Chapter 154: Meeting a real pervert
At this moment, the afterglow of the setting sun was setting, and a golden gauze was sprinkled on the messy and tattered ground, as if to build momentum for Murong Xue.

Murong Xue stood in everyone's sight, looking extremely handsome in her light black loose clothes.

Moreover, she thought her long hair was in the way before, but she decisively used her sword to cut it into short and medium hair. The hair at the back was tied up with a ribbon, and the hair on both sides fell on the delicate earlobes, fluttering in the wind, and also Revealing a delicate forehead.

Facing this group of warriors whose strength was much higher than hers, looking at her, she was extremely confident and did not show any timidity.

Because she now has confidence.

And she didn't think that her aunt would abandon her in the first place. She probably wanted to temper her, but she was still curious as to why her aunt suddenly ran away, and depending on the situation, she was still chasing the sword fairy "Lone Boat" And go.

The same goes for Fairy Xi Ling, who seems to know Sword Fairy as well. I wonder what the relationship is between them?
There was also a strange movement in the world just now, as if someone was fighting, causing the vitality of the world to be abnormal. I wonder if they are fighting again?

Their behavior looks so weird.

In fact, there are many more when I think of it...

But now is not the time to think about this. Murong Xue glanced around with cold eyebrows, and her cold face actually had a bit of handsomeness. Moreover, the attributes of the Nine Dragons Divine Flame Technique she practiced were very strong and domineering, and the red flame energy in her body was like the sun. So hot.

These can affect temperament. If she were a man, she would probably be more masculine.

Her slender figure and slightly raised face, although handsome, have a feminine temperament.

This temperament resembles that of a woman and that of a man, but the two blend together perfectly.

It's just that her chest muscles are fuller, otherwise Wang Ruochen would be more attractive in men's clothing than before.

"Now the entrance to the Sumeru Divine Realm is in my hands. There are still five days before it disappears. Although there is not much time, this is the top Divine Realm. There are no restrictions. All of you can enter. If you are lucky, you may Will obtain the legendary divine status."

Murong Xue faced everyone and said coldly, with an undoubted domineering tone in her voice.

At this moment, no one dared to refute, everyone seemed to be looking at what conditions she wanted?
Murong Xue did not hesitate and said directly: "I can't guarantee that there will be any little girls here, but I can guarantee that all of you can enter and no one will stop you."

These words are touching.

As we all know, wherever someone is contaminated by the six major forces, there is a high probability that the right to speak about this thing will fall on them.

Any rules are felt by others, and there may even be exclusive scenes.

At this moment, Murong Xue also looked at everyone with a smile and said softly: "Of course, there are still prerequisites for entry, but don't worry, the little girl is kind-hearted and will not embarrass everyone."

"Everyone who enters the Sumeru God Realm can enter at any time as long as they take out Yuan Jing or items of the same value." Murong Xue looked at everyone with a hint of cunning in her eyes, "I believe you won't mind, right?"

"Of course, warriors in different realms have different fees. Among them, warriors in the Xiantian realm only need 8 yuan crystals or items of equivalent value to enter the Sumeru Divine Realm."

"As for warriors in the magical realm, they need 18 yuan crystals or items of equivalent value. As for the Nirvana realm..."

Murong Xue glanced at the top masters with a cold eyebrow, and said slowly: "After all, I am a top master. If I take less, I'm afraid it won't be in line with my position, so I'll just take 88!"

"I'm done talking, who agrees and who opposes?"

Murong Xue's voice was not loud, but everyone could hear it.

Especially the last sentence, not very domineering, but very arrogant...

Some people frowned slightly, and some looked left and right, as if to see if any opposing warriors were coming out.

But the scene became cold, but no one came out to speak. Those people all looked in the direction of the three superpowers.

It was said in the previous article that one million yuan crystals can cultivate a warrior in the Mortal Transformation Realm. It seems that such a small amount of yuan crystals is not of great value.

But I haven’t said how many hundreds this million is. After all, nine hundred is also a hundred.

Moreover, simply using Yuan Jing to practice would be even more unreliable.

To put it bluntly, a warrior with average martial arts qualifications and simple talent may only rely on spiritual objects worth 1000 million yuan crystals to reach the realm of martial arts transformation with difficulty.

This is his upper limit. Some things cannot be accumulated with resources.

And if someone has superb martial arts qualifications, plus terrifying talents, and is suitable for martial arts training, even if they don't need too many resources, they can quickly enter the realm of metamorphosis just by practicing hard.

This is the gap.

Yuanjing may not be much, but it cannot be without. After all, it is the currency among warriors, and it is much stronger than ordinary silver.

8 yuan crystals are a bit high even for Xiantian realm warriors, but they can still be obtained with gritted teeth.

Just see if it’s worth it!

As for 18 yuan crystals, it is neither too high nor too low for a magical warrior. Again, it depends on whether you think it is worth it or not.

After all, you may not even be able to obtain beneficial things in the divine realm.

So they are also looking at what the three superpowers have to say?
Do you follow what the other person said before or do you regret it?
And 88 yuan crystals or something of equivalent value is already considered a huge sum of money. Even if a Nirvana warrior is asked to take it out now, he probably won't be able to get it.

It was Li Mei, the protector of the Hades Sect, who first smiled and said: "Just follow what the little sister wants, anyway, the slave family has no objection!"

This opening is full of charm and makes people think of it!

Mainly she was staring at Murong Xue, his eyes seemed to be looking at her all the time.

Seeing this, Murong Xue almost wanted to leave, but she didn't expect to meet such a pervert.

But this benefit cannot be wasted like this, otherwise the oppression they just suffered will be in vain?
"Amitabha, Murong almsgiver is so kind!"

This time, Zen Ku Master became an enlightened monk, silent and taciturn. Although it was just a Buddha's name, it also represented his meaning.

The master of Yanwu Hall, Xiangtian, also said expressionlessly: "I don't have any objection either!"

Tang Jue, the ancestor of the Sword Sect:...

"We don't mind either."

The three superpowers have surrendered. What else can they say?

But what surprised them even more was that a Martial God Monument had so much power. Then if the master appeared on the stage, would they kneel down?

So lackadaisical?
But then there is another question?

"Um...Miss Murong, we don't have that many multi-crystals on hand right now, let's take a look..."

Someone said in embarrassment.

It's not that they don't have yuan crystals. Although a yuan crystal is not big, not every warrior has space treasures, and they can't carry tens of thousands of yuan crystals with them.

Now it's considered good if you can take out a few hundred yuan at a time.


Murong Xue also reacted. She really hadn't considered this problem. After all, she had a storage tank of space treasures and carried a lot of Yuan Jing with her.

She looked to her side, looking for help.

"Sister Xue'er, can you let them pay on credit?"

Lu Yiling thought of her own experience of taking out a loan to buy a game cabin, and she instantly remembered this.

But considering the different worldviews, I wonder if there is such a transaction method here?
After all, it is easy for warriors to cheat on transactions between warriors, and it may even happen that they borrow money on the front foot and kill the creditor on the back foot.

Murong Xue thought for a while, and it seemed that this was the only way to go at this time. As for whether they would let them cheat, anyway, she would not necessarily go to collect the debt by herself. After all, the Murong family, as big as hers, was just a living wage.
Sure enough, after she said that she could pay on credit, those people screamed in surprise.

Afterwards, a few people started busy putting money in sacks, oh no, they were holding Yuan Jing!
Although they didn't have many Yuan Jings on hand and there were a lot of people present, it was still quite a lot in total.

Of course, there are also those who feel it is not worth it... In the end, most of the warriors entered the Sumeru Divine Realm, but Master Zen Ku did not choose to enter, but left indifferently with his eldest brother Tang Jue.

After the last warrior entered the Sumeru Divine Realm, the scene was completely silent. It was already evening.

From time to time, there are gusts of cold wind in the quiet forest, which makes people's hair stand on end!

However, Murong Xue and the others were looking at the final statistics at this moment, and they almost lost their joy.

At this time, Ximen Chuixue held a piece of white paper and read the data on it:

"There are a total of 880 six Xiantian realm warriors, receivable: 880 million Yuan crystals, actual receipt: 31 Yuan crystals, plus 3000 treasures worth ≈ 850 million Yuan crystals! (An average of [-] Yuan crystals per piece ), total arrears: [-] million."



If all Yuan Jing is counted, it will be at least no less than 1.2 million.

Then this large pile of treasures directly filled Murong Xue's storage jar, making everyone exclaim in surprise:
"It turns out that this is the saying of spending money wisely. I have seen it."

The value of these items can be measured in monetary terms, but they are much more than that.

If Liu Suifeng, a well-informed ranger, were not present, they would not be able to grasp the value of these treasures.

There are many similar treasures, weapons, elixirs, etc...

Murong Xue also relied on this battle to instantly become a millionaire.

Wang Ruochen is used to seeing huge sums of money. After all, they are the best in the world. The wealth they throw out is no less than 5000 million Yuan Jing for those Nirvana warriors. With some treasures, it almost exceeds [-] million. Yes, but in fact some words may be empty promises.

After all, their plan is not really to become the best in the world, they just want to attract people with the first prize.

Fortunately, everyone didn't think anything of it. Seeing that no one was around, they decided to run away.

Don't stay here for long!

Being extremely wealthy, there is no guarantee that those who gave up before will not have other intentions.

So everyone was just happy for a moment, and then carefully prepared to leave the forbidden area.


Same moment!

Within the Tianhe Divine Domain.

A mountainous area tens of thousands of miles away from the forbidden land of the Eternal Abyss.

At the top of a certain mountain, beneath the cliffs, the clouds and mist shrouded the scenery, making it as charming as a fairyland.

At this moment, it happened to be the afterglow of the setting sun. I could see the towering mountains halfway up the mountain. Under the setting sun, pieces of golden gauze appeared. The mountain looked as magnificent as a golden mountain.

Just at this moment, three figures suddenly appeared on the mountain cliff.

They seemed to be integrated with the world, completely natural, without dirt or color.

Standing there, they added to the scene here and formed a beautiful scenery.

Murong Qingxian looked at the surrounding environment, but it was a strange place.

"What are you doing here?"

Ye Xiling, on the other hand, looked thoughtfully at the bottom of the cliff and reminded, "There are traces of formation drive down there."

Murong Qingxian looked at Lu Yuan unexpectedly and said softly: "Hey, does someone have a "friend" here?"

When it comes to the word friend, the tone is even more serious, as if saying this friend in a yin and yang way is not simple.

Lu Yuan rolled his eyes at her. I don't know where this woman learned this. She had never been so eccentric before.

Looking at the beautiful scenery around you is so refreshing!
Lu Yuan said calmly: "This is the place where I originally made medicine. The energy of heaven and earth here is abundant, so it is very suitable for use as a medicine field."

"Then what are you doing here?" Murong Qingxian was puzzled: "Are you going to make an elixir?"

"As long as you have the materials, as Master Wuxin, do you still need to come back here to make alchemy?"

Obviously, they all knew Lu Yuan's identity, so they were not very surprised.

"You'll know when you get down."

Lu Yuan did not answer the question, he just moved his feet and disappeared instantly.

The two women looked at each other and felt that Lu Yuan's aura had not disappeared. Ye Xiling moved her hands and her crystal clear lips moved slightly.


I saw the clouds and mist under the cliff dissipate, revealing formations one after another.

Then the two of them disappeared in place.

If Lu Yiling saw this scene, she would probably burst into tears.

Before, Lu Yuan gave her this position and asked her to jump off the cliff, but she spent a lot of effort to overcome the psychological shadow, and finally succeeded with great difficulty.

Although what she got in the end was an inheritance that made the outside world unable to help but go crazy, if she saw this scene, I'm afraid her heart would still be extremely unbalanced.


At this moment, in the medicine pool!
In the alchemy stone room, Lu Yuan's figure suddenly appeared, but he did not look at the surrounding situation.

And strolled out of the stone room.

Outside, there is a medicine field.

The sky is a bright sky.

As soon as you step into this place, you can feel the fragrance.

There are flowers, plants, and fruit trees.

The crops grown here include not only spiritual grass, but also spiritual trees!
Looking at the medicine field on the ground, some of the soil was still freshly turned over. It turned out that this girl Lu Yiling did it.

But fortunately, she did not destroy it randomly. She planted seeds in all the spiritual grass that she picked, and some of them have even sprouted and taken root.

If the damage was severe, Lu Yuan should consider how to punish her.

At this time, Lu Yuan came to a big peach tree. Peach blossom leaves fell on the ground, looking like a piece of pink sweater.

Moreover, the vitality of heaven and earth here is very strong, because the peach tree itself is a spiritual tree that can gather the vitality of heaven and earth.

Under this tree is a holy place for cultivation.

At this time, Murong Qingxian's voice came from behind Lu Yuan: "Hey, there still seems to be a breath of life here. Could it be that it was stolen?"

"This is?"

Then, Ye Xiling came with a slightly surprised voice.

(End of this chapter)

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