In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 139 Everything between Sumeru is false

Chapter 139 Everything between Sumeru is false

I saw a pillar of light rising into the sky in the direction of the God's Domain. The light shone in everyone's eyes, making it impossible to look directly.

Ye Xiling also stopped what she was doing and looked at the beam of light with curious eyes.

""Xumi" Divine Realm?"

After the light pillar disappeared, a heavenly gate appeared in mid-air. Under the gate stood a stone pillar with exquisite reliefs carved under it.

The Tianmen above the stone pillar is filled with colorful colors, and it is so beautiful that it does not look like anything in the world.

At the same time, everyone also saw a text appearing above the colorful gate:
"One thought arises, one thought dies, everything in between is empty."

I don't know whether it was the opening of the "Xumi" divine realm or the effect of what Murong Qingxian said to her just now, so the two stopped fighting for the time being.

There was no danger nearby. Now that the Divine Realm was opened, Murong Xue and the others also came over.

Originally, it was not their turn to come in contact with the appearance of this divine realm, but they did not expect that they would be so lucky due to this accidental collision.

Of course, when everyone touched the stone pillar, they all received information about the "Xumi" divine realm.

[Name: "Xumi Divine Realm"

Level: Top level divine domain

Restrictions: Unrestricted entry for any creature
Dropped items: God's throne, heavenly materials and earthly treasures, spiritual herbs and fruits...

Note: Death in the divine realm will not result in true death, but one cannot re-enter the divine realm that has already died once.

Explanation: This is after the death of the ancient gods, and their thrones have been condensed again after tens of millions of years. Those who enter have a chance to obtain the ancient gods, inherit the priesthood, and perform certain functions.

The divine realm contains the life experiences of the ancient gods.

All divine realms appear randomly for one month, and the appearance time is random. 】

This explanation is easy to understand and everyone understands it, especially Lu Yiling and other players.

At a glance, it was obvious that it was a copy similar to the ruins.

And in terms of feeling, ruins dungeons can be regarded as ordinary dungeons, while this new dungeon type is more like elite or hidden BOSS dungeons.

Obviously, the rewards of this copy are more generous.

Moreover, these divine positions sound even more noble.

"Speaking of which, are there legends of ancient gods in this game?"

Ximen Chuixue communicated with Huamanlou in a low voice.

They also know a lot about the background of this world. There have always been only legends of strong martial arts masters here, and the martial arts in the world have been passed down for thousands of years.

The time further back is actually also a martial arts legend, but not much has been recorded.

Of course, there is no record here of how this world was formed, nor how long it has existed, but no one would be bored to read this.

After all, there is no direction for investigation.

Not only was he curious about this question, but other locals also looked surprised.

Liu Suifeng touched his chin and said unexpectedly: "There are actually legends of ancient gods in this world?"

He traveled all over the six regions and heard a lot of strange customs, but he had never heard of any legends about ancient gods.

Even in the mortal world, those revered as gods are all martial arts masters.

But I have never heard of any ancient gods.

Wang Ruochen thought of the abyss treasure on his own Oracle Island. He didn't think that the two were the same, but they were somewhat similar: "Looking at its self-statement, it has lasted for tens of millions of years. If it is not a boast, after so long, there may have been some ancient god in the past." Maybe!"

"Miss Wang is right." Liu Suifeng said with a smile: "And regardless of what it is, this is an existence that can cause strange phenomena in the world. There may be many adventure opportunities in it."

"Miss, do we want to go in?"

At this moment, Ximen Chuixue and the others were already eager to give it a try.

What is the happiest thing about playing games?Of course, if you brush the copy, you will lose the treasure.

Murong Xue didn't say anything, she just nodded to them and said, "If you want to go in, just go in first. Just pay attention to safety!"

Then he looked at Ye Xiling with some hesitation. After all, he had just had a fight with his elder, and even got into a fight.

It seems like it’s not the right time to request again at this time?

Although she didn't know why the two of them started fighting, she was really embarrassed to speak.

But she kept Ye Muli's injury in mind.

For Ximen Chuixue and others, these matters are not something they can interfere with. After hearing what the eldest lady said, what are they waiting for? The two simply pulled the Qi family brothers and sisters in.

Seeing the tense atmosphere, Lu Yiling felt that this place was not suitable to stay, so she also entered the Sumeru Divine Realm.

Wang Ruochen did not go in, because she was also injured. Although she was much better now, she didn't know what was in the God's Domain. If she died if she went in, it would be more of a loss than a gain.The atmosphere in front of her really made her feel cold all over. She felt that Fairy Xi Ling was not as calm as she appeared.

You must know that she just slaughtered hundreds of top-level ferocious beasts, and she didn't use the well-known special skills.

Fairy Xi Ling herself is far more confused than the legend, especially wearing that white mask that makes it difficult to see what she is thinking.

For some reason, Ye Muli was very quiet at this time. She kept her head down, wondering what she was thinking.

At this time, Ye Xiling seemed to be looking at Ye Muli, who was lowering her head, and said lightly: "It seems that you have guessed it. Is your master Aunt Qing or Sister Xuan?"


Murong Xue was stunned, wondering why Ye Xiling asked this?

"Yes, I guess you are also curious about who I am?" Ye Xiling smiled lightly and said, "Since I left the Su Nu Sect, they have erased my experience in the Su Nu Sect. The reason for this is that I I won’t say much more.”

"Master Ye Yuxuan." Ye Muli raised her head, her expression not flustered. Perhaps her character was born like this. She asked calmly: "Senior, is he really a disciple of the Su Nu Sect?"

However, Murong Qingxian seemed to have heard something interesting, and said very contentedly: "Hey, I didn't expect that Ye Xiling, you would be expelled from the school. It's too miserable. No wonder you are living in seclusion outside."

"I told you earlier. It would be a waste to keep my Netherworld Palace empty. I might as well rent it to you. At least I have a safe place to live."

"Look at this place. Is this where people live?"

Of course, it's not too good to mention her own palace. It's probably because she hasn't been out for too long. People in the world thought she was dead, and someone was already thinking about her traveling to the palace.

She had been dealing with these things during the previous period.

However, she still affirmed Ye Xiling's words: "She must be from the Su Nu Sect, but I didn't expect you, Ye Xiling, to be expelled from the sect."

Ye Xiling just said to her coldly: "I will settle the score with you later."

Murong Qingxian looked indifferent. She couldn't help but stretch her waist. She had a slim waist and plump hips. Her red lips moved slightly and she said in a lazy tone: "You have been disconnected from the world for too long. The news of his appearance is all over your head." .”

The other people looked confused as they listened. They didn't know who the "him" Murong Qingxian was talking about.
Only Liu Suifeng was thoughtful, but he had seen Liuli Shengjun and Sword Immortal Gu Zhou having some relationship before, and wondered if they were having an affair?But according to rumors, Holy Lord Liuli likes Emperor Zun.

And looking at the "he" that Liuli Shengjun is talking about now, it is obvious that he is also very important to Fairy Xi Ling. Is he probably either a family member or a lover?
Ye Xiling still believed what Murong Qingxian said. Of course, she would go out to verify it later.

She looked at Ye Muli and spoke in a calm tone, as if she was narrating homely words: "Sister Xuan is my senior sister. Since I am your master, you can also call me your senior uncle. I wonder how Aunt Qing and your master are in good health now? "

Ye Muli did not hesitate and said with a normal expression: "Everything is as usual in the sect. Master Zhiqing had already gone into seclusion before I left the sect. Master is now the elder of the sect."

Ye Xiling said: "Elder? When did the Su Nu Sect establish an elder?"

The content of the exchange between the two seemed to be very commonplace, but the tone of both parties was very indifferent, making everything feel unreal.

They were communicating, and the people next to them couldn't help but hold their breath, for fear that they would start fighting as they talked.

Although Murong Qingxian was very arrogant, she was still able to make fun of others, but these two were very cold.

Murong Qingxian was also curious. Could it be that Lu Yuan liked such a cold girl?

That's not right. I heard that the one from Miao Xuan Sect has a good temper.

Later, they learned about the current situation of the Su Nu Sect from the conversation between the two.

According to what the two people said, when Ye Xiling was still in the sect, the Su Nu Sect had only a few people as Murong Qingxian said before.

Among them were the founder Ye Xinyu, Ye Xiling's master Ye Zhiqing, followed by her and senior sister Ye Yuxuan, and two maids.

But she grew up in a sect, so she usually calls her master Aunt Qing!
What follows is what happened to the Su Nu Sect after Ye Xiling left. Her withdrawal from the sect was also related to the sect's rules.

In terms of details, it is actually similar to the Tomb Sect. The first-generation founder was hurt by a man, and then he prohibited his disciples from accepting male disciples, and they were not allowed to associate with men, etc.

Although Ye Xiling didn't say much, everyone already understood.

Then there are the decades of development of Su Nu Clan.

Normally, the disciples of the Su Nu Sect who can go out to practice are basically the candidates for the next sect leader. Although the Su Nu Sect has not many people, there are still rules.

After Ye Xiling withdrew from the sect, senior sister Ye Yuxuan automatically became the next head of the Su Nu Sect.

Up to now, three generations have passed since Master Ye Muli abdicated, and the current head of the Su Nu Sect is the sixth generation head.

Moreover, the number of members of the Su Nu Sect is increasing from generation to generation. It seems that the current generation of sect masters are no longer satisfied and content in their own corner.

Nowadays, Su Nu Sect has been secretly recruiting outer disciples and preparing to build its own business outside.

It was actually these outer disciples who were harmed by Wang Ruochen's previous plans.

In the past, sects could not go out unless they were candidates for the next sect master, but now this rule has been abolished.

Although she was a direct disciple of the third sect master, the Su Nu Sect at that time was different from what it is now.

At that time, the sect with only a few people could even be said to have a family-like environment.

It's just that times have changed and things are different now.

(End of this chapter)

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