In this online game world, I suppressed it for sixty years

Chapter 174 The familiar feeling of Jian Zong, Zhang is here

Chapter 174 The familiar feeling of Jian Zong is back

The Tianhe Divine Region is a place where martial arts flourish today, and the number of warriors here is much higher than in other regions.

Various forces are everywhere here, so the world here is full of atmosphere and the people are simple!
Therefore, the Tianhe Divine Territory presents a situation of one super and many powerful ones. Of course, if it was in the past when the Heavenly Court was still there, this would not be the case.

After the dissolution of Tianting, the super power of Yanwu Hall once again became a popular force in the Tianhe Divine Region.

It can also be understood that it is the super.

As for Duoqiang, there are only four strong forces, among which Tianji Pavilion and Tianhou Palace are the four strong forces here.

The forces of the top four are basically inherited. For example, Tianji Pavilion has been inherited for thousands of years, and Tianhou Palace is similar.

It is said that the founder of Tianhou Palace was created by a dynasty concubine. Her experience was somewhat similar to that of Wu Mei in this world. Both of them were emperors.

The difference is that she managed that dynasty very well, with civil and military skills. I heard that it was a super dynasty of that era, and it was also a dominant force that dominated one side.

The force she founded later has been passed down, but the dynasty has had its ups and downs, and I don't know if it is still there today.

Up to now, the power of Tianhou Temple is not weak. The core practice of Tianhou Temple is a magical charm skill: "Yinshao Baodian"

It enables the cultivator to obtain a special charm power, which not only improves the cultivator's charm, but also confuses the enemy's mind.

The female disciples of Tianhou Palace are all very beautiful, and all of them are masters of charm.

I heard that those who practice this skill may even develop a special skill: the Yinsha spiritual body.

The Yinsha Spirit Body is a special physique. It is said that after mastering this body, it can ignore the mental attacks of strong people in the same realm. It can also give the practitioner a charm like a succubus, and can even control people's hearts and drive people into madness. of infatuation.

There is a saying in the world that everyone is afraid of the beauties in Thean Hou Palace, but everyone yearns for life in Thean Hou Palace.

This statement makes no distinction between men and women.

This thing is so powerful that both men and women can kill it.

Of course, it is easy to get rid of this charm. The prerequisite is that you are mentally stronger than the opponent.

It's a pity that there is a spiritual casting method in the Yinshao Book called the "Shen Yang Chapter". After practicing it, the spiritual power is much stronger than that of warriors in the same realm.

It’s just that this skill is very difficult to get started with.

Therefore, a seemingly evil force like Tianhou Palace can gain a foothold in the world mainly because it is strong enough.

Even if the Yanwu Hall wants to deal with them, it still needs to consider the losses and consequences.

Tianhou Temple not only recruits female disciples, but also male disciples, but the conditions are higher than those for women.

It can be said that you can say that the disciples of Tianhou Palace are not strong enough, but they are absolutely confident in their own charm and appearance.

Most people will naturally not touch this brow.

The graves of people who do this are now covered with grass. Maybe their graves have been dug up...

And now, someone actually calls herself "aunt" in front of them?
Fang Shu was furious all of a sudden.


She slapped her palm on the stone table of the pavilion, and the loud applause was like thunder, "I will tear your dog mouth apart."

She jumped with a startled voice, her figure was like a crescent moon, bright and evil, and with a chilling aura, she attacked the unlikeable car.

Her movements were not too fast, and everyone present, including the owner of Yanyu Tower, Xie Wanru, could stop her movements in advance.

However, Xie Wanru looked at the man in the car. His wanton behavior and emptiness on his face were very consistent with the words and deeds of Master Lingxu recorded in Tianji Pavilion.

If he is truly the master of Lingxu, then she certainly doesn't need to worry about him.

So Xie Wanru had no intention of taking action.

Yue Hu only frowned, with a hesitant look on his bright and snow-white face.

She was naturally not worried that Lingxu would be hit by Fang Shu, she was just hesitating whether to take action.

However, she knew that many disciples of Yanyu Tower did not really approve of the sudden appearance of Master Lingxu.

So if she takes action, it will be detrimental to the guru.

But she was just overthinking it, and Lu Yuan didn't want to act based on the faces of these people.

Of course, facing the opponent's attack, he even felt that he was being underestimated.

He couldn't help but yawned and hissed: "Didn't I say I've been waiting for a long time? If you don't leave, I'll leave first!"

He waved his hand, and the mini-soldiers below began to move around.

Lu Yuan's ignoring attitude also completely angered Fang Shu. She shouted: "You arrogant child, how dare you ignore me and seek death."

Her hands were as smooth as jade, and turned into a strong wind. Her movements were as fast as thunder. In her opinion, this blow was enough to kill the opponent!

Even when she was ten meters away, Master Lingxu still ignored her, which was extremely disgusting.

However, just when she thought her attack could hit the spiritual master,

A chaotic and disorderly sword intent burst out, pointing directly at Fang Shu.

When Fang Shu sensed this power, she was startled and quickly retracted her attack. However, the sword intent arrived in an instant, and her figure was still scratched by the sword intent. Her heart was shattered, and she fell back and hit the pillar of the pavilion.

Drops of blood and tears fell from the corners of her soft, full red lips.

In the shocked eyes of everyone, Fang Shu stood up with difficulty, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

But her eyes were not looking at Lu Yuan, but at the man next to the car who had his head lowered and his clothes were still in tatters.

"This sword intention?"

Xie Wanru was meditating slightly in the pavilion. She felt that the sword intention just now seemed a bit familiar?

The sword intention is intangible, more like a spiritual consciousness.

It just so happened that their beauty skills in the Tianhou Palace were very controlled by their spiritual consciousness.

This is a well-known thing, but to develop a technique specifically for this charming skill, it is a bit more gain than loss.

Let's not talk about whether it can be created. Even if it can be created, there are so many martial arts in the world, and it would be a bit too extreme to just learn the method of restraining this one.

Moreover, it is not easy to improve spiritual consciousness. There are not many techniques in this world that can condense and enhance spiritual consciousness, let alone find ways to restrain it.

It's just that the success of Tianhou Palace's technique is that they can use part of their own spiritual consciousness, and their weaknesses are also obvious. The other party's spiritual consciousness is stronger than yours. Not only can you not charm the other party, you may even suffer backlash...

Today, there are also a few forces who have moves to restrain the Tianhou Temple technique, but it is also extremely difficult.

Moves such as Sword Intent are all executed using the power of one's own spiritual consciousness.

It's just that there are very few people who can understand this kind of intention.

And now, she encountered it.

The opponent's sword intent was very powerful. Just the moment of contact, endless fear arose in Fang Shu's heart.

It's a feeling of innate restraint.

Of course, the main reason was that she was not as strong as the other party, but in this case, she had to give in, and Fang Shu had already guessed about this person.

The other party only forced her to stop, but did not kill her. Obviously, he let her go.Under normal circumstances, she should leave here first. If the other party doesn't stop them, it means they don't care much about them. Although it seems a bit ironic to look at it this way, at least her life is saved.

She saw that Master Lingxu didn't seem to care about the situation on their side, as if he really didn't care about them. Under this situation, she would not be in too much trouble if she left with her disciples now.

However, Fang Shu still stared closely at the man who looked ragged and had messy hair, but had an unusually different temperament behind him. He was sitting on a horse, following closely behind the unlikeable car.

Finally, she couldn't help but say: "May I ask if the person who just made the move was a sword-crazy senior from the Sword Sect?"

"Since you have already guessed it, why do you need to ask more?" Gu Jian shook his head and said in a deep voice: "If it weren't for the fact that you also wanted to go to my sect's holy land to observe the ceremony, you would have died just now."

"Since you dare to attack my friend, have you thought about how to die?"

At this moment, the sword intent on Gu Jian's body was condensing.

"It is indeed the Discord Sword Intent!"

In the pavilion, when Xie Wanru saw this scene, what she was thinking in her heart was immediately confirmed.

The most important thing is that Gu Jian, known as Gu Madman in the world, is no longer crazy?

Looking at Fang Shu again, she wiped away the bloodshot eyes at the corner of her mouth. After getting the answer in her heart, she felt a sudden change in her heart.

Then, a helpless smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. She stood there. Although she didn't move, her plump figure still had a sense of charm unintentionally, like a blooming peony, bright and moving.

"Congratulations to Senior Jian Chi for getting rid of madness." Fang Shu seemed to have accepted her fate. She said in a neither humble nor condescending manner, "I was impulsive just now. Please forgive me, Senior. If Senior wants to kill or cut into pieces, just come to me. They All innocent."

People in the world claimed that Jian Chi was suffering from madness. Although it was only spread casually, it spread a lot. The Jian Zong himself said the same in publicity.

She seemed to have accepted her fate, but Gu Jian just shook his head and said, "Wouldn't it be a bad attitude earlier? Of course I won't kill and chop you, but it depends on my friend's wishes."

For these bosses, whether the other party is afraid or fearful or whether they are truly repentant can be felt through the power of heaven and earth.

Although she wasn't very emotional, Fang Shu obviously didn't have the means to hide her emotions.

She did feel that she was reckless, but she was also angry at the time. This situation is normal in the world.

In addition, she also wanted to test the authenticity of this master Lingxu, but in the end she couldn't help but have murderous intentions. This is the serious part.

However, she had heard about the character of Jian Chi Gu Jian. Although she didn't know whether it would be the same after the madness became normal, she could only give it a try.

The meaning of Gu Jian's words is very obvious. Whether he kills or not is decided by the pretty boy who looks like he has a weak kidney.

Although I don’t know why Jian Chi attaches so much importance to each other, is it possible that Jian Zong plans to have some important cooperation with Tianji Pavilion?
Fang Shu bit her lip, and finally said loudly: "Master, just now the slave family was reckless and bumped into the master. Please forgive us this time, regardless of the villain's fault."

Fang Shu lowered her head slightly and saluted, her voice delicate and her posture respectful.

She really didn't use the charm power in her body this time. After all, everyone present was not a fool. Using the charm power was tantamount to running naked in front of everyone...

But even so, her delicate voice is as graceful as a melodious sound, which makes people ecstasy when listening to it.

Even Xie Wanru, who was in the pavilion, couldn't help but look sideways after listening to Fang Shu's words, her beautiful eyes moving with a hint of surprise.

This was the first time she had seen this woman behave like this, and it was really worth it.

For a moment, Fang Shu didn't hear a reply. She looked up slightly and saw that the other party didn't care about her apology and just ignored her.

At this moment, Gu Jian also shook his head slightly, the sword intent on his body was still condensing, and it seemed that a killing blow would erupt in the next moment.

Fang Shu felt a chill in her heart. At this moment, she couldn't help but frowning, with a trace of hazy tears in her eyes, and prayed: "Just now, the slave family had no eyesight and could not see the true face of the master. Now when I see it, I just feel that it is so shocking that no one dares to Blasphemy. He really is a heavenly being..."

“Don’t praise me if you don’t want to praise me…”

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yuan's unhurried voice came, and he didn't know what it meant.

Fang Shu, however, felt happy in her heart. She couldn't help but close her long, round legs, and her expression relaxed.

Because the sword intention in Jian Chi's body has disappeared, which means that the other party's words just now can be regarded as sparing her!

Fang Shu breathed a sigh of relief, but still quickly thanked him: "Thank you, Senior Jianchi, and thank you Master Lingxu."

Not only did she speak, but the disciples she brought also spoke together. Her voice was like a lark singing, which made everyone feel soft.

At this time, Xie Wanru slowly came out of the pavilion, carrying a gust of fragrant wind. When passing by Fang Shu, she said lightly: "Elder Fang, how are you? You are so sexy..."

Then he rushed towards Lu Yuan, his figure was like a swallow, and shouted: "Master, wait for me..."


Fang Shu looked at Xie Wanru's coquettish back and couldn't help but spat.

However, she also followed suit and did not choose to take another path.


Time turned and after passing through the conveyor belt, Lu Yuan and others arrived at the Jianzong station.

Hanging Sword Mountains!

There is a sword-shaped mountain at the highest peak of this mountain. From the outside, it looks like a mountain sword suspended above the mountain.

I heard that one of the secret arts of Jianzong, Wanjian Chaozong, was learned here.

This is also the base camp of Jianzong. Except for the entrance directly in the direction, the rest of the place is surrounded by steep mountains.


longevity domain.

Under the Xuanjian Mountains.

The main entrance of Jianzong.

Because of the Jianchi baptism meeting, Jianzong has been very lively recently. People are coming and going at the foot of the mountain, and there are even cries.

Sure enough, as long as there are many people, the transaction will not be terminated.

It is normal for normal people to travel, even if they are riding a mount.

But if your car is weird enough and eye-catching enough, it will definitely attract a lot of attention.

The key is that there are many people in Jian Zong now, especially at the foot of the mountain, where tens of thousands of warriors come and go. Most of these people are not qualified to enter Jian Zong.

It can only be seen outside for a long time.

But this does not affect their attitude towards coming.

But then they saw a strange car, and the scene above was even more stunning.

It makes people say that they have learned a lot.

"Let me go, you are a talented person!"

This exclamation made Murong Qingxian turn his head.

She was glad in her heart that she was not sitting on it. Otherwise, she felt that it was best not to expose her identity in that scene, otherwise this scene would definitely be laughed at by some people for the rest of her life.

She turned her delicate little face tightly to one side...

She can't afford to lose this person!
(End of this chapter)

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