Chapter 168 The Walking Treasure Map
Sword Sect's Sword Pool Baptism Conference is one of the Sword Sect's heritage.

The predecessor of the original Sword Pool was actually the Sword Tomb of Sword Sect disciples, where countless swords of Sword Sect disciples from past dynasties were buried.

Of course, the sword is definitely not in perfect condition. After all, this is a place where swords are discarded, and swords that are no longer needed are discarded here.

But over the course of thousands of years, the broken swords in these sword tombs gradually gathered a mysterious power.

It may also be due to other reasons. This power made the Sword Tomb a sacred sword pool of the Sword Sect. This sword pool contains a magical energy.

Later, Jian Zong discovered this anomaly and did not expect to obtain such a treasure land by accident. They tried it. When this phenomenon appeared, when people entered this place, they could absorb the mysterious energy and turn it into martial arts cultivation and enhance their strength.

Moreover, the lower the martial arts cultivation level of those who enter the sword pool, the better. Not only will their cultivation level improve, but they may even comprehend the meaning of the sword.

This sword pool phenomenon actually appears randomly at any time between 50 and 100 years, and there is a phenomenon before it appears!
So under normal circumstances, this place is pretty much the same as before, just an ordinary sword tomb.

The Sword Sect did something stupid once before. A certain generation of Sword Sect leader sealed the sword tomb, saying that such a holy place was a blessing to the Sword Sect and should not be ruined at will.

He felt that it was not good for so many disciples to abandon these broken swords here, so he sealed the tomb.

At that time, Jianchi had been around for 200 years, and the baptism of Jianchi had already happened three times. Each baptism brought forth numerous talents from the Sword Sect!
It was also because of the emergence of this sword pool that the selection time for the candidate sect leader of the Sword Sect was set at this time.

For example, when this sword pool appears, it will be the day when the candidate leader of the Sword Sect is selected!

Because the number of people the sword pool can accommodate is limited, not everyone can enjoy the baptism in the sword pool.

In addition, the effect of entering the younger generation will be greater, so the candidates who enter also need to be selected, and then based on their potential after being baptized in Jianchi, the candidate with the best performance will be selected as the candidate for the Sword Sect leader.

At that time, the top of the Six Realms World was only the Grand Master realm, and it was still in its early stages, and there were not even a few people who could break through.

Therefore, generally the leader, leader, or sect leader of such a large power needs at least the support of the extreme realm of transformation and above.

The younger generation at that time was actually a genius among the younger generation if they could open up and condense the nine innate meridians under twenty!

At that time, the Sword Sect leader who could be called the "Wolong" was the first person to take office after the election of the leader. He had been a candidate for the leader for ten years, and it took him ten years to reach the ultimate state of transformation. At a high level, he is also a genius in the world.

When he reached this level, he automatically took over the position of sect leader, and his first suggestion was to seal and protect the Sword Pond Holy Land.

Not many people agreed with his proposal at first, but later on, I don't know how he convinced the elders and ancestors of the Sword Sect to agree with him.

They feel that if they carefully maintain this place, maybe the effect of Jianchi Baptism will be even better in a few decades, and the number of people may even increase.

In this way, 58 years have passed, and the sword pool is opened again, but this time the vision of the sword pool shows little movement, but it is shocking...

Not only was the effect extremely poor, the number of people accommodated was also reduced!
Therefore, there were not many outstanding figures among the Sword Sect disciples of that generation.

That time, the sect leader was not only demoted from his position, but I heard he was also punished to watch the gate until he died!
Rated as the worst sect leader ever!
Of course, some people don't think he is miserable. After all, he has been a sect master for decades before this, and he has been very prestigious. What else has he not enjoyed in these decades?
Later, the sword tomb was restored to its original state, and 50 years later it regained its original glory.

Later, some people also suggested that the more swords the disciples throw away, the better the effect of the sword pool will be?

Although there are lessons learned from the past, there are still many people who think this way, but only if someone can take responsibility.

Later someone suggested that we could try it step by step instead of just cutting it off like that time.

Later, this method was verified to be OK, but it does not have an improvement effect just by throwing a sword into it.

As for the quality, the higher the better, and it must be used. The longer it is used, the better the effect of sword pool baptism will be.

These are all confirmed step by step by Jian Zong, and this is how powerful Jian Zong is now.

From then on, the Jianchi Baptism Holy Land of the Jianzong is also famous all over the world. I don’t know when the Jianzong began to show the Jianchi Holy Land to the outside world and open some places to the outside world!
However, the selection criteria for open quotas are very strict, and the quotas are not free. Not only are there age restrictions, but a certain fee is also required.

This is very unfriendly to casual warriors, but this is the way the world is.

So most people come here just to try their luck.

Of course, this does not prevent the Sword Sect's Sword Pool Baptism Conference from being extremely popular, and most people will still choose to come here to watch the excitement.

Therefore, the Jianchi Baptism Conference is not only an important way for Jianzong disciples to improve their strength and talent, but also a stage for Jianzong to display its strength.

Every disciple who can enter the sword pool for baptism is the hope of the future of the sword sect and the capital of the sword sect's power in the world.


The west gate of the main city of Qinglong.

The straight Qinglong West Street is bustling with traffic and people. There are many shops on both sides of the street, including restaurants, tea shops, pawn shops, banks and other shops.

The streets are wide and clean, and the road paved with bluestones is as smooth as a mirror. Tall willow trees are planted on both sides. The breeze blows, and the willow branches sway and dance with the wind.

On the street, the sounds of hawking, bargaining, children's play, the sound of horse hooves, and the sound of wheels are all intertwined, making it very lively.

In front of the shops on both sides of the street, there is a dazzling array of products of all kinds.

From time to time, wealthy businessmen in colorful clothes, sitting on sedan chairs and accompanied by their servants, shuttle between the shops to buy various goods.

On the wide road, a luxurious and spacious chariot attracted the surprised eyes of many passers-by.

"Hey, isn't that Boss Zhang from a restaurant?"

Some people saw Zhang Henshui actually playing the role of driver on the car, and they were very surprised and discussed in a low voice:

"Who is sitting in the car? Boss Zhang can only be the driver?"

"Wait, what did I see?"

"Watch...the Lawful Guards?"

"Oh my God, are these Order guards acting as guards? Are they fake?"

"Hahaha, this must be fake..."

No one could believe this scene. Behind the chariot were twelve lawful guards, following behind the chariot like a bodyguard.

The people on the street are basically warriors, so they all understand the basic principles of lawful guarding, and there is no way they can be enslaved by anyone.

It is rumored that the top power in the world, Tianhou Palace, is best at using methods to confuse people. Even some strong people will become their slaves sooner or later if they are accidentally charmed by them.

I heard that this force once had thoughts about these lawful guards, so they tried to charm them, but in the end they were backlashed. Not long after, they fell into endless desire, and then the essence of their bodies dissipated, and their true spirits perished, and finally Die in endless desire.

I heard it looked miserable.

In the past 30 years, I don’t know how many forces have had this idea. After all, it is a free powerful fighter, who doesn’t like it!
Therefore, they felt that the scene before them was fake.

"It must be fake. He probably pretended to be a law guard on purpose. I wonder if he will be caught if he does this?"

"Hey, what if I get a statue of a law guard at home as a door god?"

"Are you really a genius?"

The idea is good, but it has no practical use.

The strength of the lawful ones does not lie in their appearance, but when they perform tasks, the aura they exude is no weaker than those of warriors in the same realm.

Some people's eyes lit up when they saw it, "It's so cool to travel like this. I wonder which influence it belongs to?"

"Boss Zhang is already a coachman, who else can he be? I just don't know who is in the car?"


Zhang Henshui actually arranged everything in the car very carefully. Considering that the master needed someone to take care of him, he had already arranged everything in the morning.

Now, in addition to the three Lu Yuan people, there are also three young maids in the car. Although they are all ordinary people, they can be regarded as outstanding in appearance.

These three maids are all acquaintances, they are the same group who served him yesterday. Lao Zhang must have carefully selected them. He felt that there was nothing wrong with his approach and it was perfect.

He didn't even sleep last night, and spent the whole night looking up all the preferences and habits of Master Lingxu in Tianji Pavilion.

Although there are few records about Lingxu in Tianji Pavilion, they are all important.Among the achievements:

The maker of the sixth floor of Tianji Pavilion!
A genius spiritual master who understands the nine secret arts!
The man who led Tianji Pavilion to the top!

A walking treasure map!


Tianjige personal profile evaluation:
"Master Lingxu has a unique personality. He looks weak on the surface and seems to need people to serve him. But don't be fooled by his appearance. This guy is very strong, but he seems to want to cover himself up with his love for beautiful women. It doesn’t work…”

Then Zhang Henshui looked at Master Lingxu's life story in Tianji Pavilion and came to a conclusion:
The master enjoys life very much. Every time he goes out, he must have a maid by his side to take care of him. He never makes an exception!
He didn't know if the guru could do it, but when the guru appeared here this time, he did bring two maids with him.

It fits the description of the guru’s life and deeds very well.

However, Lao Zhang felt that the two maids of the master were too aloof. Although they seemed to live with the master, he did not see how they served him. The maids did not look like maids.

Sure enough, the master was still too soft-hearted towards beautiful women.

So he changed his hands and took out three people from the previous group of people who had served him.

One of them is Xiaoqian, who is slim and good at dancing; the other is Xiaolan, who is elegant, good at various musical instruments and very artistic; and the other is Xiaoju, who is fair-skinned, sweet-looking and very good at dancing. Serve people!

Although they are not as exquisite and peerless in appearance as Murong Qingxian and others, they are already rosy and charming among ordinary people.

And this girl is the lucky one who was instilled with cultivation by Lu Yuan and entered the martial arts.

When he came out of the restaurant and got into the car, Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment when he saw them, and then gave Lao Zhang a thumbs up.
The one who knows me is Lao Zhang!
In fact, his behavior was not intentional. It can only be said that there are some flaws in the character's character. It can also be said that he just likes this and likes all beautiful things.

Although the accompanying "maids" from the main palace were slightly dissatisfied, they heard from Lu Yuan that this was a character flaw in the character he was playing.

If there is no forced control, the behavior will be like this.

Lu Yuan can naturally suppress these defects, but why suppress them?
The car is equipped with everything, beauties, fine wines, fresh fruits and vegetables. In this situation, spending a warm spring night in the hibiscus tent is nothing more than this!


Zhang Henshui was sitting in the coachman's seat, selectively ignoring the discussions on the road. Instead, he lowered his head slightly and looked at the moist thing on his hand, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raise slightly.

A thumb-sized piece of amethyst spiritual essence!

This was something that suddenly appeared in his hand not long ago.

He was startled just now, thinking that he, a powerful martial artist in the magical power realm, was hallucinating.

Looking back, it turned out to be a piece of eighth-grade amethyst spiritual essence about the size of a thumb.

There are many types of spiritual marrow. For example, high-quality white milk spiritual marrow has the effect of improving cultivation. This is the most obvious effect.

But the role of spiritual essence is not limited to this.

The best effect of amethyst spiritual essence is that it can cultivate spiritual power and slightly improve spiritual consciousness.

This thing is also a treasure for magical warriors.

I didn't expect that my trivial arrangement would lead to such a reward. It was indeed an unexpected surprise.

At this time, the chariot has arrived at the end of Qinglong West Street at the city gate, which is the city gate in the XC area. The city gate is engraved with a green dragon pattern, which was also made by the original Heavenly Court.

The blue dragon pattern is carved lifelike and majestic, as if every hair is carved with meticulous detail. The green dragon's expression is vivid and its eyes are bright, showing its great power and brutality.

Yes, barbaric…

Lu Yuan carved this image based on a dragon and strange beast he knew, because it was the only one that more closely matched his imagination of a dragon-shaped creature, rather than a snake-like creature.

And that dragon beast is full of savagery.

There are decorative patterns surrounding the green dragon pattern. The flowers are luxuriant and the branches and leaves are entwined, just like a blue dragon coming to the world!
But just as the chariot was preparing to leave the city, a burst of noise suddenly came from the road on the left:

"Please give way to the rich man in front. There are many people in our sect. There may be friction when entering and leaving the city gate. Please don't take offense to this rich man."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a group of warriors riding horses in Wuyangyang. The team was uneven, and there was a green flag propped up in the middle. The flag was fluttering and printed with three thick words:

——Huashan School
"Huashan Sect, what kind of small sect?" Zhang Henshui frowned when he saw this while driving.

"So many people? What are they going to do?"

However, at this time, the city gate had been occupied by these warriors who suddenly appeared, and the city gate several meters wide was suddenly overwhelmed by this group of disciples of the Huashan Sect.

The road was crowded with people, it looked like there were at least a thousand people.

At this moment, a cold and stern voice came from another road:

"Everyone, don't let the people from the Huashan Sect get the upper hand. All the disciples of the Sun Moon Sect should rush out."

"By the way, let's not start a fight in the city just yet."

At the end, he even added that when Zhang Henshui heard the previous words, he thought they were going to fight among gangs. He didn't know what they were fighting about?
Similarly, the number of disciples of the Sun Moon God Sect is about the same as that of the Huashan Sect, and all of them are ordinary horses!

Lao Zhang looked at the crowd in front of him, and it seemed that as long as Master Lingxu asked him to take action, he would not hesitate to take action to clear the way.

Although there are many warriors in front of you, they are not as high as the Xiantian realm!

With his strength, he can easily suppress these people.

Lu Yuan's plain voice came from the car: "Where is the meeting place agreed with your master?"

Lao Zhang was puzzled, but he still nodded and said: "Just a hundred miles away from the city, there is Luojiao Pavilion Lake. Master and the others are waiting there."

"That's not far, let's wait for now."

In the car, Lu Yuan was half-lying on the couch. His face was pale and his white clothes were messy, revealing a large area of ​​his collarbone. He was as white as snow and looked unkempt and pale!
The maid Xiao Ju, who was kneeling in front of his chest but only an elbow away, was peeling grape skins for him, her movements were gentle and delicate, and she secretly looked at Lu Yuan from time to time.

She felt that the young master in front of her was very different from the ones she had seen before, and she didn't know why. She felt that if the young master dressed up as a woman, he would definitely look good, and his skin would be more delicate and fairer than hers.

Lu Yuan didn't know what the little maid was thinking, or else he wouldn't know how to feel.

Just when he heard about the Huashan Sect and the Sun Moon God Sect, he already knew that these people must be created by the players.

And if a local tycoon is better than a local tycoon, only players would say this.

Here, they are all called big households!

A few minutes later, the west city gate became clearer. At this time, Lao Zhang seemed to be communicating with someone.

The other party's voice was a little rough, but also very sensible: "It turns out it's Boss Zhang. I'm really sorry for disturbing you."

"It turned out to be Mr. Yue. We haven't seen each other for a few days, but Mr. Yue has become the head of Mr. Yue?" Zhang Henshui seemed to know him, but he also looked at him with some confusion.

Their Tianji Pavilion is the head of intelligence. It's so embarrassing that he didn't know about the Huashan Sect's appearance here.

"It's just a compliment from friends!" Yue Junzi was modest. Obviously he also knew that Zhang Henshui had a good background and wanted to make friends with him: "What happened just now happened suddenly and delayed Boss Zhang's time. Next time Yue will definitely go to the restaurant. Give Boss Zhang some trouble."

"Humph, Lao Yue, you are not the real Yue Buqun, why are you pretending!"

At this time, another voice sounded, obviously knowing that Mr. Yue was not such a character, and at the same time he also said to Lao Zhang: "I am not the director of the Sun Moon God Sect. What I just did was very offending, and I hope Boss Zhang will forgive me. "

"Easy to say!" Lao Zhang subconsciously entered into the businessman's thinking. After all, having many friends would be of no harm to him.

Moreover, the other party's straightforward personality really suits him.

However, thinking of his current responsibilities, he immediately said coldly:
"Well, you two don't know what's so important in such a hurry?"

The two people were shocked, wondering why Zhang Henshui, who was still smiling just now, suddenly changed so quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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