In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 162 The Heavenly Spirit List is Unreal

Chapter 162 The Heavenly Spirit List is Unreal

"Look, there's another one coming back."

"Tsk, you are still sitting in a sedan chair with such a beautiful maid, no wonder you can only return without success!"

“Otherwise, you think it’s easy to find the secret treasure in this mountain?”

"It's a good thing he wasn't killed."

"But these two maids are so pretty, why not..."

"It's better not to cause trouble."

The warriors passing by also discussed it, and they even mocked him unabashedly, as if they were sure that he could only be incompetent and furious.

However, combined with their tone, it can be guessed that some secret treasure has appeared in the Forbidden Land of the Eternal Abyss, which is why so many warriors have appeared.

However, he traveled in a sedan chair, and he was accompanied by two stunning girls. Although he looked like a maid, his face was indeed very delicate and perfect.

The two women, one on the left and one on the right, sat under their mounts.

Coupled with the sense of emptiness and melancholy that comes with him, this kind of outfit really gives people the image of a playboy who goes out to play, follows the trend into the mountains to look for secret treasures, and then returns without success after not daring to go deep!
And at this moment, he was ridiculed by the casual looks of passers-by warriors, but he was also annoyed and angry. He was fanning the fan anxiously on the sedan chair, looking very angry.

Already completely into the drama.

Then, Lingxu patted the armrest of the sedan, glanced coldly at the warriors passing by, and snorted at them: "Ah, they are just a bunch of crooked people. I am not as knowledgeable as you."

Then he fanned the fan in his hand unhurriedly, almost raising his head to the sky. However, his temperament and his words fully conveyed the bullying appearance of some children from big families.

He looked like he was looking at them through his nostrils, looking arrogant and domineering!
On the surface, he does fit the image of some children from big families.

On the side of the road, a clear voice sounded: "Brother, this person is so arrogant. Which family is he from?"

At this time, a brother and sister happened to pass by on the road. They were one of the few faces that did not mock Lingxu, and they were accidentally injured by Lingxu.

Her brother also took a look, but shook his head and said, "I don't know, don't talk nonsense!"

The brother and sister looked to be in their 20s. The man looked good, taciturn, and didn't seem to want to cause trouble.

The younger sister was quite young, with a petite figure, an oval face, two pigtails, and a red whip around her waist. A pair of hazy eyes looked curiously at Lu Yuan.

However, Lu Yuan still noticed the two of them, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, put away the folding fan in his hand, stopped his walking, and then said with a sideways smile: "Hey, what are you two talking about? Are you laughing at me?"

The brother and sister were stunned for a moment. With so many people talking about him on the street, he just shouted, but he didn't expect that Lu Yuan would turn on them the next moment.

"What are you looking at? I'm talking about you two."


At the same time, when Murong Qingxian was still wondering why there were so many warriors here, Lu Yuan patted her buttocks, and the clear and loud sound caught Murong Qingxian off guard.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yuan's voice was heard saying in a somewhat wanton voice: "Go and beat up these two idiots."

I saw Murong Qingxian's beautiful eyes twinkling, and the beast that looked like a mount under her couldn't help but tremble. In fact, they are all ferocious beasts in the forbidden area, but in front of them, no beast can be used. At this moment, it can only be said to be the opponent's mount.

But Murong Qingxian just said calmly: "Master, Madam asked you to avoid causing trouble outside."

"Hey, how dare you disobey me?"

"Don't dare!"

Even though she didn't dare, Murong Qingxian still said calmly: "We are only responsible for protecting your safety and don't care about anything else."

"It's against you."

Master Lingxu glared at her, but seemed to have no power to refute, so he could only speak.

This further confirmed his lack of strength.

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other. Although there was no sound, silence was better than sound at this time.

His brother didn't show his emotions, but his sister was holding back her face till she turned red, and she didn't dare to laugh even if she wanted to.

I didn't expect that this dude couldn't even control the maid around him. This was too bad.

"Hey, no wonder he looks so weak. Even the maid can't hold him down. I wonder which family he is a disciple of?"

"Probably a not-so-famous family!"

"But these two maids are really stunning. I wonder if they were attracted by him...hehe ;-)"

"Looking at how empty he is, he probably won't even be able to stand up."

"Don't you still have hands?"

The taunts from passers-by warriors were quite polite before, but when they saw Lu Yuan's appearance, he really looked like he was strong on the outside but weak on the inside, with only a mouth left. Then the people who just passed by couldn't help but start taunting him again.

Mainly because it was really enviable to see Lu Yuan traveling around the world with two stunning beauties.

But normally it would only be a couple of sentences at most, but seeing him so vain made me even more jealous.


At this moment, Murong Qingxian snorted coldly, exuding a cold aura.

The brother and sister who had just taken two steps also froze for a moment, with a look of shock in their eyes, followed by a look of fear, and their expressions could not help but become solemn.

Because at that moment, the two of them felt a sense of suffocation, as if they would die in the next second.

Not only the two of them, but the people who were mocking him just now were pale, and now they looked even weaker than Lu Yuan.

At that moment, they felt as if they were in a cage, and then watched helplessly as their bodies rotted rapidly, and they died from the erosion.

It felt like a real scene. In just a moment, they felt weak.

They all looked at them, or rather Murong Qingxian, in fear. They didn't expect that a maid could be so powerful. She could crush them to death just by her aura.

At this moment, they didn't dare to move, for fear that the other party would kill them if they were dissatisfied. They felt regretful and didn't know what they were talking about.

"Hahaha...cough cough!"

Lu Yuan laughed even more when he saw this, but as soon as he laughed, he started coughing laboriously.

Then he saw Ye Xiling handing him a pink and white handkerchief to tidy up at the right time.

Handkerchief Shanghai has a faint peach blossom aroma.

The three of them seemed to have a very tacit understanding. In just a short moment, they were already fully involved in the drama, and they didn't even look like they were acting.

At this time, Lu Yuan was also holding Ye Xiling's handkerchief, smelling the fragrance, covering his mouth slightly, and said in a weak voice: "Haha, look at you, you are not even as good as my maid, no... not even as good as this young master. , even if you want to find the secret treasure in the mountains, I think you are just going to die."

He said such arrogant words in the most hypocritical tone, which was in line with everyone's impression of him, but at this moment, no one dared to look directly at him, even if they felt uncomfortable.

I can only pray that what the maid just said is the truth. She is only here to protect the young man with kidney deficiency, not as a thug.

That was just a warning to them, not a real plan to take action against them.

Therefore, no matter how arrogant Lu Yuan was, they did not dare to refute.

In the end, Lu Yuan could only weigh his lips and said: "Boring, they are all a bunch of rubbish!"

Then with a move of his hand and a wave of his fan, the mechanical soldiers carrying the sedan began to move forward.

This action is very arrogant.

It was not until no one could see them anymore that they breathed a sigh of relief on the road.

At this moment, they were sweating profusely, and their hands holding the weapons almost dropped.

It shows how weak they were just now.

Until the voices of Lu Yuan and the others were no longer visible, some people seemed to be pretending to think of their miserable appearance just now.

Someone whispered: "Why are you so arrogant? You're still bullying others with your strength!"

The people on the side also laughed at themselves and said: "You were not like this just now."

"What do you know? What I call strategic waiting!"

"Stop talking, I'm sure people won't hear you. They didn't kill everyone just now, so it's already settled."

"Speaking of which, if the maid is so strong and can only return without success, then if we go to the forbidden area again, won't we be even more blind?"

Many people thought about this issue and suddenly hesitated.

"Let's go, Xiaoyan!"

"Oh" Mo Xiaoyan came to her senses, lowered her head and took a few steps forward. Then she was stunned and said, "Brother, did we go the wrong way?"

Mo Xiaoyan looked around, seemingly confused, why did the brother go back in the direction he was going?
However, her brother Mo Xiaonan raised the sword in his hand, turned his back to her, and said in a humming voice: "People must be self-aware, and when others follow suit, they still have to look at their own strength. Obviously this is not where we can go. It’s a good place, let’s go back!”

I don't know if these words were meant to remind those who made rude remarks before or to laugh at themselves, but this Mo Xiaonan was also free and easy and very conscious.Mo Xiaoyan also followed the other party and said softly: "Then do we want to go back to the sect?"

"Why are you going back? I heard that the Sword Sect will hold a baptism ceremony in the Sword Pond once in a century in the next few days. It's better to go there and try your luck."



The warriors on the road were also moved. They were indeed fascinated by the previous movements.

"It seems that this secret treasure cannot be found. Even if it exists, it is probably not something that we can get."

"And didn't you find a problem?" Someone asked pretending to be mysterious.

"Let the fart go."

"Ahem, actually, I suspect that the mounts under the two maids are probably ferocious beasts, and they are of high grade."

"Listening to what you said, I remembered how I just felt the ferocious aura of a ferocious beast. I thought it was an illusion. That's it."

"I feel the same way. Hey, it's too scary to use a ferocious beast as a mount."

Fierce beasts are different from ordinary wild beasts and monster beasts. Monster beasts can be tamed into pets, but ferocious beasts cannot.

To make a ferocious beast bow its head and obey orders, in addition to being strong, one's own evil aura must also overwhelm the opponent's.

The ferocious beasts are so violent that they would rather be beaten to death than let anyone drive them around.

But the strength of the evil spirit can indeed affect them.

The strength of the evil spirit depends on the number of kills you make. The stronger the evil spirit, the more dead souls the person has on his hands.

In the world of six realms, these beasts have the strongest aura. If they can use their aura to suppress the opponent without showing any trace of violence, then the opponent's strength will be even higher.

So when some people heard this, they began to think that Lu Yuan's previous attitude was actually the best.

"Although the young man with kidney deficiency was a bit arrogant, it also reminded me to forget it and not argue with those fools."

Some people pretend to be generous and no longer miss the secret treasure in the mountains, and return from the original route.

"Tch, a guilty conscience means a guilty conscience, making so many excuses." Some people were disdainful, "This theory of becoming a god, and the secret treasure that can break through the realm of heaven and man, must be available to those who are destined. One more person means one more destiny." , as a warrior, if you are afraid of this or that, why not go home and plant sweet potatoes!"

The man said and continued to move forward.

At this time, everyone has their own reasons. Some people return, while others continue to move forward.

After all, the legend of becoming a god, as well as the rumored secret treasure that can allow people to break through the realm of gods and humans, are all things that can make countless warriors crazy.

Although there is no specific news, the appearance of the Tiandao Spirit List is the best news.


Along the way, people discussed the secret treasure in the mountains from time to time, and the three of them gradually figured out what happened outside while they were immersed in seven days of happiness.

Speaking of this, Murong Qingxian was also speechless: "To be listed on the list in this way is really..."

She even felt embarrassed. Compared to Ye Xiling, she was still not calm enough.

However, she felt that Ye Xiling should not be treated as a normal person, because it was not difficult to find that people from the Su Nu Sect were born with a cold face, and it seemed that nothing could touch their heartstrings.

Although she has only met two disciples of the Su Nu Sect, Ye Muli and Ye Xiling, one can still explain it and the other one is the same. They are definitely from the same origin.

Even though she had seen the contrasting side of Ye Xiling in the room, he returned to his original self as soon as he left the bed. Even if she tentatively mentioned the secrets in the room, he was indifferent.

Now they already know that this so-called secret treasure in the mountain is probably because the two of them made breakthroughs at about the same time, and both of them were on the Tiandao Spiritual List, which is incredible.

Everyone thinks there is some secret treasure in this mountain.

If it were just that, it should be impossible to cause such a follow-up incident.

After all, the realm of martial arts in the Heavenly Realm is still too far away from low-level warriors like them. Even if they really get this secret treasure, they can't grasp it.

Secret treasures can only be regarded as condiments.

At this time, Murong Qingxian regained her composure, with a smile on her cherry-red lips: "I didn't expect that Xiong Da would be the first to obtain the divine position. It's really surprising."

"I wonder what this god is?"

Lu Yuan didn't know what it was. He looked at the newspaper in his hand. They just "took" it from a child. The other party gave it to him voluntarily. It was not considered a robbery -

The content on the paper has the format of a modern newspaper. It lists the major events in the Tianhe God Territory in the past seven days.

This is the latest issue, and the first poster above is what appears on the Five Heavenly Dao Spiritual List.

Anyone who understands knows that this blackboard newspaper will generally exist for four weeks, or even more, mainly depending on the time it was listed.

This one is actually a blackboard newspaper that is not changed frequently, while the others are changed once a week.

The sources of these five Heavenly Dao Spiritual Lists were clearly those of Murong Xue and Ye Muli, and the other two were those of Ye Xiling and Murong Qingxian.

At that time, they didn't know that they were on the list.

Lu Yuan took the newspaper and chuckled: "Isn't this pretty good? No. 1 in martial arts."

"Hey, shouldn't you worry about Xiong Da first?" Murong Qingxian glared at him and said dissatisfied.

No. 1 in martial arts, this thing is a hot potato and she doesn’t want it.


At this time, Murong Qingxian felt something was wrong, and the way she looked at Lu Yuan changed.

A pair of beautiful eyes full of doubts: "I am the No. 1 in martial arts, what about you?"

"With your strength, can I be the No. 1 in martial arts? Are you sure this list is not a joke?"

For the first time, she had doubts about this list and its authenticity.

"What kind of strength do I have, cough..." Lu Yuan skillfully held the pink and white handkerchief to his mouth, looking weak.

"Is this what I call powerful?"

Murong Qingxian couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, and didn't say much, just let him pretend, but she also saw the incident about her little princess.

Then his eyes narrowed involuntarily, and he said calmly: "The methods of these scumbags are still the same as before."

"Aren't you worried?"

Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows. She thought Murong Qingxian would leave after seeing this.

After all, it was said in the newspapers that Murong Xue and his gang were being hunted by people from all walks of life because they had a huge sum of money. The latest news that she appeared was that she had left the forbidden area three days ago.

"She is not weak now." Murong Qingxian said lightly.

Of course they were worried, but now that Murong Xue was starting to mature, they couldn't keep each other in the cold under the big tree.

Moreover, the Murong family is not vegetarian, but now the Murong family only declares that some people should be at ease and not bully the small ones.

No one was sent out to rescue.

"A person who is less than 20 years old in the magical realm is indeed very powerful."

Ye Xiling also rarely said a word. Apparently, even she thought this speed of cultivation was magical.

"I'm afraid there will be many talented warriors who will reach this level at this age in the future!"

Lu Yuan said with a half-smile.

"No matter how talented you are, there can be someone better than you."

Murong Qingxian was noncommittal. She felt that if Lu Yuan was a genius, then people like them might not even be considered geniuses.

Having said this, she still couldn't help but say: "You really don't care about Xiong Da? After all, that was the first time that the legendary god appeared. I don't know how many strong people want to see it. I'm afraid even those who have lived in seclusion for a long time will also appear.”

"Although Xiong Da's current strength is good, I'm afraid he won't be able to withstand those people."

"Ahem..." Lu Yuan coughed lightly again, and then pondered for a moment, with a hint of melancholy and morbidity in his expression.

Murong Qingxian didn't want to see him like this. She didn't know whether this guy really had a problem or was just pretending.

It simply shows the emptiness, morbidity, and melancholy of a man.

It doesn't even look like it was staged.

"This is…?"

Suddenly, the two of them saw Lu Yuan suddenly take out a spiritual map, and they could feel that this map contained a magical power.

 I have to be more disciplined, brothers, remember my words
(End of this chapter)

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