandao Responsibility] and [Tiandao Spokesperson] were both in the world editor.

It was not transferred to the personal panel of his vest.

So Lu Yuan is very curious, what will happen if he collects these 99 pieces of heaven?
But one thing is obvious, that is, these fragments of heaven have indeed become part of the plot.

After thinking about it, this seems to be a bit like the plot in a certain anime. Those monsters are rushing to use this fragment... It's the same here, these ferocious beasts are also competing for these heavenly fragments. This thing seems to bring them great benefits. , maybe it’s a great increase in strength?
Evolution and transformation like Xiong Da?

It's possible!

Soon, he came to the edge of a cliff, where clouds and mist were lingering. Looking into the distance from the edge, looking at the clouds and mist below, it was like a fairyland on earth!

There doesn't seem to be any ferocious beasts here.

When Lu Yuan stepped into this place, he was like a poet who strayed into the deep mountains and forests.

The dead leaves and rocks on the ground reveal a sense of vicissitudes of life.

At the stone cliff not far away, the stone rocks were smooth and there were no fallen leaves. It seemed like a pure land.

At this moment, Lu Yuan saw a strange tree growing in the pure land!
At this time, Lu Yuan had a strange look on his face. If his personal panel information hadn't revealed his current destiny, he would have suspected that in order to please him, this plane had blessed his destiny to the limit.

I just got a piece of Heavenly Dao Shard, and now there's a strange tree.

One look at the vision revealed by the strange tree, and one knew it was extremely extraordinary.

And this is a species he has never seen before.

It should be a new product that appeared in the past 30 years!

In this magical place of heaven and earth, there would usually be some kind of strange beast guarding it, but there doesn't seem to be one here?

Of course, it may also be the reason why this strange tree has not yet produced fruit.

[Name: How Fruit Tree (Second Year of Growth)

Quality: Spirit level

Air Luck: 7888
Explanation: This tree blooms in three years and bears fruit in nine years. It blooms red flowers and bears yellow fruits, and can bear up to nine fruits!It is twenty feet high and is called "How". "Eating this spiritual fruit can prolong life and enhance the functions of soul, true spirit, divine consciousness, etc. 】

It is indeed a spiritual tree of spiritual quality, and its luck value is as high as [-], which is only a little short of the fragments of heaven.

And its effects are also very powerful. Whether it is extending life or strengthening the soul, it is an extremely rare thing.

It's a pity that it has only grown into its second year. You can see from it that there are already signs of blooming on its branches and leaves!

Now that he has encountered it, of course Lu Yuan will not keep it. Don't worry about whether it can survive after transplantation.

The dignified Alchemy Sage also had to learn to farm and do research before this.

You can't steal other people's elixirs, right?
Be civilized!


Let's go back to the cliff.

A Dongfeng base was actually opened below, and the number should be No. 55, right?

And beyond this cliff is the Purple Mountain Martial Arts Land, which was once famous in the six regions.

Among them, the very humanoid Bing Wei was also sealed here by him.

Lu Yuan came to the edge of the cliff and touched the wet stones on the ground. A pattern flashed past!

It can still be started, and it seems that there are indeed no traces of damage.

Then, Lu Yuan jumped down...


at the same time.

An uninvited guest came outside the Tiandao Pit.

I saw a few figures flying past in the sky. The difference was that each of these figures was holding a person or a monster?

One of the first was Murong Longcheng. His current clothes were quite different from those at home.

At home, he was dressed like a stay-at-home old man, but now he was wearing formal taupe clothes. He looked serious and burly, like a majestic boss.

Behind him were Qi Ziyuan, Wang Xinghao, Murong Yunfei and Murong's retainers. Of course, they were once members of the Heavenly Court, but they all served under Murong Longcheng.

After Tianting was disbanded, they all followed Murong Longcheng.

Tianyuan and Kunlun in the distance are very close at hand. When they arrived here, Murong Yunfei, the current head of the Murong family, couldn't help but show his nostalgia: "I haven't been back for a long time, but there haven't been many changes here."

"I passed by here once, and I have to say that the Dongfeng Divine Art left by Lord Emperor is really powerful."

A former subordinate of the Heavenly Court and now a retainer of the Murong family also said with emotion.

"Isn't that right? Even the water in these lakes has become extremely poisonous. I can't imagine whether we can withstand it if it falls on our heads!"

"Don't think about it, Lao Xu. I don't even look at what's being said outside. I heard that the Oracle Island is much bigger than this lake. Do you think you can destroy that island with your own strength?"

Xu Yan chuckled: "I think Boss Murong should have this ability. But there are rumors that Emperor Zun appears among them, saying that he saw Emperor Zun's unique skills, so that Dongfeng Divine Technique is so powerful. .”

"Boss Murong, what do you think?"

It can be seen that the relationship between these Murong retainers and Murong Longcheng is good.

Murong Longcheng's voice was thick: "What are you looking at?"

"Emperor, what did you say about Emperor Zun before? I don't know if it is true or not?"

"What's weird about this? I'm older than him and haven't died yet, so you think he will die?"

"Whether that rumor is true or false, since he didn't show up, it means that he also understands the affairs of heaven. Since he doesn't come out like this, it obviously means that this matter is big or small for him."

"And!" Murong Longcheng stopped, took out a few plaques from the storage ring and threw them to them: "I took them all, I almost forgot."

Tianyuan Kunlun is a restricted air domain, and it is not as strong as his current strength. He can't say that he can resist the pressure.

That was a great formation that gathered all the power of the Tianyuan Kunlun Mountains.

Even he, a senior member of the Heavenly Court, didn't know how many formations Lu Yuan had deployed in Tianyuan Kunlun!
These tokens are all things that can lift the restricted air flight. These things have been collected by Murong Longcheng long ago.

With their strength, they wouldn't die if they fell, but their image couldn't be lost.

call out!
Their speed was extremely fast, and they passed through the Pit of Heavenly Dao at once. At this time, they seemed to see someone flying through Kunlun in Tianyuan, but they were also separated by one side.

However, Murong Longcheng's speed was too fast. The three people on the opposite side only felt an afterimage passing in front of them. Along with a gust of wind, the three of them didn't see their figures clearly, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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